Sheila Jackson Lee has passed


The Milwaukee Deep
Gold Member
Sep 23, 2001
Never liked her but its sad and prayers to her family. I will say this you was a fighter SJL and may you rest in peace and I hope you found God. We will all be seeing you soon...
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Good or bad, she was truly for her constituents. Saw the results of some of her work for the communities she represented.
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ask her constituents. Its for them to decide. Either way the thread isnt to judge her but to send condolences not to debate her record...
Thank you for taking the high road, it's an honorable thing to do because I'm sure you probably disagreed with a lot of her policies/statements. I mean that, but not everyone on the right is taking the same approach.

Thank you for taking the high road, it's an honorable thing to do because I'm sure you probably disagreed with a lot of her policies/statements. I mean that, but not everyone on the right is taking the same approach.

This is the way it used to be always. But after all the shit your side has done people on the right have had enough. Its the only reason Trump is our guy. He fights back and hits back just as hard as you guys hit us. I understand why she feels that way. SJL didnt ever take any high roads. You guys started using the power of the Gov against us back in the 90's. Remember what Ive said to you many times as of late "You asked for this". Since your side amped things up you need to tone it down. We say its sad she passed and Biden has covid, hope for a speedy recovery, but you guys wish and celebrate death to us. So I understand why Loomer feels this way. Leftist have been sending death threats since she got elected because of the shit like SJL and others have spewed against conservatives...
This is the way it used to be always. But after all the shit your side has done people on the right have had enough. Its the only reason Trump is our guy. He fights back and hits back just as hard as you guys hit us. I understand why she feels that way. SJL didnt ever take any high roads. You guys started using the power of the Gov against us back in the 90's. Remember what Ive said to you many times as of late "You asked for this". Since your side amped things up you need to tone it down. We say its sad she passed and Biden has covid, hope for a speedy recovery, but you guys wish and celebrate death to us. So I understand why Loomer feels this way. Leftist have been sending death threats since she got elected because of the shit like SJL and others have spewed against conservatives...
Yeah, the left blah blah blahed the right back in 1994. Good lord
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