get the govt out of student loan funding…colleges gonna find out what their education is worth pretty quick
Wouldnt be surprised if this is just baiting the supreme ct to strike it down ahead of midterms to rally the purple haired and get em marching in the streets…not like 10k does anything material to the big picture of loans. Doesnt make much sense politically when cost shift includes / will not benefit significant amt of dem voter base. But if it gets struck down people will have forgotten what was struck down and who benefitted … just conservative ct rejecting dems trying to help people seems like a message theyd want to be selling into elections.
Wouldnt be surprised if this is just baiting the supreme ct to strike it down ahead of midterms to rally the purple haired and get em marching in the streets…not like 10k does anything material to the big picture of loans. Doesnt make much sense politically when cost shift includes / will not benefit significant amt of dem voter base. But if it gets struck down people will have forgotten what was struck down and who benefitted … just conservative ct rejecting dems trying to help people seems like a message theyd want to be selling into elections.