Student loan forgiveness....

get the govt out of student loan funding…colleges gonna find out what their education is worth pretty quick

Wouldnt be surprised if this is just baiting the supreme ct to strike it down ahead of midterms to rally the purple haired and get em marching in the streets…not like 10k does anything material to the big picture of loans. Doesnt make much sense politically when cost shift includes / will not benefit significant amt of dem voter base. But if it gets struck down people will have forgotten what was struck down and who benefitted … just conservative ct rejecting dems trying to help people seems like a message theyd want to be selling into elections.
You call it buying votes I call it sound policy. You call corporate subsidies and tax breaks good policy, I call it buying votes.

Get it?
so $300b hitting an already inflated economy is sound policy? In just a short 4 years, the student loan debt position will be right back where it is now as we aren't fixing the actual problem.

Look at all of the tax payer handouts we gave the Universities when they are sitting on $30b endowment funds......lolz.......but yes, let's make the average American eat $300b of someone else's debt via taxes while we are handing more tax money to some of the largest balance sheets in America. Oh.....and they are increasing tuitions.

Perhaps they should lend directly and eat the defaults themselves.

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Student loan forgiveness will cost more the first year than the inflation reduction act saves in 10 years. The bills will not be allowed in the same press briefing room at the same time. F*cking people are better than gutter salesmen.
Robbing the poor to pay the rich

"Less than 32% of the funding would benefit Americans in the two lowest income quintiles, while 42% would benefit those earning more than $82,400 per year.

Indeed, a report from the Brookings Institution observed that one-third of student debt is owed by the wealthiest 20% of households, while only 8% is owed by the bottom 20% — likely because graduate degrees are often necessary for the most lucrative professions."
Robbing the poor to pay the rich

"Less than 32% of the funding would benefit Americans in the two lowest income quintiles, while 42% would benefit those earning more than $82,400 per year.

Indeed, a report from the Brookings Institution observed that one-third of student debt is owed by the wealthiest 20% of households, while only 8% is owed by the bottom 20% — likely because graduate degrees are often necessary for the most lucrative professions."
"This plan distributes relief highly progressively. Among borrowers who are no longer in school, nearly 90 percent of relief dollars will go to those earning less than $75,000 a year, and no one in the top 5 percent of incomes in America will get a single dollar of relief."

It may all be moot. The president does not have this power in the constitution. The SC may interfere. They probably know this and as such it shows the desperation going into midterms.
Here's how he's going to pull it off.......I knew there was a reason we kept extending the Covid state of emergency.

GOP's war on education been in the works for decades

I always love how people go back 50 years and apply those words today. That just doesn't work and back then it was a labor based economy. That not to say his words were right or just but there was a reason for them. My question for him would be who decides who gets "selected" to go to college? Suffice it to say, while his interest in denying freedom was wrong, the result he feared has come to fruition in many ways. Of course, back then people who were educated were a lot more informed than we are today in so many areas. That's unfortunate.
One has nothing to do with the other but feel free to keep going with that. The PPP loans were to keep companies in business and people employed at a time when the government forced to shut down. Not to mention the fact that it was handled in such a way that it was incredibly damaging to the tax returns the small businesses and affected their creditworthiness in a dramatic way because they have to show the loss of the investment to make the PPP loan forgivable but not the income from the loan when it is forgiven. So it creates a fake tax situation where businesses look like they lost their ass when they didn't. It's intellectually dishonest to make a comparison between the two. But I know that won't stop you from doing it. The government does not do anything well. Not one thing except screw things up with amazing proficiency.

A handout is a handout is a handout is a handout. I paid my loan back, she did not. Hence it is debt forgiveness, no matter how you choose to spin it.

If you spoke with less condescension i might take you more seriously. I heard that from a dipshit recently.
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i feel ya, i've been working 16 hour days the last week and over the weekend. and we all know im evil.

My wife works 10 hour days saving children from molestation and harm and places them in safe environments. Her work is very stressful, she took a loan out to get her master in social work with the predication that the loan wold be forgiven. Since then people who have participated in the same student loan forgiveness plan have been rejected 99% of the time. Theres something to be said about lumping my grievances in with a full on trillion dollar loan forgiveness across the board.

Still college costs way too much in this country and the older generation don't take into account housing costs have risen astronomically.
What was the loan forgiveness predicated on? Certain amount of time working for a particular agency, academic performance, something like that? Who made the promise of forgiveness?

It sounds like your wife's case is different than the stereotypical case of the guy who takes out $150K in student loans to get a degree in Sandskrit (exaggeration but you see the point).

I would not lump them together at all.
the concept of "well i paid off mine so no one should get theirs paid off" is some incredibly selfish line of thinking. i paid the last of mine off 3 years ago and i'd be thrilled if others had some debt forgiveness. it'll also probably do great for the economy considering you'll have people with an extra $1-$2k/month in expendable money being able to buy shit or go on vacations that they previously couldn't afford
Was gonna work through the math on this but I think I detect some sarcasm.

I think the biggest part of this may be the capping of the max percent they can force you to pay being 5%, down from 10%. This MIGHT lead to some short-term relief but will stretch out the terms of the loan a lot longer.

And the max they will save will be $521 a month, if my math is right.
First they need to put the responsibility back on the colleges and universities for these loans. They make a bad investment in a subpar student who fails to pay it back then its their loss and not the taxpayers. They also might change the tuition to less for some of the majors where the potential earnings are less. College has turned into a racket for the universities the way it is set up now. They get paid no matter what.
Perhaps the loan amount should be tied to the earning potential of the degree?

$50K for engineering? We can do that
$50K for women's studies? Ehhhh........
A handout is a handout is a handout is a handout. I paid my loan back, she did not. Hence it is debt forgiveness, no matter how you choose to spin it.

If you spoke with less condescension i might take you more seriously. I heard that from a dipshit recently.
What were the conditions under which the loan was forgiven? There were specific terms under which it could be forgiven. If her business met those terms, then they were eligible.

I presume the business had to shut down or scale back because of COVID, like a lot of places did.

And for the record I thing MTG is an idiot.
A handout is a handout is a handout is a handout. I paid my loan back, she did not. Hence it is debt forgiveness, no matter how you choose to spin it.

If you spoke with less condescension i might take you more seriously. I heard that from a dipshit recently.

Sorry bud. Calling you on a fake equivalence and the fact that you regularly distort or misrepresent the truth to defend your positions is just reality. I can say it real nicely too, but it doesn't change the fact you have a real struggle with the truth.

If you took the loan but didn't need it, that's great for you. A lot of businesses could operate just fine during the pandemic. My field is one of those fields and we prospered during the pandemic because of interest rates. Greene happens to own a construction business. That type of business is not something that could operate very well during the pandemic.

Using something like that to invalidate an opinion that this is a bad idea is ridiculous. The PPP situation created a lot of inflation and the fact that businesses were involuntarily forced into this has something to do with it. No one is forced to go to college. College is a plantation for growing leftist slaves and I can see why folks like you would want as much free money as possible to continue the good work.
Sorry bud. Calling you on a fake equivalence and the fact that you regularly distort or misrepresent the truth to defend your positions is just reality. I can say it real nicely too, but it doesn't change the fact you have a real struggle with the truth.

If you took the loan but didn't need it, that's great for you. A lot of businesses could operate just fine during the pandemic. My field is one of those fields and we prospered during the pandemic because of interest rates. Greene happens to own a construction business. That type of business is not something that could operate very well during the pandemic.

Using something like that to invalidate an opinion that this is a bad idea is ridiculous. The PPP situation created a lot of inflation and the fact that businesses were involuntarily forced into this has something to do with it. No one is forced to go to college. College is a plantation for growing leftist slaves and I can see why folks like you would want as much free money as possible to continue the good work.

College is a plantation for growing leftist slaves and I can see why folks like you would want as much free money as possible to continue the good work.

Wow, you are batshit crazy.

I already said that I am not in favor of student loan forgiveness. I am also not in favor of businesses getting free money from the government. I would like to see the receipts of MTG loans and exactly how they were used. Most home construction businesses hire subcontractors and have very few FT employees.

I also use contractors, and I paid them during the Trump shutdown to do nothing. That is just who I am.
GOP's war on education been in the works for decades
for the sake of argument, I'll just agree with you that those words were said with malice and whatever "-ism", "-ist", or "-ogny" you want to apply to it ........ BUT ......... isnt that a valid concern? Is that not what we have today? Legions of unemployable people with a skill set that isnt useful to the overwhelming majority of job sectors? AND lets not even consider the people who have college degrees in a field that has nothing to do with their current job or career......

Quite frankly, and I have said this before and will again, we have to stop the outright lie that you have to go to college to be successful. Everyone should have the opportunity to go to college, but not everyone SHOULD go to college.

Our society has, for 4 decades, sold our youth the bullshit of "Work smart not hard", and as a result there is a significant shortage of carpenters, plumbers, electricians, HVAC techs, welders, .....all those blue collar jobs that the elites snub their noses at, yet desperately need when the situation arises.

No one in Human history has ever uttered the sentence "OMG! Im having a crisis! I NEED a Gender Studies major!!!!" ....... yet ...... thousands upon thousands of times a day someone says "Holy s*!!!! I need a plumber!!!"

I said it earlier, I could possibly ...potentially get behind this ... or at least not hate it, if the root cause of the problem was address, but its not. The problem is the Govt backed these loans, essentially promising colleges that no matter what they would get paid .... so what did the Colleges do? They jacked tuition to obscene amounts because there was no risk, they were gonna get paid.

What is being done about the cost of college tuition?

Instead of backing college loan to fund generations of useless idiots, we shouldve been demanding backing of votech and trade schools.

But alas here we are .....and we will be here again down the road because we are doing nothing to address the root cause.

This is terrible policy ... and folks can hum he and haw and play whataboutism all they want ... it doesnt change that.
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College is a plantation for growing leftist slaves and I can see why folks like you would want as much free money as possible to continue the good work.

Wow, you are batshit crazy.

I already said that I am not in favor of student loan forgiveness. I am also not in favor of businesses getting free money from the government. I would like to see the receipts of MTG loans and exactly how they were used. Most home construction businesses hire subcontractors and have very few FT employees.

I also use contractors, and I paid them during the Trump shutdown to do nothing. That is just who I am.

Well there are 87,000 new IRS employees who I'm sure will be looking since we have politically motivated use of government agencies these days in this country.

It wasn't the Trump shutdown. There was no order to close the country. It was largely decisions made in the states by the governors of those states to do this. Hence the reason we had such wildly disparate outcomes depending on the political Lanes of the governor of each state.
Well there are 87,000 new IRS employees who I'm sure will be looking since we have politically motivated use of government agencies these days in this country.

It wasn't the Trump shutdown. There was no order to close the country. It was largely decisions made in the states by the governors of those states to do this. Hence the reason we had such wildly disparate outcomes depending on the political Lanes of the governor of each state.

You have a very selective memory. Like I said, you are batshit crazy.

for the sake of argument, I'll just agree with you that those words were said with malice and whatever "-ism", "-ist", or "-ogny" you want to apply to it ........ BUT ......... isnt that a valid concern? Is that not what we have today? Legions of unemployable people with a skill set that isnt useful to the overwhelming majority of job sectors? AND lets not even consider the people who have college degrees in a field that has nothing to do with their current job or career......

Quite frankly, and I have said this before and will again, we have to stop the outright lie that you have to go to college to be successful. Everyone should have the opportunity to go to college, but not everyone SHOULD go to college.

Our society has, for 4 decades, sold our youth the bullshit of "Work smart not hard", and as a result there is a significant shortage of carpenters, plumbers, electricians, HVAC techs, welders, .....all those blue collar jobs that the elites snub their noses at, yet desperately need when the situation arises.

No one in Human history has ever uttered the sentence "OMG! Im having a crisis! I NEED a Gender Studies major!!!!" ....... yet ...... thousands upon thousands of times a day someone says "Holy s*!!!! I need a plumber!!!"

I said it earlier, I could possibly ...potentially get behind this ... or at least not hate it, if the root cause of the problem was address, but its not. The problem is the Govt backed these loans, essentially promising colleges that no matter what they would get paid .... so what did the Colleges do? They jacked tuition to obscene amounts because there was no risk, they were gonna get paid.

What is being done about the cost of college tuition?

Instead of backing college loan to fund generations of useless idiots, we shouldve been demanding backing of votech and trade schools.

But alas here we are .....and we will be here again down the road because we are doing nothing to address the root cause.

This is terrible policy ... and folks can hum he and haw and play whataboutism all they want ... it doesnt change that.
the bolded i wholeheartedly agree with. a major problem is boomers raised their children thinking that EVERYONE needs to go to college so they could get a white collar job and it oversaturated the market while simultaneously demeaning blue collar work. you have an entire generation that were fed the belief that "you HAVE to go to college if you want to succeed" so they take all these loans out at ridiculous rates because they've been told their whole life that college is what they HAVE to do to be successful. sadly, that, plus the recession that hit in the 2000s when all of these kids were graduating college helped us end up with our current disaster.

the sad part of it is there's this prevailing thought amongst these people that blue collar work should be frowned upon and isn't "intellectual", but it couldn't be further from the truth. hell, ask any of the people on TI that do blue collar work whether they want their kids to become a plumber, electrictian, or whatever and i bet they'll say "no, i want them to go to college so they can be a lawyer, or doctor, or scientist, etc."

idk the solution, and i apologize for the essay, but it's something i wish we had a plan to fix. unfortunately, doing something that would address the cost of college tuition will require an act of congress, and none of our elected leaders will do anything to address that because none of them actually care to get anything done
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You have a very selective memory. Like I said, you are batshit crazy.


Reading really is hard for you isn't it? He didn't order the shut down of the country. There's no order there. Just a proposal and a policy point to move forward in the best way.
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Reading really is hard for you isn't it? He didn't order the shut down of the country. There's no order there. Just a proposal and a policy point to move forward in the best way.

So you agree that Trump's presidential recommendation to shut down the economy was the "best way".

Wow. You are all over the place. Batshit crazy.
So you agree that Trump's presidential recommendation to shut down the economy was the "best way".

Wow. You are all over the place. Batshit crazy.

No I don't think that. But I also can't see this in any way but hindsight. It was the call he was recommended to make by his best advisors and he followed it. It was an impossible situation for any leader to make those kinds of determinations. The entire world pretty much did the same thing. We were all scared and didn't know what was happening or how it would go. There was no way to know for sure what the right choice to make was.

I'm not crazy and I am very consistent in my views.

Extremely limited government, fidelity to the Constitution, rule of law, freedom and liberty.

That's the benefit of when you don't have to weave back and forth to keep up with narratives of the party/political viewpoint you sold your soul to for some insane reason.
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the concept of "well i paid off mine so no one should get theirs paid off" is some incredibly selfish line of thinking. i paid the last of mine off 3 years ago and i'd be thrilled if others had some debt forgiveness. it'll also probably do great for the economy considering you'll have people with an extra $1-$2k/month in expendable money being able to buy shit or go on vacations that they previously couldn't afford
Except it doesn't fix the root cause and sets the expectations for future forgiveness at higher costs
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College is a plantation for growing leftist slaves and I can see why folks like you would want as much free money as possible to continue the good work.
What a disgusting comment and it perfectly illustrates why Republicans want to keep 'em dumb.

It's not that colleges are inherently bastions of liberalism - it's that conservatives are afraid of new ideas because their ideology relies on traditional values in a very structured environment.

Liberals believe in respecting alternate values and embracing new ideas. Colleges are dedicated to exposing young minds to as many new ideas as they can hold, so the very concept of college is a liberal one.

Conservativism, at its heart, means clinging to ideas as they were in the past. As time goes on, we learn more and more new things, which means increasing knowledge naturally works against clinging to ideas as they were in the past.

I'm happy to be woke and not stuck in some fictional idea of the past. Sorry progress scares you so much. Get over it.
No I don't think that. But I also can't see this in any way but hindsight. It was the call he was recommended to make by his best advisors and he followed it. It was an impossible situation for any leader to make those kinds of determinations. The entire world pretty much did the same thing. We were all scared and didn't know what was happening or how it would go. There was no way to know for sure what the right choice to make was.

I'm not crazy and I am very consistent in my views.

Extremely limited government, fidelity to the Constitution, rule of law, freedom and liberty.

That's the benefit of when you don't have to weave back and forth to keep up with narratives of the party/political viewpoint you sold your soul to for some insane reason.
And this is exactly why you need to STFU about Fauci. It was a novel virus, which means NEW and we were all learning on the fly, including scientists. How dare you demonize that man for just trying to do his best to keep Americans alive. He has to have round the clock security and receives constant death threats because your side can't accept that fact. He also didn't know how things would go but he was interpreting the data as best he could as the virus seemed to change characteristics daily. I know your hindsight is perfect, but read what you wrote above and admit that it applies to him as well. He's human and he made some bad calls - just like you do at your own job.
What was the loan forgiveness predicated on? Certain amount of time working for a particular agency, academic performance, something like that? Who made the promise of forgiveness?

It sounds like your wife's case is different than the stereotypical case of the guy who takes out $150K in student loans to get a degree in Sandskrit (exaggeration but you see the point).

I would not lump them together at all.

Public Service Loan Forgiveness Report Highlights

From the most recent data, 1,216 people have received loan forgiveness under the program. This is a huge improvement from the original 96.

However, 100,835 applications were still rejected. This number isn’t surprising, as most of the individuals shouldn’t have applied as they wouldn’t qualify. So, while the rejection rate is still high, it improved almost 3x in a year, and the report tells a better story of success than past reports.

In short: They hoodwinked a shit ton of public servants into getting degrees that their jobs can't pay for. Everyone should know this information before speaking with authority on the subject. Not singling you out. Just saying in general.

Just imagine getting a 60k loan to become a teacher thinking you can get it forgiven in 10 years only to find out nope. What a **** you to the american people.
And this is exactly why you need to STFU about Fauci. It was a novel virus, which means NEW and we were all learning on the fly, including scientists. How dare you demonize that man for just trying to do his best to keep Americans alive. He has to have round the clock security and receives constant death threats because your side can't accept that fact. He also didn't know how things would go but he was interpreting the data as best he could as the virus seemed to change characteristics daily. I know your hindsight is perfect, but read what you wrote above and admit that it applies to him as well. He's human and he made some bad calls - just like you do at your own job.

Fauci lied. He lied over and over again. He misrepresented so many things. Maybe he was doing his best. But his best was awful for the country and truly awful practice. The list of things he has done to warp and distort medicine for his glory is quite long. These aren't items up for debate. They are there for the record for all to see. If you don't want to see that, it's up to you. And wow that you are so blind to reality.
What a disgusting comment and it perfectly illustrates why Republicans want to keep 'em dumb.

It's not that colleges are inherently bastions of liberalism - it's that conservatives are afraid of new ideas because their ideology relies on traditional values in a very structured environment.

Liberals believe in respecting alternate values and embracing new ideas. Colleges are dedicated to exposing young minds to as many new ideas as they can hold, so the very concept of college is a liberal one.

Conservativism, at its heart, means clinging to ideas as they were in the past. As time goes on, we learn more and more new things, which means increasing knowledge naturally works against clinging to ideas as they were in the past.

I'm happy to be woke and not stuck in some fictional idea of the past. Sorry progress scares you so much. Get over it.

Thank you for this wonderful post. I don't want to keep anyone dumb. It's ironic what you say about liberals. Please tell me again why so many prominent, lifelong liberals have jumped ship with the idiocy you espouse and started railing against how dangerous it is? Care to elaborate there?

You have no idea what conservatism is other than what you need it to be. It's freedom and opportunity for all but it's based in personal responsibility and self determination. I have absolutely no problem with traditional liberalism. In fact, I would say it is essential to the functioning of a free society. It guards against the unfortunate tendency of religion to lose its way and try to start forcing its moral standards rather than advocating for them.

However, keeping people in poor schools. Providing for them under the auspices of victimhood is the core principle of leftism. It provides what leftists crave most. Control and power. One need look no further than the example of Lawrence Tribe celebrating his students from Harvard having their loans forgiven. LOL at that. So detached from reality and so elitist.

I'm sorry for you. You really are quite pathetic. You are filled with so much that is misguided and completely false. At least I understand that my way isn't the only way nor is it the right way in all cases. I desperately covet a loyal opposition. I don't seek to denigrate and destroy those who don't think like me. In fact, I seek out the discussion and disagreement because anything I believe that can't stand up to scrutiny is probably wrong and I need to listen to others.

College doesn't do any of that these days. It used to but those days are gone. One need only listen to the HUNDREDS of college professors who have been screaming about this for awhile now. It's mind boggling you ignore so much. Especially when truly great liberals speak out about the dangers of what's going on. You could be one of those people but instead you choose to be a blind mouse. I don't understand because you're a smart guy. I'm just sure you're better than that.
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Public Service Loan Forgiveness Report Highlights

From the most recent data, 1,216 people have received loan forgiveness under the program. This is a huge improvement from the original 96.

However, 100,835 applications were still rejected. This number isn’t surprising, as most of the individuals shouldn’t have applied as they wouldn’t qualify. So, while the rejection rate is still high, it improved almost 3x in a year, and the report tells a better story of success than past reports.

In short: They hoodwinked a shit ton of public servants into getting degrees that their jobs can't pay for. Everyone should know this information before speaking with authority on the subject. Not singling you out. Just saying in general.

Just imagine getting a 60k loan to become a teacher thinking you can get it forgiven in 10 years only to find out nope. What a **** you to the american people.

We had this happen to us. My wife taught in Title 1 schools here entire teaching career. We were supposed to receive loan forgiveness but we got screwed out of it by the government. It was a real gut punch for us and especially after working in Title 1 schools for so long. Working in those schools is really tough. We can fix that without spending $300-$600b on forgiveness. Especially under such dishonest circumstances as we see with this Heroes Act BS.
You have a very selective memory. Like I said, you are batshit crazy.


Trump followed the advice of his staff and initially shut the country down.....that portion is true at least but when he tried to reopen in 2020, he was told the decision was at the state level, not the federal level. (crazy how when the country follows that model and puts the power back into the states' hands for abortions, the left lose their minds)

I also remember you and others saying he didn't do enough to stop covid and had blood all over his hands in Nov of 2020 but here you are saying he didn't do enough to reopen the country......

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College is a plantation for growing leftist slaves and I can see why folks like you would want as much free money as possible to continue the good work.

Wow, you are batshit crazy.

I already said that I am not in favor of student loan forgiveness. I am also not in favor of businesses getting free money from the government. I would like to see the receipts of MTG loans and exactly how they were used. Most home construction businesses hire subcontractors and have very few FT employees.

I also use contractors, and I paid them during the Trump shutdown to do nothing. That is just who I am.
When you're done with MTG, can you also do Stacey Abrams? Thanks in advance
the concept of "well i paid off mine so no one should get theirs paid off" is some incredibly selfish line of thinking. i paid the last of mine off 3 years ago and i'd be thrilled if others had some debt forgiveness. it'll also probably do great for the economy considering you'll have people with an extra $1-$2k/month in expendable money being able to buy shit or go on vacations that they previously couldn't afford
I don’t think many people out there are going to suddenly have an extra $10k-$24k per year in expendable funds because of $10k student loan forgiveness
Fauci lied. He lied over and over again. He misrepresented so many things. Maybe he was doing his best. But his best was awful for the country and truly awful practice. The list of things he has done to warp and distort medicine for his glory is quite long. These aren't items up for debate. They are there for the record for all to see. If you don't want to see that, it's up to you. And wow that you are so blind to reality.
Calling Fauci a liar is pure projection on your part because you need someone to blame for the disastrous approach that Trump took in order to downplay and dismiss the virus, because it interfered with his plans for re-election. Then Fauci made the unforgiveable sin of stating that hydroxywhatthefvck didn't work. That made Trump look stupid and for that, he had to be DESTROYED! Just another example of the anti-intellectual infection that has taken over this country. Experts must be marginalized so that we only listen to idiots. SAD!
Thank you for this wonderful post. I don't want to keep anyone dumb. It's ironic what you say about liberals. Please tell me again why so many prominent, lifelong liberals have jumped ship with the idiocy you espouse and started railing against how dangerous it is? Care to elaborate there?

You have no idea what conservatism is other than what you need it to be. It's freedom and opportunity for all but it's based in personal responsibility and self determination. I have absolutely no problem with traditional liberalism. In fact, I would say it is essential to the functioning of a free society. It guards against the unfortunate tendency of religion to lose its way and try to start forcing its moral standards rather than advocating for them.

However, keeping people in poor schools. Providing for them under the auspices of victimhood is the core principle of leftism. It provides what leftists crave most. Control and power. One need look no further than the example of Lawrence Tribe celebrating his students from Harvard having their loans forgiven. LOL at that. So detached from reality and so elitist.

I'm sorry for you. You really are quite pathetic. You are filled with so much that is misguided and completely false. At least I understand that my way isn't the only way nor is it the right way in all cases. I desperately covet a loyal opposition. I don't seek to denigrate and destroy those who don't think like me. In fact, I seek out the discussion and disagreement because anything I believe that can't stand up to scrutiny is probably wrong and I need to listen to others.

College doesn't do any of that these days. It used to but those days are gone. One need only listen to the HUNDREDS of college professors who have been screaming about this for awhile now. It's mind boggling you ignore so much. Especially when truly great liberals speak out about the dangers of what's going on. You could be one of those people but instead you choose to be a blind mouse. I don't understand because you're a smart guy. I'm just sure you're better than that.
Damnit, I knew I should have stayed unsubscribed from your lecture series - my BP just can't take it.

I'm not replying to every red herring you threw out in order to distract, as they're just subjective bullshit you use to re-enforce your superiority complex.

Students are reported to learn things at colleges. Once Repubs found this out, they were obviously outraged and have vowed to put an end to this as quickly as possible!

They don't even hide it anymore that they want to keep their side dumb out of fear their children might become **GASP** Democrats!

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Calling Fauci a liar is pure projection on your part because you need someone to blame for the disastrous approach that Trump took in order to downplay and dismiss the virus, because it interfered with his plans for re-election. Then Fauci made the unforgiveable sin of stating that hydroxywhatthefvck didn't work. That made Trump look stupid and for that, he had to be DESTROYED! Just another example of the anti-intellectual infection that has taken over this country. Experts must be marginalized so that we only listen to idiots. SAD!

Trump did a terrible job with covid. He was all over the place and the interlaced his need for praising himself into everything he did. It was awful. I have no need to defend him because he's not mine to defend. He was not a good president. Some of his policies were helpful but overall he left our nation worse off rather than better off after 8 years of an awful presidency in 16 years of pretty lousy presidents. Unlike you I don't have any sacred cows to protect. I just call it like I see it based on the facts. You should try it.
Damnit, I knew I should have stayed unsubscribed from your lecture series - my BP just can't take it.

I'm not replying to every red herring you threw out in order to distract, as they're just subjective bullshit you use to re-enforce your superiority complex.

Students are reported to learn things at colleges. Once Repubs found this out, they were obviously outraged and have vowed to put an end to this as quickly as possible!

They don't even hide it anymore that they want to keep their side dumb out of fear their children might become **GASP** Democrats!

Or perhaps they realize the biggest Force for stupid in this country is our education system when coupled with the indoctrination by woke leftists working in our colleges and universities. You can still get a good education but you're also going to get a whole lot of stupid. What's taking place on our college campuses is stunning. I also noticed that you left out all the liberals who are screaming about what's going on. I know that's inconvenient and I'm sorry that I brought it up. I would hate to get in the way of your mindless narratives.
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