So South Carolina players wants to rename

I couldn’t care less about Strom Thurmond, but why does Robert Byrd get the benefit of the doubt by the left? Why is it ok to do things like call black people Predators who need to be taken off the street(Biden, the Clinton’s), wear blackface(too many to name), be a grand wizard in the KKK(Byrd), ect, but it’s all good because you have a D next to your name and BLM gets in line so everyone shuts up about it. It’s truly unreal.

Byrd doesn't get a pass either, his day is coming.
Byrd doesn't get a pass either, his day is coming.

haha, I’m sure, seeing as how he is the worst offender of all and has yet to be mentioned. Funny you didn’t mention the others though, so you’re ok with calling black men super predators that need to be taken off the streets, crafting a bill that did exactly that, and wearing black face, but only if they have a D next to their names.
I can't believe how vehemently some are defending such a clearly bad human being. Even saw the erasing history post. No longer choosing to HONOR someone is not erasing history.

If Strom had his way some of you would lose a lot of relationships. I imagine some of you don't have those relationships to lose. I for one am glad the racists didn't win. I have some amazing relationships with white folks and can't imagine any other way or what my parents had to deal with compared to me. Some of you are sad. The totality of these people lives was spent hurting or dividing others.

And MLK compared to Strom? Wow. Because he was against homosexuality? How many homosexuals did he advocate murdering or limiting their basic human rights like many others did? MLK was also an adulterer. I've always said your total record will be reviewed. Not one thing you did unless it's heinous obviously. What's MLK's total record? I don't mind Strom or even some here not liking black folks but spending a lifetime trying to hurt them may come back to haunt you. I'm glad people no longer want to show honor to such people.

hope you’re not including me, as I stated I don’t given a damn about removing confederate statutes or changing the names of buildings, and certainly won’t fight to keep Stroms name on anything. I’m sickened by the people going after Lincoln, Jefferson, and Washington though. My point is simple, where is this vitriol towards racist Dems like the Clintons, Biden, and all the Libs who thought it was ok to wear blackface? They get a pass because BLM knows that’s who they can use to push their Marxist agenda.
The roman empire and the Egyptians heavily used slaves. We should tear down the pyramids and all the monuments and statues and rename anything steming from their culture.

The royal family in the UK are all the decendants of key figures in the slave trade. Need to cut ties with them. All of their family names and wealth can be traced back to slave trading herritage.

Am I doing it right?
Oh, I guess you could add the native Americans, black chiefs/kings in Africa, the Maya, Aztecs Incas all had slaves( some even scarified them to the gods) it was and is a fact of life on this planet. There was a different mind set then, it was an accepted practice, wrong per our morals of today, but accepted. The USA is the only(if not only one of very few)country in the world to have fought an internal war to eliminate it. There are still slaves ( mostly sex) around the world, even in this country, does Jeffery Epstein and Latino girls being smuggled across the boulder come to mind. And it is wrong, still.
The WOKE part of our society thinks that they have all the answers, eliminate all things, names, statues, books, words etc that was in anyway connected to slavery or segregation no matter what other good things might have resulted. They want Abe Lincoln’s statue removed in Boston(?), They destroy statues of Columbus, they get rid of Uncle Ben, rename my syrup. As someone said they will never be satisfied. They remind me of the youth movement in Nazi Germany running amuck, tearing down statues, burning books, rewriting history to suit their nazi thoughts of the way the world should be.
The problem is the WOKE never accomplish what they say are their goals because they are based almost entirely on emotion with some facts (the ones they like) but seldom all the facts. They have riots and destroy the communities they want to help.They destroy the livelihood of many minorities. They want to eliminate the police to protect the minority communities. Well, the ones that end up suffering the most are the minorities. Good examples are Baltimore and Furgerson(sp).
Shelby Steele, a black Fellow at the Hoover Institute, says that the white liberal, the woke, have done more to hold down the blacks of this county by convincing the majority of them that they can’t make it without dependence on them, While destroying the black family unit, screwing up the intercity schools and promising them thing for their vote and never delivering.
Fredrick Douglas said the best thing for the country (and I think he meant the do-gooders)was to leave them (the blacks) alone and let them build their families, build their businesses, build the confidence that they were equal to all in every way.
Destroying history is not the way.
He’s misunderstoood. He just wanted protect the states rights. He made amends in the 70s and 80s and was a key player in milestone conservative legislation. How am I doing?
Not very well. He’s more complicated than some of his supporters and detractors would like him to be. At any rate, he was less problematic for the large majority of his career in the Senate, especially after he became a Republican.
hope you’re not including me, as I stated I don’t given a damn about removing confederate statutes or changing the names of buildings, and certainly won’t fight to keep Stroms name on anything. I’m sickened by the people going after Lincoln, Jefferson, and Washington though. My point is simple, where is this vitriol towards racist Dems like the Clintons, Biden, and all the Libs who thought it was ok to wear blackface? They get a pass because BLM knows that’s who they can use to push their Marxist agenda.

You shouldn't be worried about whether I'm including you. I'm nobody to you. If I directly mentioned you then I think you'd be within your rights to feel accused. No problem with that. I described something and who I was talking to. I'm not inside the hearts and minds of people. If you feel that strongly about Lincoln, Jefferson or whomever then you should stand up for them. I'm speaking up for the ones I disagree with removing anything. I'm not into going after people I simply don't like or disagree with their politics. That's all the advice I have.
You shouldn't be worried about whether I'm including you. I'm nobody to you. If I directly mentioned you then I think you'd be within your rights to feel accused. No problem with that. I described something and who I was talking to. I'm not inside the hearts and minds of people. If you feel that strongly about Lincoln, Jefferson or whomever then you should stand up for them. I'm speaking up for the ones I disagree with removing anything. I'm not into going after people I simply don't like or disagree with their politics. That's all the advice I have.

I don’t need your advice, so save it. Interesting that you deflected, because you go out of your way to not condemn all the racist acts committed by current Democrats. It’s amazing to me that the names of buildings and statues bothers you more than the current Democratic nominee calling all black men super predators that need to be taken off the street, and then authored a bill that did exactly that. I guess you take your marching orders well.
haha, I’m sure, seeing as how he is the worst offender of all and has yet to be mentioned. Funny you didn’t mention the others though, so you’re ok with calling black men super predators that need to be taken off the streets, crafting a bill that did exactly that, and wearing black face, but only if they have a D next to their names.

Yeah you got me, i'm only against Republican racism.
Yeah you got me, i'm only against Republican racism.

nice of you to admit it, and your post history supports this as well. Selective outrage seems to be your, and many others, standard operating procedure. I’ll be patiently waiting on your post condemning racist Dems though, since they all must have been deleted since there are none to be found.
nice of you to admit it, and your post history supports this as well. Selective outrage seems to be your, and many others, standard operating procedure. I’ll be patiently waiting on your post condemning racist Dems though, since they all must have been deleted since there are none to be found.

You're going to be waiting a long time. As you smartly deduced, I only condemn Republican racism.
You're going to be waiting a long time. As you smartly deduced, I only condemn Republican racism.

cool, I look forward to your incessant whining when your white liberal overlords and BLM allow you to be outraged, haha.
I don’t need your advice, so save it. Interesting that you deflected, because you go out of your way to not condemn all the racist acts committed by current Democrats. It’s amazing to me that the names of buildings and statues bothers you more than the current Democratic nominee calling all black men super predators that need to be taken off the street, and then authored a bill that did exactly that. I guess you take your marching orders well.

You sound real stupid. I don't endorse, like or approve of Biden. What your dumbass didn't realize is that while not calling out Biden I'm also not calling out Republicans because I don't agree with something they did OR just because they are Republicans. You're politicizing this. I mentioned earlier that you can believe in change and still not vote Democrat. People think that because so many people are interested in change that now Trump will lose. I don't believe that. Not only "Democrats" want better for our nation. This shouldn't only be about politics even tho I know it's part of the equation. It should be about the human condition. But people like you are stuck on politics. I'm not the person you need to be having these conversations with because I'm thinking beyond that. I know how to allow people to be Democrat or Republican but still improve conditions. You obviously don't.
You sound real stupid. I don't endorse, like or approve of Biden. What your dumbass didn't realize is that while not calling out Biden I'm also not calling out Republicans because I don't agree with something they did OR just because they are Republicans. You're politicizing this. I mentioned earlier that you can believe in change and still not vote Democrat. People think that because so many people are interested in change that now Trump will lose. I don't believe that. Not only "Democrats" want better for our nation. This shouldn't only be about politics even tho I know it's part of the equation. It should be about the human condition. But people like you are stuck on politics. I'm not the person you need to be having these conversations with because I'm thinking beyond that. I know how to allow people to be Democrat or Republican but still improve conditions. You obviously don't.

so calling out your hypocrisy is stupid, gotcha. You’re all over this board calling out racism when it suits your narrative. You go quiet when it doesn’t. Then you make excuses as if your someone searching for middle ground. Call it out both ways and you’ll have much more credibility.
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so calling out your hypocrisy is stupid, gotcha. You’re all over this board calling out racism when it suits your narrative. You go quiet when it doesn’t. Then you make excuses as if your someone searching for middle ground. Call it out both ways and you’ll have much more credibility.

You don't know what the word hypocrisy means. That would mean I was calling out racists based on political affiliation. Which is what you are doing. I respond in conversation but you don't hear me calling anyone out. You are not suited to have these conversations in my opinion. I think you're probably lost and confused or maybe you just have me mixed up with someone else.
What's sad about this thread is nobody's actually talking about anything to do with the actual person Strom Thurmond. Instead, we've got a p*ssing match over partisanship and people who don't seem interested in anything other than the fact that Thurmond defended segregation for a period of time.
Strom was not racist, he made the love with a black woman, they reportedly had great sexy time together, he gave her beautiful mocha baby.