Should NY and California split into 2 states?

Should NY and California split into 2 states?

  • yes

  • no

  • yes- add Texas to that list

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Would love it. I'm out on Eastern LI, country living here and 65% conservative, thought the influx from the city is maddening. Upstate could be one, NYC and boroughs their own, and LI another. California and Florida as well. Doesn't make sense with the electoral college voting not to split.

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Only if split appropriately, there is no need for 2 more democratic senators from each, and the associated electoral college change.

Every proposal to split Kommiefornia I've seen would end up with both products ending up blue states.

But I do feel there will be a reckoning someday with big cities effectively controlling the entire population of a state the way Chicago does Illinois or NYC the NY State.
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We just need to abandon the antiquated electoral college, and make gerrymandering punishable by firing squad.

Eliminating the electoral college effectively means that your vote in SC counts for nothing. National candidates would virtually never come to SC or even advertise here.
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Only if split appropriately, there is no need for 2 more democratic senators from each, and the associated electoral college change.

Every proposal to split Kommiefornia I've seen would end up with both products ending up blue states.

But I do feel there will be a reckoning someday with big cities effectively controlling the entire population of a state the way Chicago does Illinois or NYC the NY State.

just about anyway you divide California by population gives you a Democratic majority. Only way around this is to put all of the people in one state and all of the desert/back country (another Nevada) in another.
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Eliminating the electoral college effectively means that your vote in SC counts for nothing. National candidates would virtually never come to SC or even advertise here.

Candidates don’t seriously campaign here in the general election- just like about half the states that are solid majority party states. SC is only important in the Democratic Primary, a little less so in the Republican primary.
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I was all for it, until I realized how badly it would mess up the star alignment on the American flag.

Of course, you could add Puerto Rico and American Polynesia and get to 9 rows of 6 or also cut Texas and Florida into 2.
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Problem is it would assure 4 more Democratic Senators..If CA had to split it would be coastal and inland . Leave NY as one as you can't fix broken.

Don't mean to single you out, but... you have no idea what it's like here. You have the city all liberals and the rest of the state mostly conservative. Why not split at least the electoral college votes? Long Island, where I live has more population than 38 states. Why not have representation for them?

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Don't mean to single you out, but... you have no idea what it's like here. You have the city all liberals and the rest of the state mostly conservative. Why not split at least the electoral college votes? Long Island, where I live has more population than 38 states. Why not have representation for them?


The winner take all approach used by MOST states for the electoral college does suck, changing the allocation is up to the states themselves. Maine and Nebraska allocate votes by who wins each congressional delegation, with the bonus two electors representing the senators going to the overall state popular vote winner. If every state did this, it would closer align with the popular vote winner and thus be roundly unpopular with the Republican Party. It would also encourage candidates to at least campaign in PARTS of every state. With votes allocated by district, there would be less focus on mega states.
The winner take all approach used by MOST states for the electoral college does suck, changing the allocation is up to the states themselves. Maine and Nebraska allocate votes by who wins each congressional delegation, with the bonus two electors representing the senators going to the overall state popular vote winner. If every state did this, it would closer align with the popular vote winner and thus be roundly unpopular with the Republican Party. It would also encourage candidates to at least campaign in PARTS of every state. With votes allocated by district, there would be less focus on mega states.

I agree with everything except the reference to republicans. If you were able to equitably represent the country it would be to their advantage as well.

California used to be republican as well as NY. Now there isn't much benefit to even campaigning there as a republican candidate. If the rules were different the campaigns would be as well. If Cali and NY had splits like Maine and Neb, they would spend time there as our president did in Maine last time around. Seems like we could keep the electoral college but break down some of the huge states to allow for more proper representation. As I said, I live in an area of close to 8 million but we are overcome by just one city in any election. Thus we end up with such morons as DeBlasio, Cuomo, and AOC.

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I agree with everything except the reference to republicans. If you were able to equitably represent the country it would be to their advantage as well.

California used to be republican as well as NY. Now there isn't much benefit to even campaigning there as a republican candidate. If the rules were different the campaigns would be as well. If Cali and NY had splits like Maine and Neb, they would spend time there as our president did in Maine last time around. Seems like we could keep the electoral college but break down some of the huge states to allow for more proper representation. As I said, I live in an area of close to 8 million but we are overcome by just one city in any election. Thus we end up with such morons as DeBlasio, Cuomo, and AOC.


And the South used to be solidly democrat and the midwest stood behind labor (democrats). Party ideology drifts, the economy shifts, things change.

I was basing the bolded statement on the party's loss of the popular vote recently (I have been a republican)- the closer the electoral college mimics the popular vote, the less favorable that would be based on recent trends.

Also, the Republican base appears to be smaller, but probably more committed to voting- likely the reason Republicans generally don't favor approaches that make it easier to vote. Dems stay home if their feelings get hurt, but might be convinced to mail a ballot.
Don't mean to single you out, but... you have no idea what it's like here. You have the city all liberals and the rest of the state mostly conservative. Why not split at least the electoral college votes? Long Island, where I live has more population than 38 states. Why not have representation for them?

Actually, the have represnetation in the House... Senators were originally designed to represent the states and were not elected, they were appointed by the States themselves...

By the way, grew up in Orange County CA and lived in CT and often worked in NYC and Boston.
Actually, the have represnetation in the House... Senators were originally designed to represent the states and were not elected, they were appointed by the States themselves...

By the way, grew up in Orange County CA and lived in CT and often worked in NYC and Boston.

Definitely correct about the House, I was referring to the presidential election however. I am a believer in the electoral college because our country is so diverse. I don't believe it would be right for the city folk to dictate to all the rest, but I don't feel represented in the presidential and gubernatorial elections in NY currently.

Definitely correct about the House, I was referring to the presidential election however. I am a believer in the electoral college because our country is so diverse. I don't believe it would be right for the city folk to dictate to all the rest, but I don't feel represented in the presidential and gubernatorial elections in NY currently.

I feel you...
im a popular vote guy

but i would never vote to allow it to take over the electoral college.

i could not fathom allowing the people who voted for nancy pelosi, adam schiff, jerry nadler, aoc into office pick our president.

its soooo important to have the input from iowa, kansas, south carolina

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