SIAP: SC Governor closes all public access to beaches and lakes

Everyone should be concerned at how easily the government destroys civil liberties and gains control over everyone. I’ve said all along that this should be taken seriously, but the lack of concern for Americans and their financial livelihoods should scare the Phuck out of everyone. Way more dangerous to the everyday American than this virus every could or will be.
Heard someone say they were at a landing in Georgetown yesterday, and it was like July 4th - not a big fan of the government shutting stuff down, but this first weekend of good weather probably didn’t help the cause of the people vs govt...
Heard someone say they were at a landing in Georgetown yesterday, and it was like July 4th - not a big fan of the government shutting stuff down, but this first weekend of good weather probably didn’t help the cause of the people vs govt...

I drove by the landing in East Bay on Friday, it was busy, but not more than normal. But i am sure Saturday was worse.
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Everyone should be concerned at how easily the government destroys civil liberties and gains control over everyone. I’ve said all along that this should be taken seriously, but the lack of concern for Americans and their financial livelihoods should scare the Phuck out of everyone. Way more dangerous to the everyday American than this virus every could or will be.
Most people will give up every freedom there is if you will only promise them safety and security. And they will never stop and think safety and security don't really exist.
Heard someone say they were at a landing in Georgetown yesterday, and it was like July 4th - not a big fan of the government shutting stuff down, but this first weekend of good weather probably didn’t help the cause of the people vs govt...
I was in town Saturday and went out, from the wacca wache marina, and it was packed. My dad, who has been the area his whole life, said it was the busiest he had ever seen it on the river.
Most people will give up every freedom there is if you will only promise them safety and security. And they will never stop and think safety and security don't really exist.
I would give up all safety and security for my freedom which is why when this war takes place I'll be on the front line defending my freedoms unlike all the soy boys who are afraid of what freedom means in terms of personal responsibility.
I would give up all safety and security for my freedom which is why when this war takes place I'll be on the front line defending my freedoms unlike all the soy boys who are afraid of what freedom means in terms of personal responsibility.

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After watching all the dipshits gather shoulder to shoulder to watch the Navy Hospital Ship Comfort pull into NYC today you had to know this was coming. The epicenter of the pandemic can't even stay a few feet apart and risk missing their chance to get an iPhone photo for some Twitter likes
Some of yall need to stop whining and understand that everyone needs to stay home and do their part. Americans are too selfish and care more about themselves than the greater good; hence why the government has to come in and take the car keys away. Guess what it sucks, but it sucks for everyone. The quicker everyone does their part the quicker we can get back to our normal lives and you guys can whine about something else.
Some of yall need to stop whining and understand that everyone needs to stay home and do their part. Americans are too selfish and care more about themselves than the greater good; hence why the government has to come in and take the car keys away. Guess what it sucks, but it sucks for everyone. The quicker everyone does their part the quicker we can get back to our normal lives and you guys can whine about something else.
The quicker everyone gives up freedom the quicker they become a slave.
Everyone should be concerned at how easily the government destroys civil liberties and gains control over everyone. I’ve said all along that this should be taken seriously, but the lack of concern for Americans and their financial livelihoods should scare the Phuck out of everyone. Way more dangerous to the everyday American than this virus every could or will be.

I would give up all safety and security for my freedom which is why when this war takes place I'll be on the front line defending my freedoms unlike all the soy boys who are afraid of what freedom means in terms of personal responsibility.

I initially quoted just Frog’s post because it made me laugh but then he was outdone
The people that used to vote for McMaster are the ones he pissing off with this bull shit
He’s always taken to the cautious side ever since the 1000 year flood. Notice the hurricanes after that? States of emergency were sent out way in advance. It’s a CYA move
Everyone should be concerned at how easily the government destroys civil liberties and gains control over everyone. I’ve said all along that this should be taken seriously, but the lack of concern for Americans and their financial livelihoods should scare the Phuck out of everyone. Way more dangerous to the everyday American than this virus every could or will be.
This is the most TI post in history.
Going to be a lot of pissed off supporters if he doesn’t straighten that order out by May.

But it doesn’t come close to stopping the shit. Now there will be more packed people in boats from people that live on the lake. I get the effort but I think he could’ve just given DNR the support to increase fines for gatherings of x amount of people.
Everyone should be concerned at how easily the government destroys civil liberties and gains control over everyone. I’ve said all along that this should be taken seriously, but the lack of concern for Americans and their financial livelihoods should scare the Phuck out of everyone. Way more dangerous to the everyday American than this virus every could or will be.

Bro, come on. This is some tin foil hat shit right here. You make it seem like they are making people stay home and closing these landings just for shits and giggles.......we are in the middle of a pandemic and people can't even use common far as I'm concerned this happened due to people's stupidity.

No one would put up with this if there weren't extreme circumstances, and this wouldn't be happening if there wasn't a pandemic. Not everything is a conspiracy to deprive you of your freedom my man.