SCOTUS Chevron Ruling


Gold Member
Dec 21, 2001
Seismic blow to the deep state. The swamp will be drained.

I don't think many people really understand what SCOTUS did today with overturning the Chevron deference... I found the best video I could for a quick explanation.

Since the mid-80s THAT has been what gave the Administrative State (agencies) the power to govern themselves and interpret the law as they see fit.

When you hear "Deep State" THAT is what they mean!! Unelected bureaucrats that have the power to basically create laws (regulations). For every 1 Law there are probably 500 regulations that limit what you can do and nobody elected the people that do it!!

Y'all understand this is another nail in the coffin of the deep state right?!?
Supreme Court Strikes Blow To Administrative State, Overturns Chevron Doctrine

The high court’s decision marks a major victory for conservatives seeking to dismantle the unchecked power of unelected bureaucrats.
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Supreme Court's overturning of 40-year Chevron ruling is a win for the Trump deregulatory agenda

Trump appointed three of the justices who signed on to upend a ruling loathed on the right that gave deference to federal agencies to interpret ambiguous laws.
Trump just winning baby.

MUST READ: Something CATACLYSMIC Just Happened…

SCOTUS Just Destroyed the Fourth Branch of Government The Administrative Deep-State, and Restored Power Back to our Constitutional Freedoms!

Follow along and understand that Donald Trump is literally saving America with his SCOTUS picks… 🇺🇸

🔴 SCOTUS just ruled on a case named Loper Bright Enterprises, Inc. v. Raimondo, Sec. of Comm.

Summary Opinion:
The courts MAY NOT defer to an agency interpretation of the law simply because a statute is ambiguous; CHEVRON IS OVERRULED.”

✅ ROBERTS, delivered the opinion. THOMAS, ALITO, GORSUCH, KAVANAUGH, and BARRETT joined.

❌ KAGAN, J., filed a dissenting opinion, SOTOMAYOR & JACKSON, joined

🔴 THE MAIN FOCUS here is that the “Chevron Deference” has been Overturned in this case

• the Chevron Deference was established in 1984, which instructed courts to defer to federal agencies’ interpretations of laws where the underlying statute is, “unclear”.

• This basically means since 1984, unelected bureaucrats (deep state) in Federal Agencies have Lorded over the American people and been able to invent law as they see fit.
—— in simpler words, the Administrative State (Deep State), had the power to govern themselves and interpret the law as they see fit.

• The Chevron Defence has been the root of government unaccountability, and countless rules and regulations that govern our lives; much more than congress does.
—— For every law congress passes, there are probably 500 regulations set by unelected bureaucrats.

• This immediately affects hundreds of Federal bureaucracy agencies.
• Any and all public health agencies
• Any and all public safety agencies
• Any and all environmental agencies, including the EPA
• the Food & Drug Administration

I can’t emphatically express this enough, THIS IS A VERY BIG NAIL in the coffin of the deep state!

🔴 THIS IS undeniable proof that Donald Trump has been saving America with his SCOTUS picks…

• Without Trump being elected President In 2016, Trump never would have picked 3 SCOTUS Justices (Hillary would have), and all these life-changing decisions never would have happened…

✅ Roe v Wade overturned!
• Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization
—— this will fundamentally change the nuclear family in America.

✅ Constitutional Carry Protected!
• New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen
—— this fortified our sovereign right to keep and bear arms under the 2nd amendment.

✅ Religious Freedoms Secured!
• Kennedy v. Bremerton School District - Lemon Case overturned.
—— Everywhere where crosses & the Ten Commandments were, they had to be taken down due to Lemon, they can now come back up! Prayers in all institutions & businesses are now safe!

✅ Affirmative Action Overturned!
• Harvard and SFFA v. UNC
—— this will fundamentally change this country and stop what they call “positive discrimination”. This will have a trickle down effect and benefit society as a whole.

✅ Climate Change Agenda - Halted!
• West Virginia vs EPA, Ohio v. EPA
—— not allowing the government to dictate impossible regulations that would destroy the middle-class and farmers, creating government monopoly.

✅ The Fourth Branch of Government - Destroyed!
• Loper Bright Enterprises, Inc. v. Raimondo, Sec. of Comm.
—— this decision will fundamentally transform America, affect countless rules and regulations regarding every aspect of our lives.

✅ Cleaner & Safer Streets— Common Sense Restored!
• City of Grant Pass v. Johnson
—— cities can now legally remove homeless people camping on public property. This will do wonders to stop homeless people from overrunning public parks with tents, drugs, trash, and other filth.

Can’t you see….?

Without Trump being elected President In 2016, Trump never would have picked those 3 SCOTUS Justices. Hillary would have.

None of these Country & life-changing decisions never would have happened…

Thank you GOD! 🙌
Drop a . If GOD IS GOOD!!!!!!!
This is huge with far ranging implications for the good of the people. No more mask or covid shot mandates orchestrated in the same manner anyway. This ruling castrated the administrative state. Trump will just come in and put them out of their misery in 25.

Watch this clip explaining why SCOTUS overturning CHEVRON is so important!!👇🏼

To give an example, do y'all remember when OHSA mandated that 10s millions of private sector workers had to take the COVID shot or wear masks? I'm sure you do, but I'll bet you didn't know that the appellate courts cited the Chevron doctrine to allowing it!!

THAT is how the government has been able to force us to do things they didn't actually have the rightful power to make us do!!

Now that Chevron deference is DEAD, they no longer have the power to do that!! Regulators can't just make up laws anymore!!

Do y'all understand how HUGE this is?
This is huge with far ranging implications for the good of the people. No more mask or covid shot mandates orchestrated in the same manner anyway. This ruling castrated the administrative state. Trump will just come in and put them out of their misery in 25.

Watch this clip explaining why SCOTUS overturning CHEVRON is so important!!👇🏼

To give an example, do y'all remember when OHSA mandated that 10s millions of private sector workers had to take the COVID shot or wear masks? I'm sure you do, but I'll bet you didn't know that the appellate courts cited the Chevron doctrine to allowing it!!

THAT is how the government has been able to force us to do things they didn't actually have the rightful power to make us do!!

Now that Chevron deference is DEAD, they no longer have the power to do that!! Regulators can't just make up laws anymore!!

Do y'all understand how HUGE this is?
Lol did she say that activist judges enacted Chevron? Is she referring to known activist liberal judge Antonin Scalia? Scalia championed the Chevron deference and wrote opinions that had a significant influence on how it was used in courts. Or known activist liberal judge William Rehnquist? Rehnquist voted for the Chevron decision, which was unanimous.

Conservatives loved Chevron probably for the reasons they’ll regret pushing for it to be overturned eventually.
Lol did she say that activist judges enacted Chevron? Is she referring to known activist liberal judge Antonin Scalia? Scalia championed the Chevron deference and wrote opinions that had a significant influence on how it was used in courts. Or known activist liberal judge William Rehnquist? Rehnquist voted for the Chevron decision, which was unanimous.

Conservatives loved Chevron probably for the reasons they’ll regret pushing for it to be overturned eventually.
Looks like it is overturned present tense. Anyone involved in that decision was profoundly incorrect.
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The overturning of the Chevron deference doctrine, in addition to the other cases decided by this originalist Supreme Court will have profound implications on our country for years to come. The handful of decisions that have come down, have collectively taken a sledge hammer to the unelected bureaucrats who have been running our lives for 40 years.

Our founders never envisioned a 4th branch of government. Ours is a representative government where the people we elect are the ones that should be governing us. Why? Because they are accountable to us through this tool called re-election.

But since Woodrow Wilson, we have witnessed the birth of a leviathan. An extra constitutional fourth branch of government which seeks to rule over us peons.

The 1984 decision in Chevron has been cited by 18,000 court cases and is known amongst scholars as the foundation for the administrative state. In overruling Chevron, the high court held that judges must use their traditional tools of statutory interpretation and that the “best” interpretation should govern.

Overturning Chevron deference returns power back to Article III courts to fulfill their constitutional job of interpreting the laws that are made by Congress.

This decision will be part of Donald Trump’s legacy. It was his Supreme Court justice picks that overturned Roe v. Wade and Chevron deference, two of the most consequential decisions for conservative America.
Looks like it is overturned present tense. Anyone involved in that decision was profoundly incorrect.
Why do you believe the original decision was incorrect, and what is it you like about it being overturned?
Why do you believe the original decision was incorrect, and what is it you like about it being overturned?
It knee caps the unelected bureaucrats from making edict decisions from DC that affect the entire nation.
It knee caps the unelected bureaucrats from making edict decisions from DC that affect the entire nation.
Why do you believe that “unelected bureaucrats” making policy interpretations is a bad thing?

They’re also not making “edict decisions” since their interpretations don’t have the power of law.
Why do you believe that “unelected bureaucrats” making policy interpretations is a bad thing?

They’re also not making “edict decisions” since their interpretations don’t have the power of law.
Defacto power of law is what has occurred.
And that will still occur, it will just be much more up to the whims of a judge rather than the agency. Why do you believe this is better?
Let's see what happens. I think nothing will occur quickly and stuff that shouldn't occur as in unconstitutional will be stopped before it can be enacted.
Let's see what happens. I think nothing will occur quickly and stuff that shouldn't occur as in unconstitutional will be stopped before it can be enacted.
Why would challenges to the constitutionality of a policy happen at a different pace now?

I would agree that “nothing will happen quickly” just as it didn’t before. The primary change here is where the power lies in the decision making about the application of vague laws. I’m curious why you so strongly believe that power is better in the hands of a judge than in the hands of the agency itself.
Why would challenges to the constitutionality of a policy happen at a different pace now?

I would agree that “nothing will happen quickly” just as it didn’t before. The primary change here is where the power lies in the decision making about the application of vague laws. I’m curious why you so strongly believe that power is better in the hands of a judge than in the hands of the agency itself.
At least some accountability and constitutional guidelines.
We get to watch it happen. It's got to be better than the current shitshow from the deep state running the show by edict imo.
Can you give more detail on this? What is currently a “shit show” that you feel will be fixed by this ruling?
Can you give more detail on this? What is currently a “shit show” that you feel will be fixed by this ruling?
I'm not going to fill a book report here but let's look at the covid vaccine mandates, mask mandates epa stopping projects,,,,,,etc. All of that will be stopped in it's tracks and I'm happy about it. Thousands of bureaucrats with nothing to do will need to go find a new job. This is part of draining the swamp.
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Let's decentralize the govt while at it. Whatever is left let's move it to different states.
I'm not going to fill a book report here but let's look at the covid vaccine mandates, mask mandates epa stopping projects,,,,,,etc. All of that will be stopped in it's tracks and I'm happy about it. Thousands of bureaucrats with nothing to do will need to go find a new job. This is part of draining the swamp.
You mean the vaccine mandate that got thrown out by a court? Seems like the system worked the way you wanted it to there. Other mandates were set forth by state and local governments and private employers, which would not be impacted by this ruling. Even the vaccine requirements for federal employees wouldn’t be impacted here as this concerns the federal government’s interaction with private industry.

On the EPA, what projects have been stopped that you don’t think should have been?

I’m not asking for a book, just some original thought. I want to know why you like this decision so much without you deferring to a tweet.
Let's decentralize the govt while at it. Whatever is left let's move it to different states.
How decentralized do you want to be? The US tried that once with the articles of confederation and very quickly realized it didn’t work.
You mean the vaccine mandate that got thrown out by a court? Seems like the system worked the way you wanted it to there. Other mandates were set forth by state and local governments and private employers, which would not be impacted by this ruling. Even the vaccine requirements for federal employees wouldn’t be impacted here as this concerns the federal government’s interaction with private industry.

On the EPA, what projects have been stopped that you don’t think should have been?

I’m not asking for a book, just some original thought. I want to know why you like this decision so much without you deferring to a tweet.
Vax mandate got thrown out after millions were forced to get the Vax when they didn't want to. Damage done.

Think of inefficient power production build out in the US due to EPA stopping nuke plants.

Biden stopping Oil permits....etc.

I've already stated my opinion. Anything that takes control from unelected bureaucrats is good imo. The govt is hugely bloated and needs to be downsized. We are 35T in the hole and something has to give.
How decentralized do you want to be? The US tried that once with the articles of confederation and very quickly realized it didn’t work.
I want a lot of it to back to state control. National defense has to remain federal.
Vax mandate got thrown out after millions were forced to get the Vax when they didn't want to. Damage done.

Think of inefficient power production build out in the US due to EPA stopping nuke plants.

Biden stopping Oil permits....etc.

I've already stated my opinion. Anything that takes control from unelected bureaucrats is good imo. The govt is hugely bloated and needs to be downsized. We are 35T in the hole and something has to give.
The US is now producing more oil than at any time in its history, it feels like wanting a drastic change in how we enforce laws over oil permits is pretty overreactionary.

If people were forced to get the vax, it wasn’t by the federal government unless they were a federal employee, full stop. There was an injunction on the rule before it ever went into effect while it went through the courts.

Federal agencies have nothing to do with the national debt, the budget is passed by Congress.

In terms of “unelected bureaucrats” which seems to be the conservative phrase of the day, judges are also unelected. They are appointed by the President just as the heads of federal agencies are appointed by the President.

And the reason those “unelected bureaucrats” have jobs to begin with is because, generally, they’re experts in that field. The people making these policy decisions have spent their entire careers on the subjects that their agency has an impact on.

What you’ve got now is a situation where a judge, who is not an expert in, let’s say, food safety will be in a position to make a decision on how the government can regulate food safety. So what happens when a court rules that the FDA doesn’t have the power to stop a private company from using known, harmful ingredients? What happens when the judge making the ruling gets a financial gift from Nestle or Coca-Cola or some other food company? Some of these regulations are actually pretty important to our day to day life and now we’re one “unelected judge” ruling away from drug companies not having to follow any protocol on approving medicines, food companies being able to put whatever they want into our foods, companies being able to dump toxic waste wherever they choose, etc.

Maybe we’ll find that judges mostly continue to defer to the agencies, but it just takes one ruling to really upset the apple cart on how the federal government goes about ensuring that we have safe food or clean water or that airliners have to meet certain safety standards. Have you ever noticed how there are some countries that seem to have airline disasters with some frequency, while the US has virtually none? Thank you FAA!

On the other hand, maybe it is good that the executive branch have a little less power, but it feels like shifting that power just from one branch to another isn’t the answer. Now the courts have a significantly lopsided amount of power. And these are lifetime appointees, they never face an election, they’ll never even face another approval hearing. Whereas the President faces an election every 4 years and the heads of these agencies are rotated usually every election cycle.

I suspect that eventually decisions will be made that conservatives will hate and liberals will love and we’ll all just kind of have a cyclical love/hate relationship with this ruling.

I also am surprised that Trump people like this so much since it flies directly in the face of Trump’s stated desire to have MORE Presidential authority and a longer reach for the federal government, and actually undercuts a major part of Project 2025’s initiative, which is to turn federal bureaucrats into essentially political appointees that the President can fire at will. This leads me to believe that someone like you who is SO fervently pro-Trump doesn’t actually understand this decision and doesn’t actually have a true “why” as to their support of it other than the Conservative media and twitter accounts you follow telling you that you should like it.
I want a lot of it to back to state control. National defense has to remain federal.
Why do you think that the federal government is capable of handling national defense, but not capable of determining regulations that help keep our drinking water clean?
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Vax mandate got thrown out after millions were forced to get the Vax when they didn't want to. Damage done.

Think of inefficient power production build out in the US due to EPA stopping nuke plants.

Biden stopping Oil permits....etc.

I've already stated my opinion. Anything that takes control from unelected bureaucrats is good imo. The govt is hugely bloated and needs to be downsized. We are 35T in the hole and something has to give.
Yes, I too love that the ruling took power from the unelected bureaucrats with a sizable knowledge of a specific field and gave it to unelected bureaucrats with little to no knowledge of a specific field.
Seismic blow to the deep state. The swamp will be drained.

I don't think many people really understand what SCOTUS did today with overturning the Chevron deference... I found the best video I could for a quick explanation.

Since the mid-80s THAT has been what gave the Administrative State (agencies) the power to govern themselves and interpret the law as they see fit.

When you hear "Deep State" THAT is what they mean!! Unelected bureaucrats that have the power to basically create laws (regulations). For every 1 Law there are probably 500 regulations that limit what you can do and nobody elected the people that do it!!

Y'all understand this is another nail in the coffin of the deep state right?!?
We'll see. God forbid the legislature has to do its job.
Also the large three letters will probably engage in lawfare for a few years. Some of those agencies just need shut down.
Lol did she say that activist judges enacted Chevron? Is she referring to known activist liberal judge Antonin Scalia? Scalia championed the Chevron deference and wrote opinions that had a significant influence on how it was used in courts. Or known activist liberal judge William Rehnquist? Rehnquist voted for the Chevron decision, which was unanimous.

Conservatives loved Chevron probably for the reasons they’ll regret pushing for it to be overturned eventually.
Your folks killed Scalia.

Well you can always fall back on Roe v Wade.

Oh, I forgot. You can't.
There should NEVER be a situation where someone working their 9 to 5 at their gov't job gets to make a decision about how I/YOU/WE live our lives. NEVER.
So now a judge working a 9-5 at their government job with a lifetime appointment gets to make those decisions.

How is that different, in your opinion?
Yes, I too love that the ruling took power from the unelected bureaucrats with a sizable knowledge of a specific field and gave it to unelected bureaucrats with little to no knowledge of a specific field.
It's almost like you calling yourself a Captain, when you most resemble a private.

Can you give all of us an example of the time an "unelected bureaucrats with a sizable knowledge of a specific field" has actually benefited this country?

I've got all day.
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Judges on the supreme court have to be approved by the Senate through hearings. I guess you never heard of that before.
So are the agency heads that inform the policy interpretation at the direction of the President.
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So are the agency heads that inform the policy interpretation at the direction of the President.
Should be but that's not what has been happening for 40 years. I am POTUS and I appoint DORK6317 to lead some department. You have no right to start making laws for 350 million people.

Your side is losing power, by a lot. Now would be a good time to STFU. You can't do that though. You've got an alligator mouth, and a tadpole a$$. Please keep talking though. It's so entertaining.

The more you speak shows everyone what a fraud you are.
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