
THIS x 1000!!! You know man there are actually tickets available for Trump's inauguration in August. I think they are running at about $1000 bucks per ticket. You should buy them now for the whole family. Pick me up a couple while you are getting yours and I'll pay you back... we can meet in Washington for the event and I'll bring the cash.

If anybody believes ANYTHING right now, I have some beach front property in Mauldin I want to get rid of fast. I don't blame anyone for calling into question the results of the election. The entire thing looked like a sham to me and I believe Obama blew out McCain but this?
If anybody believes ANYTHING right now, I have some beach front property in Mauldin I want to get rid of fast. I don't blame anyone for calling into question the results of the election. The entire thing looked like a sham to me and I believe Obama blew out McCain but this?
Explain. Because Humpty Trumpty told you so?
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If anybody believes ANYTHING right now, I have some beach front property in Mauldin I want to get rid of fast. I don't blame anyone for calling into question the results of the election. The entire thing looked like a sham to me and I believe Obama blew out McCain but this?
I agree. At this point the evidence is overwhelming.
If anybody believes ANYTHING right now, I have some beach front property in Mauldin I want to get rid of fast. I don't blame anyone for calling into question the results of the election. The entire thing looked like a sham to me and I believe Obama blew out McCain but this?
REALLY? Take a look at Trump's approval rating going into the election. Here's a Foxnews article on October 1 below:

"Gallup released its results on Thursday, claiming that Trump saw his highest approval rating (46%) since May with approvals on his handling of certain issues, other than the economy, below 50%."

So coming into the election Trump is below 50% approval rating. Now if you notice, I said a whole bunch of NOTHING about Trump's chances leading up to the election. I thought he had a chance to win myself. BUT, I'm not sure how ANYONE looks at those numbers and thinks Trump is going to win in a landslide. If so, they are just freaking stupid.


Can't wait for the press conference on the White House Lawn when he yells at reporters to get off his grass or he'll turn the hose on them.
Nice meme. Perhaps if you posted the whole interview, it would have some context.

I didn't because I am doing strongly things that are very good because you can't do that.
THIS x 1000!!! You know man there are actually tickets available for Trump's inauguration in August. I think they are running at about $1000 bucks per ticket. You should buy them now for the whole family. Pick me up a couple while you are getting yours and I'll pay you back... we can meet in Washington for the event and I'll bring the cash.
Nah, no favors man, you pissed me off when you didn't give me a like for my post in the Vols thread.
Nice meme. Perhaps if you posted the whole interview, it would have some context.

Does it need context? It doesnt matter what question he was asked, he has no ****ing clue what he is talking about so he is just making shit up.
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Does it need context? It doesnt matter what question he was asked, he has no ****ing clue what he is talking about so he is just making shit up.
Right? And if his point is to say he's really sharp as a tack, does he not realize that we were first hand witnesses to his buffoonery? LMAO
You can't make that dirty clown look pretty, no matter the context.
Explain. Because Humpty Trumpty told you so?

I've already explained and no my opinion has nothing to do with What Donald Trump thinks. I pull for the Republicans, not because I agree with all of their positions but because the Democrats have given up on Capitalism. I don't believe it is physically possible for any more carbon dioxide release to warm the planet. I don't believe 5 years old kids know what sex they should be. I believe for a period of approximately 9 months two and sometimes more people can occupy the same body.
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I've already explained and no my opinion has nothing to do with What Donald Trump thinks. I pull for the Republicans, not because I agree with all of their positions but because the Democrats have given up on Capitalism. I don't believe it is physically possible for any more carbon dioxide release to warm the planet. I don't believe 5 years old kids know what sex they should be. I believe for a period of approximately 9 months two and sometimes more people can occupy the same body.
I didn't ask you about any of this, but I'm glad I could give you a forum to change the subject and expound on nonsense. I'll give you credit though for writing something - you usually drop in an unrelated tweet.
I didn't ask you about any of this, but I'm glad I could give you a forum to change the subject and expound on nonsense. I'll give you credit though for writing something - you usually drop in an unrelated tweet.

I must be slipping up. I thought my post was unrelated.
I've already explained and no my opinion has nothing to do with What Donald Trump thinks. I pull for the Republicans, not because I agree with all of their positions but because the Democrats have given up on Capitalism. I don't believe it is physically possible for any more carbon dioxide release to warm the planet. I don't believe 5 years old kids know what sex they should be. I believe for a period of approximately 9 months two and sometimes more people can occupy the same body.

Right? And if his point is to say he's really sharp as a tack, does he not realize that we were first hand witnesses to his buffoonery? LMAO
You can't make that dirty clown look pretty, no matter the context.
Nice tap dance but still wrong. The question is how much senality do we from the current buffoon until they give his giggling, do nothing moron the key to the kingdom? Looking more and more like ole Joe picked her to ensure he could finish out his first year.
Nice tap dance but still wrong. The question is how much senality do we from the current buffoon until they give his giggling, do nothing moron the key to the kingdom? Looking more and more like ole Joe picked her to ensure he could finish out his first year.
U MAD? BTW, if you think "senality" is a word, you might have "senility".
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care to elaborate further, doctor?

The science involves electromagnetic radiation. Greenhouse effect is basically caused by absorption of infrared radiation coming from the earth to space. Carbon Dioxide and Water Vapor absorb in this wavelength which has become fully saturated at around CO2 concentration of 300 ppm which occurred around 60 years ago. Today the CO2 concentration is 420 ppm 420 divided by 1 million = 0.00042 x 100 = 0.04% and we have seen no measurable increase in warming since. The climate change models were all based on extrapolating the effect of CO2 from 0-300 ppm based on ICE Age temperatures so it was just assumed that the earth would continue to warm with increasing CO2. That is not the case and can never be due to spectrum saturation. The CO2 frequency spectrum is saturated. That is to say, the spectrum is opaque. No more heat can be absorbed and this is due to the presence of water vapor in the atmosphere without taking credit for clouds.

"It's like painting a barn red. After the second coat, the barn doesn't get anymore red" - Dr William Happer. Princeton Univ. Professor.

Here is a non partisan explanation of spectrum saturation

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So now you see how global warming is limited by the frequency spectrum. This is a good thing because it shows how our atmosphere is stable. Historically, C02 levels have been much higher than they are now and there was never any shortage of life on earth and temperatures were nice.
The science involves electromagnetic radiation. Greenhouse effect is basically caused by absorption of infrared radiation coming from the earth to space. Carbon Dioxide and Water Vapor absorb in this wavelength which has become fully saturated at around CO2 concentration of 300 ppm which occurred around 60 years ago. Today the CO2 concentration is 420 ppm 420 divided by 1 million = 0.00042 x 100 = 0.04% and we have seen no measurable increase in warming since. The climate change models were all based on extrapolating the effect of CO2 from 0-300 ppm based on ICE Age temperatures so it was just assumed that the earth would continue to warm with increasing CO2. That is not the case and can never be due to spectrum saturation. The CO2 frequency spectrum is saturated. That is to say, the spectrum is opaque. No more heat can be absorbed and this is due to the presence of water vapor in the atmosphere without taking credit for clouds.

"It's like painting a barn red. After the second coat, the barn doesn't get anymore red" - Dr William Happer. Princeton Univ. Professor.

Here is a non partisan explanation of spectrum saturation

ty for the info. i squeaked by physics at clemson so i'm not going to try and dispute anything above because to be frank it's above my head.

your statement about historically there being a higher concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere compared to now doesn't seem to jibe with this:

it seems like the CO2 concentration in our atmosphere was a steady constant of around .03% and has been raising at about .17% per year since the industrial revolution. In 2015, it passed 400ppm, more than 40% higher than its pre-industrial value of 280ppm and a level that has not existed on Earth for several million years.
ty for the info. i squeaked by physics at clemson so i'm not going to try and dispute anything above because to be frank it's above my head.

your statement about historically there being a higher concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere compared to now doesn't seem to jibe with this:

it seems like the CO2 concentration in our atmosphere was a steady constant of around .03% and has been raising at about .17% per year since the industrial revolution. In 2015, it passed 400ppm, more than 40% higher than its pre-industrial value of 280ppm and a level that has not existed on Earth for several million years.

You need to go back further for higher CO2 levels. Cambrian CO2 levels were 8000 ppm.
You should also be aware from the link you posted that the author mentions warming by a degree.
Warming by a few degrees is peanuts. Warming doesn't mean hotter. Warming is calculated as the average temperature. To get that all you need is for it to stay above X°F at so many locations for a bit longer and your average goes up. Most warming occurs where the sun shines the most and that is on the equator.

Here is an evolutionist theory and he shows a CO2 plot vs time in millions of years

The growth of plants in the Carboniferous caused a reduction in atmospheric oxygen and carbon dioxide, forming the basis for large deposits of dead plants and other organisms

If you believe the Bible version of the flood, then regrowth after the flood would have taken the CO2 levels back down to pre industrial. Keep in mind, the evolutionary view is based on rock layer sedimentation theory which explains the millions of years. Regardless of your view of origins, there is a similar process for which C02 goes from the atmosphere, to plants and animals and then to fossils.

Dr Happer explains CO2 levels from the cambrian period (34 min) and electromagnetic radiation and saturation (24 min).

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Everyone quotes this side for CO2 levels.

Another link about geologic time scale of CO2

arbon Dioxide through Geologic Time

Since of the Earth's atmosphere is out-of-balance with the conditions expected from simple chemical equilibrium, it is very hard to say what precisely sets the level of the carbon dioxide content in the air throughout geologic time. While scientists are fairly certain that a 100 million years ago carbon dioxide values were many times higher than now, the exact value is in doubt. In very general terms, long-term reconstructions of atmospheric CO2 levels going back in time show that 500 million years ago atmospheric CO2 was some 20 times higher than present values. It dropped, then rose again some 200 million years ago to 4-5 times present levels--a period that saw the rise of giant fern forests--and then continued a slow decline until recent pre-industrial time.

History of Atmospheric CO2 through geological time (past 550 million years: from Berner, Science, 1997). The parameter RCO2 is defined as the ratio of the mass of CO2 in the atmosphere at some time in the past to that at present (with a pre-industrial value of 300 parts per million). The heavier line joining small squares represents the best estimate of past atmospheric CO2 levels based on geochemical modeling and updated to have the effect of land plants on weathering introduced 380 to 350 million years ago. The shaded area encloses the approximate range of error of the modeling based on sensitivity analysis. Vertical bars represent independent estimates of CO2 level based on the study of ancient soils.​

Carbon Cycling, Plate Tectonics and Organic Matter Burial
Most scientists agree that carbon dioxide has decreased over the last 200 million years because of speeding up of the passage of carbon atoms from their volcanic sources into sediments. As we learned in the last section, to lower the CO2 content one needs fresh rocks to provide calcium, and it also helps to bury organic matter.

Fresh rocks are provided through plate collisions and mountain building, that is, uplift of land and a drop in sea level. On the whole, there has been a trend to make more mountains during the last 100 million years, and especially since the last 40 million years. This is seen in the strontium isotope content of marine carbonates. The type of strontium derived from igneous rocks on land has increased relative to the type of strontium from other sources.

Organic matter is buried in swamps (plant remains turn into coal) and in continental margins (marine algal remains become hydrocarbons). The climate cooled as the planet acquired mountain ranges (like the Himalayas) and as sea level dropped. Trade winds became more vigorous. Coastal upwelling of nutrients in coastal waters increased. Thus, more organic matter was buried along the coasts of continents. Also, an increase in the amount of mud from the rising mountains helped to bury the organic matter.

As time went on carbon dioxide was more readily turned into sedimentary carbon and the planet cooled some more. Methane hydrate could have formed on the sea floor, trapping methane and denying another source of carbon to the ocean-atmosphere system. (The exception might perhaps have been during sporadic release of this methane, followed by strange jumps in climate.)

Carbon Cycle and Computer Models
So many processes have to be considered in the carbon cycle that it is extremely difficult to keep them in mind, and impossible to calculate without building a computer model to simulate them. Scientists interested in the carbon cycle have built a number of such models over the years. Such models can have between 50 and 100 interacting equations describing all the different processes of the carbon cycle that are relevant to the problem of how carbon dioxide changes through geologic time.

To what extent should the answers generated from such models be trusted? All one can say is this: Models are the best we can do, everything else is ballpark back-of the envelope stuff. This means we should use models to educate ourselves about possibilities, realizing that their output produces probabilities not measurements.
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