Robert F Kennedy Jr - Democrat Presidential Candidate

It appears RFK JR is going to be on the ballot in multiple states. Just how many is TBD.

Wonder how many votes he will pick up and if it will be more from dems or pubs.
Odd choice. Can't see that helping him at all. He is now pretty much irrelevant, if he wasn't already.

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Wait wait wait wait.

American values paying directly for ballot access for a candidate is explicitly illegal. They are a super pac. They cannot do this. At every turn they have flaunted the law.

He is literally in the process of breaking all the ****ing rules.

Holeeeeeeee shit.

RFK Jr. Reveals Petition to Have Snowden Pardoned​

As part of his statement, Mr. Kennedy also unveiled a petition calling for at least 300,000 signatures to help pressure the Biden administration to act and pardon Mr. Snowden for his actions, so he can return “unfettered to the United States.”

“Prior to Edward Snowden, nobody knew the intelligence agencies were illegally mining all of our data and spying on American citizens,” Mr. Kennedy said.
“So it’s not surprising that those same intelligence agencies are now trying to portray Snowden as a criminal and that captive politicians are supporting that narrative,” he added.

“This isn’t the Soviet Union. The America I love doesn’t imprison dissidents. Our founders put free speech as the First Amendment because all our other rights depend on it. If you give a government license to silence its critics, it now has license for any atrocity.”

RFK Jr. Reveals Petition to Have Snowden Pardoned​

As part of his statement, Mr. Kennedy also unveiled a petition calling for at least 300,000 signatures to help pressure the Biden administration to act and pardon Mr. Snowden for his actions, so he can return “unfettered to the United States.”

“This isn’t the Soviet Union. The America I love doesn’t imprison dissidents. Our founders put free speech as the First Amendment because all our other rights depend on it. If you give a government license to silence its critics, it now has license for any atrocity.”
I'd have considerably more respect for Snowden if he hadn't fled to Russia. Ironic given Kennedy referring to the Soviet Union. If you're going to be a warrior for privacy, be an international warrior for privacy.

That being said, the "war on terror" was and remains one of the most idiotic and damaging projects this country has ever pursued as far its effect on the world and our rights here.
I'd have considerably more respect for Snowden if he hadn't fled to Russia. Ironic given Kennedy referring to the Soviet Union. If you're going to be a warrior for privacy, be an international warrior for privacy.

That being said, the "war on terror" was and remains one of the most idiotic and damaging projects this country has ever pursued as far its effect on the world and our rights here.
Russia is the only place the people who were breaking the law in the United States would let him go. Let’s not act like he chose to go to Russia. The United States forced him there.

Edward Snowden is a hero and should be pardoned.
If I was RFK Jr. I would say thanks but no thanks after watching the performance of the SS over the weekend. Couple of hunters with deer rifles could probably protect him better. At least they wouldn't have been scared of a sloped roof like apparently the SS was. At least the director was.
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