2,618 Suicides today as of this post and 302122 in 2020 so far.
WHO says there are close to 800,000 per year so:
800,000/365 = 2191 per day
How many do we have so far today? 2618 and we still have a few more hours to go. Load the link at 5 til midnight to get close to today’s numbers. Hint it’s increasing. Exponentially growing!
or 302,133/103 = 2933 per day which is much much worse!
or 2933 x 365 = 1,070,545 VS 800,000
that’s roughly a 25% increase!!! Or 61,000 more this current year 2020! It will kill many more than Covid-19 because it is just getting started as in 3/4 weeks old (economy shutdown) and Covid-19 is peaking (now 5 months old).