From Peter Strzok's wife to key figure in Clinton email scandal, the names keep piling up to Republicans dismay.
Jake Sullivan was one of the most prolific users of Hillary Clinton's forbidden email server. Now he's Joe Biden's national security adviser.
Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland previously had ties to Christopher Steele in the Russia scandal.
White House domestic adviser Susan Rice once falsely declared the Benghazi terror attack was provoked by an anti-Muslim video and later wrote the famously curious did-it-by-the-books email in the Russia scandal during her last minutes in he Obama administration.
And top Securities and Exchange Commission enforcement official Melissa Hodgman is married to Peter Strzok, the fired FBI agent who supervised the discredited Crossfire Hurricane probe into Russia-Trump collusion.
As Biden fills out his team, the list of people tied to past scandals and controversy keeps getting bigger And the pattern has some prominent Republicans taking note.
"If you look at the larger picture, the Russia hoaxers, the people that were pushing this out from the very beginning and lying about it after the fact, they're all at the top echelons of the Biden administration," former House Intelligence Committee chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) said Sunday.
During an appearance on Fox News' Sunday show hosted by Maria Bartiromo, Nunes took issue with Hodgman's appointment as acting chief of the SEC enforcement division, saying while she "could be a great public servant," it created the appearance of a Democratic payback to her husband for pursuing Trump.
"Looks like Peter Strozk is actually going to get reimbursed for all of his troubles," Nunes said. "The guy lost his job, but nothing's happened to him at this point."
Hodgman has worked her way up the career SEC enforcement staff over the last 12 years and praised her staff after her appointment was announced.
"I am constantly inspired by the dedication of my colleagues in the Division and across the Commission, especially with the challenges of the last year," she said. "I look forward to continuing my work with them in the role of Acting Director and supporting the Commission's mission."
From Peter Strzok's wife to key figure in Clinton email scandal, the names keep piling up to Republicans dismay.
Jake Sullivan was one of the most prolific users of Hillary Clinton's forbidden email server. Now he's Joe Biden's national security adviser.
Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland previously had ties to Christopher Steele in the Russia scandal.
White House domestic adviser Susan Rice once falsely declared the Benghazi terror attack was provoked by an anti-Muslim video and later wrote the famously curious did-it-by-the-books email in the Russia scandal during her last minutes in he Obama administration.
And top Securities and Exchange Commission enforcement official Melissa Hodgman is married to Peter Strzok, the fired FBI agent who supervised the discredited Crossfire Hurricane probe into Russia-Trump collusion.
As Biden fills out his team, the list of people tied to past scandals and controversy keeps getting bigger And the pattern has some prominent Republicans taking note.
"If you look at the larger picture, the Russia hoaxers, the people that were pushing this out from the very beginning and lying about it after the fact, they're all at the top echelons of the Biden administration," former House Intelligence Committee chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) said Sunday.
During an appearance on Fox News' Sunday show hosted by Maria Bartiromo, Nunes took issue with Hodgman's appointment as acting chief of the SEC enforcement division, saying while she "could be a great public servant," it created the appearance of a Democratic payback to her husband for pursuing Trump.
"Looks like Peter Strozk is actually going to get reimbursed for all of his troubles," Nunes said. "The guy lost his job, but nothing's happened to him at this point."
Hodgman has worked her way up the career SEC enforcement staff over the last 12 years and praised her staff after her appointment was announced.
"I am constantly inspired by the dedication of my colleagues in the Division and across the Commission, especially with the challenges of the last year," she said. "I look forward to continuing my work with them in the role of Acting Director and supporting the Commission's mission."