Roe v Wade


Gold Member
Dec 21, 2001
And now the rest of the story.

This is a reminder that Roe v Wade surrounded a lady named Norma McCorvey aka Jane Row who lied about being “gang-r*ped”.

After feeling deep remorse and regret, she got baptized and later revealed

• she was never r*ped.
• She never even had an Abortion.
• She brought her third child to term and that child was adopted.

The entire ruling of Roe v Wade was based on a lie…

The more you know…

Video at the link.
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Not that it matters since you’ll believe whatever any random tweet tells you.

The lawyers for Roe never mentioned rape, and rape is not mentioned at all in either the majority opinion or the descent. How she became pregnant was not considered. It simply weighed whether restrictions to abortion, for any reason, were unconstitutional.
Not that it matters since you’ll believe whatever any random tweet tells you.

The lawyers for Roe never mentioned rape, and rape is not mentioned at all in either the majority opinion or the descent. How she became pregnant was not considered. It simply weighed whether restrictions to abortion, for any reason, were unconstitutional.
Tell me what's incorrect in the original post then.

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