Balance to “me” would be covering the new virus for what it is, a new virus that has symptoms so mild for many, they don’t even know they are sick. With a mortality rate that appears to be higher than the flu, 2.3% verses .1%, but given the symptoms for many appear to be very mild, this may be overstated. Although caution and observation are warranted, this virus could end up being the equivalent of a mild flu strain. Similar precautions to the flu should be taken, except that there is no vaccine yet. Given that the flu has already killed as many as 46,000 people this year, compared to 2,000 for this new virus, we urge you to get a flu shot since one is available.
To “me”, this conveys information and puts it into perspective based on what is known so far, and doesn’t incite panic. This is not what I’m seeing. I don’t think it is partisan, and I don’t think there is any conspiracy. Just lazy, sensationalized reporting, which unfortunately is pretty typical these days.
And no, I don’t mind at all when people disagree with me, and I am not afraid to change my mind if facts/data warrants it.