what type of dress should they wear?
if a person is seen to have busted a window into a small business and loot property
how would you suggest the police arrest the person?
Something that ID's them as LEO. Here you go. Check out this tape. Granted it's from msnbc so you can't trust the reporting... but the tape don't lie... watch your Genius Federal agents beat the shit out of a navy vet that's just standing there. Broke his freaking arm and sprayed him in the face with pepper spray... Genius!
they told him to disperse lat least 3 times over the previous 30 minutes.
ample warning was given to all protestors that their vandalism of the federal buidling for the night was done and everyone wanted to go to sleep.
i watched that many times from that network and others
here is ap wire video
i watched yours (a second time)
now watch this
and tell me how do you go about arresting these guys?
nothing to do with black people, white people, donald trump, nancy pelosi
this is american citizens vandalizing private property and well as public property
quit defending them. its nuts to defend them
i watched the live stream for 4 hours last nite and what msnbc showed you was not my general take away.
they just picked out a very sensational tidbit to get you to use as a talking point.
the police were not arresting protestors
they were arresting rioters, vandals, criminals that they caught in the act of violating a law.
big difference
Again, I don't have a problem with arresting people breaking the law. The man was not resisting. If they told him to disperse and he didn't... arrest him. He wasn't resisting... why break his arm and beat the shit out of him? Is that the way the police are supposed to act? Put him in cuffs and take him to jail. I got no problem with that. I got a problem with cops beating the shit out of unarmed protesters.
Again, If this were happening under Obama's, you'd be peeing yourself ranting about these Gestapo tactics... BUT it TRUMP... so it's all good.
Not on that tape they weren't . They were beating the shit out of a guy who was just standing there.
Not on that tape they weren't . They were beating the shit out of a guy who was just standing there.