I'd like to say I defend truth at every turn and if that makes me a Democrat, so be it. We sure as hell aren't the party that turns every single political issue into a conspiracy theory and when I say something, I always have back up. You are saying something you can't prove. If you can, please reveal what you have. Reminder, no one had any business being there in the first place besides believing some bullshit Trump made up in his head and if that means they also could be talked into doing something criminal by someone in the crowd, they deserved what they got.
I'm not sure if you're implying that I'm not a Clemson sports fan but I can put that to rest for you. My grandfather played for Clemson and my father took me to the games since I was a kid so it's been in my blood my whole life. My avatar is also the tattoo I have on my right shoulder.
I don't know how many people I'm reaching and that's not really my concern. I'm a member here so this is one of the places I post. I've said this before but the main reason I do post a lot is because I became so disgusted by all the misinformation and lies during Trump's administration that I vowed I would always address misinformation when I saw it, because it's been destroying this country and I'm not going to sit back and let it slide. There have already been too many people who've been hypnotized by conspiracy theories and if I can reach just one of those people, that's good enough for me.
I'm far from a genius and far from being the smartest person on this board but I know a lie when I see one. Remember, you've admitted in the past that you are a conspiracy theorist so you're not prone to believing the truth in the first place. If you take that to mean I think I'm smarter than you, then so be it. I don't think you're dumb at all for the record and I don't think I'm smarter than you, so it's disappointing to see someone like yourself believing in the most unlikely explanations for every event.
This sounds like you're just parroting Tucker and we know he's a charlatan who constantly bends the truth to appease his audience. There's a lot of context you're missing here but another reminder that they had no business being there in the first place, so it's nobody's fault but their own for being so stupid. I don't defend a party, I defend the truth. I can't stand the far-left for example and have no desire to cover for their views.
I feel the same but the Republican party has turned into a party of bad people in my opinion, who have given their souls over to the most corrupt politician in our history. The ones I would defend have been ex-communicated, voted out or left simply because they won't kiss the ring, so who's left to defend on your side?