Texas Governor

I don’t think ppl want to hold this up to hurt Trump. It is not in anyone’s interest to isolate and hurt their own pocketbooks. I don’t like Trump but I sure as heck don’t want to ruin him enough to majorly hurt my finances. Lots of ppl feel the way they do bc they are fearful of dying. Also Trump will get a free pass if the economy tanks anyway due to the is not like the economy went bad due to some policy of his. Sure he can and should be dinged for calling it a hoax and saying we will only have a handful of cases but that has nothing to go with the economy.

Stopped reading at, “I don’t like Trump”

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It’s called inflation. That’s a great way to destroy an economy (printing money). Go see Zimbabwe. Now go learn how to put your response outside the quote.
good point. Totally agree things need to be balanced and a reasonable middle ground should be achieved with balancing risk of mass casualties vs long term depression. Both are extremely important

That's my concern - that eventually the cost of a damaged economy will lead to more deaths than the virus.

Perhaps my meter is off or perhaps you didn’t know what you were talking about.
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not trying to be morbid but after the dust settles, I’d be interested to see Virus deaths vs economic related deaths (suicides, losing health coverages, etc). I think everyone is so focused on preventing virus deaths, that people are forgetting the other side. Just my opinion, worth about as much as y’all paid for it.
A story out today on substantial increase in heart attacks and cardiac arrests and sudden death at home in recent weeks. First responders have a 50% increase in ambulance calls even in communities with little or no Covid-19. Several cardiologists stated they believe folks are having heart attacks at home and not calling for help or getting to the hospital until too late out of irrational fear.
Will not happen- we are the world's pet currency. Going back to the Reagan days of voodoo economics, the monetarists ruled the economic roost. Guys like Milton Friedman changed how we looked at inflation as part of the trickle down sell.

Old school economics said inflation was too many dollars chasing too few goods. The monetarists conflated that to simply an increase in the money supply- regardless of whether or not that supply was chasing any goods. We put the lie to that with the 2008 collapse when trillions were created world-wide with not a sign of inflation anywhere.

We were the leaders in that money creation and not only no inflation- there was no weakening of the dollar. We're still the only game in town because the only two contenders, Europe and China have problems greater than we have. The European Union is a herd of cats that could fall apart at any time- Britain just left and all the southern countries are suffering greatly with forced austerity (never works) thanks to their inability to "print" their own money. China lies about everything, including financial numbers. You can't base the world's banking system on a manipulated currency.

We're safe for the foreseeable future.
Agree, the EU will be dismantled, already happening, China at the moment is being hollowed out, companies leaving left and
right, will be a shadow of it's self in the future. Look for Indonesia and India to grow significantly now and future.
Agree, the EU will be dismantled, already happening, China at the moment is being hollowed out, companies leaving left and
right, will be a shadow of it's self in the future. Look for Indonesia and India to grow significantly now and future.
china needs to be a third world country
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Agree, the EU will be dismantled, already happening, China at the moment is being hollowed out, companies leaving left and
right, will be a shadow of it's self in the future. Look for Indonesia and India to grow significantly now and future.
China is not going to be hollowed out. Cite me some respected economists and/or diplomats suggesting that. If that were really the case, why would Trump press China for new trade agreements? Why not let China be hollowed out?

China will become the world's dominant economy by the end of the century. It has the world's largest consumer market; it uses advanced technology; its best hospitals are as good as most of ours (U.S. doctors used the findings of Chinese doctors to figure out how to treat COVID-19 patients); and through its economic expansion into Africa and Europe, it is building allies and developing new markets. I don't think you will find too many policy makers in Washington content with ignoring China because it is about to be hollowed out.
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You guys are hilarious. How many communists even exist in the world anymore let alone the US. There is no legitimate interest in communism here. But John Birch lives on TI and there is a commie behind every tree. SMH.
Bernie Sanders, running for the president with a pretty large following & a "prominent" member of the Democratic party
They don’t even know how long the immunity lasts, who really has some form of immunity, who could still be spreading weeks after they thought they were fully recovered. Great thought, but pump the brakes on the timeframe ya old Texas Gunslinger. Need more info and way more testing!
Yes! Let's all agree to stay under our beds until next July 4th just to be sure.
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Bernie Sanders, running for the president with a pretty large following & a "prominent" member of the Democratic party
He is an admitted Socialist. A socialist like the ones who are in the majority in Scandinavian countries. Last time I checked, Norway, Finland and Sweden were allies of the US and members of NATO. I bet some people on TI have visited those countries and lived to tell about it.

I have never supported Bernie Sanders for anything. Delighted he has ended his campaign for president. But he is not a Communist and neither is he a fascist. You may disagree with him but his view of socialism is quite different than Lenin's or Brezhnev's.
Good for him. McMaster should do the same as this is a total nonissue in SC
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He is an admitted Socialist. A socialist like the ones who are in the majority in Scandinavian countries. Last time I checked, Norway, Finland and Sweden were allies of the US and members of NATO. I bet some people on TI have visited those countries and lived to tell about it.

I have never supported Bernie Sanders for anything. Delighted he has ended his campaign for president. But he is not a Communist and neither is he a fascist. You may disagree with him but his view of socialism is quite different than Lenin's or Brezhnev's.
He actually is a Marxist / Communist.
It’s a serious issue but it seems like most anyone that dies from the state of South Carolina is elderly. You cannot keep an economy shut down because you have people who are 90 years old and dying. That sounds cruel, I don’t care. The fact of the matter is you can’t keep doing it.

Everything has to be state by state. New York City will be shut down for a long time but the majority of areas in the nation will open back up sooner than later for sure.

Needs to be even more granular than state by state. Should be community by community with individual people making their own judgments within that community. Higher risk folks (like me) need to take longer to go back out. Lower risk individuals circulating will accelerate the herd mentality necessary to starve the virus assuming immunity holds but the cost, for as yet an undetermined reason, will be x number of low risk individuals suffering a horrific outcome because of the unpredictable “cytokine storm”. But the other side of the equation (starvations, suicides, homicides, inability to secure medications or healthcare, etc.) from a depressed economy has only recently begun to gather attention. There is a best case combination but whoever makes whatever decision will be half wrong no matter what! Don’t envy that call. GO TIGERS!
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May 1st I believe most will start to open back up. Obviously going to depend on the state you are in. I'm in FL and we are still getting 1100 new cases every day. The plan is for 14 days with a decrease in cases and enough ventilators to service people. If it started to decline now we would be at the end of April but I believe it will be more like end of May.

This. SC will get started back up by the end of May IMO.
I’m glad he is at least looking into it. All it takes is one to step out, then the others join. Could it backfire? Sure. Could we be ok? Maybe. Don’t know until you venture out.
Wow. Glad you're not in charge of people's lives.
looking to reopen the state.

Possibly passing an executive order with steps to getting the economy going this week. Said the ones with immunity and less affected would be the first to go back. Interested to see how it plays out.

I’m under the belief we have to get something going. If it means opening up in stages, so be it. Parts of the country may not be able to as quickly, but the current business model can’t continue much longer.
No one has an end plan. Models factored in social distancing and the models have been massively over stated. Now we have to keep it an emergency or risk admitting we caused the greatest recession in US history because of inaccurate modeling.

Next phase will be “prevent the second wave.” Stay locked up and give thanks that our government rulers have decided to spare our lives this time.
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No one has an end plan. Models factored in social distancing and the models have been massively over stated. Now we have to keep it an emergency or risk admitting we caused the greatest recession in US history because of inaccurate modeling.

Next phase will be “prevent the second wave.” Stay locked up and give thanks that our government rulers have decided to spare our lives this time.
im liking it only because I assume you are using sarcasm in the 2nd paragraph.
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I live in Texas.

Most people are staying home currently.

This will remain until APRIL 30th. I suggest this means May 4 since the 30th is a Thursday.

A lot of manufacturing companies are open.

They are practicing a good amount or social distancing and some other more advanced controls. Ex. Temperates taken daily, no visitors,

I suspect it will be mid May before much opens and not likely all at once but a couple of tiers.

This guy is right. Pay special attention to where he talks about acceptable risk and what we are normally willing to accept in our daily lives, but for some reason with this virus we have gone crazy and destroyed everything over risk that is less that we have been accepting everyday of our lives.

This guy is right. Pay special attention to where he talks about acceptable risk and what we are normally willing to accept in our daily lives, but for some reason with this virus we have gone crazy and destroyed everything over risk that is less that we have been accepting everyday of our lives.
didn’t show up on my phone
Everyone is worried and concerned, but as you satirically said, we just cannot let this go on too much longer without permanently destroying our economy and nation. Of course we have about half of the population in this country that hopes that will happen, so they they can get rid of Donald Trump, and/or fundamentally change this nation (to communism or socialism), and/or rid our economy of oil, gas, airplanes, and cars, so they can implement to socialist 'Green New Deal'. I've heard leftist actors, activists, political figures, etc., actually admit to that!!! But I think Donald Trump knows what to do and ain't gonna let that happen

It makes you wonder if the Wicked Witch of the East (Arkansas) Hillary Clinton had become president the economy would have already been in shambles, before the Coronavirus did its thing. We would then be in a depression that would have made the 'Great Depression' seem mild. But given the fact that Trump had this economy rolling gives us a chance to survive and come back, which I believe what Trump said, in that this economy will rebound and hit even new highs!!!

Dude, do you just make shit up as you post? Half the population wants the US economy destroyed? Where do you get your numbers from? I'd like to see your source, b/c I think the place you pulled that from is brown and smells like crap. Come on man. I've heard football players say that the world is flat, but I don't think half of all football players think so.

As for the economy, take a look at where we were under George W and where we went under Obama. Nothing but good times from the economy (which continued under Trump). I think the President (who ever that is) gets too much credit and too much blame for the economy. Personally, I doubt that Hillary would have been much different than Obama and he had a pretty good run. Our economy is in chambles right now. Do you blame Trump? I don't Yet you are prepared to blame Hillary b/c the economy MIGHT be in shambles (I think it would be). It's amazing how Trump gets credit for good DOW numbers and no blame for bad ones.
Dude, do you just make shit up as you post? Half the population wants the US economy destroyed? Where do you get your numbers from? I'd like to see your source, b/c I think the place you pulled that from is brown and smells like crap. Come on man. I've heard football players say that the world is flat, but I don't think half of all football players think so.

As for the economy, take a look at where we were under George W and where we went under Obama. Nothing but good times from the economy (which continued under Trump). I think the President (who ever that is) gets too much credit and too much blame for the economy. Personally, I doubt that Hillary would have been much different than Obama and he had a pretty good run. Our economy is in chambles right now. Do you blame Trump? I don't Yet you are prepared to blame Hillary b/c the economy MIGHT be in shambles (I think it would be). It's amazing how Trump gets credit for good DOW numbers and no blame for bad ones.

Well now that number is 51%. You just posed!!!
Well now that number is 51%. You just posed!!!

No, because, I have a job and all my stuff is in the US. Why on earth would I want to lose everything I have? Why on earth would I want all my family and friends to lose all that they have? That makes no sense, but I have NO DOUBT that you believe the crap that you are spewing.

Which is my whole point with Trumpians. You believe everything that comes out of his mouth. I dislike Trump and have never made any secret of it. BUT as much as you believe it, Trump is NOT America. Not even close. I love my country. And I want it to succeed. But you've been so brainwashed by Trump and his continual attacks against ANYONE or ANYTHING that dares to disagree with him, that you now equate being disloyal/critical to Trump as being anti American. Nothing could be further from the truth.
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