Thank you TigerGrowls...What happened to common sense?


The Mariana Trench
Gold Member
Nov 24, 2003
Do you dems/libs/ President Trump haters have any common sense? Everything in this world is biased and controlled by the media.
Let’s suppose you can put your hatred aside briefly and look at how things unfolded. Think about the differences in the two campaigns. The energy between the two were unlike any we have ever seen. How many unplanned parades did Biden have? How about the conventions? One was very positive and all about our great country. The other was the equivalent to watching a sad movie.
At some point, we have to quit arguing “facts” provided to us across MSM and social platforms and use common sense.
Biden did not win this election and it wasn’t even close. We all know it. Many of us will not give in and the others will ridicule. Go ahead and throw a bunch of stats out there to prove otherwise.

I just mentioned a couple things to differentiate. Obviously there are many more. President Trump will go down as one of the greatest presidents. I am confident that he will add to his great legacy. Btw, How is Biden doing so far???? Surely better than dictator Trump?

Open your eyes people before it’s too late.
Do you dems/libs/ President Trump haters have any common sense? Everything in this world is biased and controlled by the media.
Let’s suppose you can put your hatred aside briefly and look at how things unfolded. Think about the differences in the two campaigns. The energy between the two were unlike any we have ever seen. How many unplanned parades did Biden have? How about the conventions? One was very positive and all about our great country. The other was the equivalent to watching a sad movie.
At some point, we have to quit arguing “facts” provided to us across MSM and social platforms and use common sense.
Biden did not win this election and it wasn’t even close. We all know it. Many of us will not give in and the others will ridicule. Go ahead and throw a bunch of stats out there to prove otherwise.

I just mentioned a couple things to differentiate. Obviously there are many more. President Trump will go down as one of the greatest presidents. I am confident that he will add to his great legacy. Btw, How is Biden doing so far???? Surely better than dictator Trump?

Open your eyes people before it’s too late.

So much nonsense in here. Where to begin?

- Do you dems/libs/ President Trump haters have any common sense?

I've seen other Trumpers on this board incorrectly use Occam's Razor - the philosophical rule that states that the simplest explanation in any given scenario is most likely the correct one - to try and explain Biden's election. They cite things like rally size, and claim that "the simplest explanation is that Trump actually won and there must have been fraud".

This, of course, isn't how Occam's Razor works. In an election, the SIMPLEST outcome is that one candidate receives more votes than another. Period. Adding any other variable, like alleged vote manipulation, literally means that it is no longer the simplest explanation.

- At some point, we have to quit arguing “facts” provided to us across MSM and social platforms

How about facts - or total lack thereof - presented in court? 60 losses. Refusal to even allege fraud in front of a judge. Are those things that were created by social media?

- The energy between the two were unlike any we have ever seen.

This argument is so ridiculous. Beyond ridiculous, actually. Why? Because it means absolutely NOTHING, especially within the context of this race during a pandemic.

Did you know that I tried very hard to attend at least three drive-in rallies for Biden and Harris here in Atlanta, but was unable to? Why? Because they were not open to the public. You had to be a donor, or have connections, to score an invite. And Democratic voters were/are notoriously more concerned about mass gatherings due to Covid-19. Compare those dynamics with that of a free-for-all MAGA rally, and the differences make sense.

Also - and much more significant - is the fact that tens of millions of Americans were always going to vote for "Not-Trump". It wasn't about being fanatical about Biden; it was about removing the asshole in power.

- How about the conventions? One was very positive and all about our great country. The other was the equivalent to watching a sad movie.

Logic doesn't seem to be your strong suit, so let me try to break this down for you. When there is an incumbent candidate, It is their job to portray their performance in the best possible light. Their challenger will try to demonstrate the need for immediate change. That alone explains the difference in tone at a basic level. Things like the pandemic, the economic collapse, severe racial tensions/riots, etc... explains the differences even more.

- President Trump will go down as one of the greatest presidents.

Sure. A twice-Impeached, single-term president who totally botched the most major test of his leadership will go down as the GOAT.

So much nonsense in here. Where to begin?

- Do you dems/libs/ President Trump haters have any common sense?

I've seen other Trumpers on this board incorrectly use Occam's Razor - the philosophical rule that states that the simplest explanation in any given scenario is most likely the correct one - to try and explain Biden's election. They cite things like rally size, and claim that "the simplest explanation is that Trump actually won and there must have been fraud".

This, of course, isn't how Occam's Razor works. In an election, the SIMPLEST outcome is that one candidate receives more votes than another. Period. Adding any other variable, like alleged vote manipulation, literally means that it is no longer the simplest explanation.

- At some point, we have to quit arguing “facts” provided to us across MSM and social platforms

How about facts - or total lack thereof - presented in court? 60 losses. Refusal to even allege fraud in front of a judge. Are those things that were created by social media?

- The energy between the two were unlike any we have ever seen.

This argument is so ridiculous. Beyond ridiculous, actually. Why? Because it means absolutely NOTHING, especially within the context of this race during a pandemic.

Did you know that I tried very hard to attend at least three drive-in rallies for Biden and Harris here in Atlanta, but was unable to? Why? Because they were not open to the public. You had to be a donor, or have connections, to score an invite. And Democratic voters were/are notoriously more concerned about mass gatherings due to Covid-19. Compare those dynamics with that of a free-for-all MAGA rally, and the differences make sense.

Also - and much more significant - is the fact that tens of millions of Americans were always going to vote for "Not-Trump". It wasn't about being fanatical about Biden; it was about removing the asshole in power.

- How about the conventions? One was very positive and all about our great country. The other was the equivalent to watching a sad movie.

Logic doesn't seem to be your strong suit, so let me try to break this down for you. When there is an incumbent candidate, It is their job to portray their performance in the best possible light. Their challenger will try to demonstrate the need for immediate change. That alone explains the difference in tone at a basic level. Things like the pandemic, the economic collapse, severe racial tensions/riots, etc... explains the differences even more.

- President Trump will go down as one of the greatest presidents.

Sure. A twice-Impeached, single-term president who totally botched the most major test of his leadership will go down as the GOAT.


Just a player hater.
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Do you dems/libs/ President Trump haters have any common sense? Everything in this world is biased and controlled by the media.
Let’s suppose you can put your hatred aside briefly and look at how things unfolded. Think about the differences in the two campaigns. The energy between the two were unlike any we have ever seen. How many unplanned parades did Biden have? How about the conventions? One was very positive and all about our great country. The other was the equivalent to watching a sad movie.
At some point, we have to quit arguing “facts” provided to us across MSM and social platforms and use common sense.
Biden did not win this election and it wasn’t even close. We all know it. Many of us will not give in and the others will ridicule. Go ahead and throw a bunch of stats out there to prove otherwise.

I just mentioned a couple things to differentiate. Obviously there are many more. President Trump will go down as one of the greatest presidents. I am confident that he will add to his great legacy. Btw, How is Biden doing so far???? Surely better than dictator Trump?

Open your eyes people before it’s too late.

Do you dems/libs/ President Trump haters have any common sense? Everything in this world is biased and controlled by the media.
Let’s suppose you can put your hatred aside briefly and look at how things unfolded. Think about the differences in the two campaigns. The energy between the two were unlike any we have ever seen. How many unplanned parades did Biden have? How about the conventions? One was very positive and all about our great country. The other was the equivalent to watching a sad movie.
At some point, we have to quit arguing “facts” provided to us across MSM and social platforms and use common sense.
Biden did not win this election and it wasn’t even close. We all know it. Many of us will not give in and the others will ridicule. Go ahead and throw a bunch of stats out there to prove otherwise.

I just mentioned a couple things to differentiate. Obviously there are many more. President Trump will go down as one of the greatest presidents. I am confident that he will add to his great legacy. Btw, How is Biden doing so far???? Surely better than dictator Trump?

Open your eyes people before it’s too late.

ITT, we learn that @TigerGrowls has a second account.
Do you dems/libs/ President Trump haters have any common sense? Everything in this world is biased and controlled by the media.
Let’s suppose you can put your hatred aside briefly and look at how things unfolded. Think about the differences in the two campaigns. The energy between the two were unlike any we have ever seen. How many unplanned parades did Biden have? How about the conventions? One was very positive and all about our great country. The other was the equivalent to watching a sad movie.
At some point, we have to quit arguing “facts” provided to us across MSM and social platforms and use common sense.
Biden did not win this election and it wasn’t even close. We all know it. Many of us will not give in and the others will ridicule. Go ahead and throw a bunch of stats out there to prove otherwise.

I just mentioned a couple things to differentiate. Obviously there are many more. President Trump will go down as one of the greatest presidents. I am confident that he will add to his great legacy. Btw, How is Biden doing so far???? Surely better than dictator Trump?

Open your eyes people before it’s too late.

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One of my friends on facebook showed me a view of the Trump rally on Lake Murry with a ton of boats on the lake as proof that the election was rigged. And he was 100% serious. I wasn't aware he had a TI account.
Do you dems/libs/ President Trump haters have any common sense? Everything in this world is biased and controlled by the media.
Let’s suppose you can put your hatred aside briefly and look at how things unfolded. Think about the differences in the two campaigns. The energy between the two were unlike any we have ever seen. How many unplanned parades did Biden have? How about the conventions? One was very positive and all about our great country. The other was the equivalent to watching a sad movie.
At some point, we have to quit arguing “facts” provided to us across MSM and social platforms and use common sense.
Biden did not win this election and it wasn’t even close. We all know it. Many of us will not give in and the others will ridicule. Go ahead and throw a bunch of stats out there to prove otherwise.

I just mentioned a couple things to differentiate. Obviously there are many more. President Trump will go down as one of the greatest presidents. I am confident that he will add to his great legacy. Btw, How is Biden doing so far???? Surely better than dictator Trump?

Open your eyes people before it’s too late.

Just to be clear. When you say "look at how things unfolded" you don't mean the vote totals?

Because that's how you "look at how things unfolded" in the context of elections. Just so you know.
Do you dems/libs/ President Trump haters have any common sense? Everything in this world is biased and controlled by the media.
Let’s suppose you can put your hatred aside briefly and look at how things unfolded. Think about the differences in the two campaigns. The energy between the two were unlike any we have ever seen. How many unplanned parades did Biden have? How about the conventions? One was very positive and all about our great country. The other was the equivalent to watching a sad movie.
At some point, we have to quit arguing “facts” provided to us across MSM and social platforms and use common sense.
Biden did not win this election and it wasn’t even close. We all know it. Many of us will not give in and the others will ridicule. Go ahead and throw a bunch of stats out there to prove otherwise.

I just mentioned a couple things to differentiate. Obviously there are many more. President Trump will go down as one of the greatest presidents. I am confident that he will add to his great legacy. Btw, How is Biden doing so far???? Surely better than dictator Trump?

Open your eyes people before it’s too late.

Gallup poll has Biden at 57% job approval rating. Trump left office with a 34% approval rating (started at 47%). But yea, the election was totally stolen, it's common sense!
So much nonsense in here. Where to begin?

- Do you dems/libs/ President Trump haters have any common sense?

I've seen other Trumpers on this board incorrectly use Occam's Razor - the philosophical rule that states that the simplest explanation in any given scenario is most likely the correct one - to try and explain Biden's election. They cite things like rally size, and claim that "the simplest explanation is that Trump actually won and there must have been fraud".

This, of course, isn't how Occam's Razor works. In an election, the SIMPLEST outcome is that one candidate receives more votes than another. Period. Adding any other variable, like alleged vote manipulation, literally means that it is no longer the simplest explanation.

- At some point, we have to quit arguing “facts” provided to us across MSM and social platforms

How about facts - or total lack thereof - presented in court? 60 losses. Refusal to even allege fraud in front of a judge. Are those things that were created by social media?

- The energy between the two were unlike any we have ever seen.

This argument is so ridiculous. Beyond ridiculous, actually. Why? Because it means absolutely NOTHING, especially within the context of this race during a pandemic.

Did you know that I tried very hard to attend at least three drive-in rallies for Biden and Harris here in Atlanta, but was unable to? Why? Because they were not open to the public. You had to be a donor, or have connections, to score an invite. And Democratic voters were/are notoriously more concerned about mass gatherings due to Covid-19. Compare those dynamics with that of a free-for-all MAGA rally, and the differences make sense.

Also - and much more significant - is the fact that tens of millions of Americans were always going to vote for "Not-Trump". It wasn't about being fanatical about Biden; it was about removing the asshole in power.

- How about the conventions? One was very positive and all about our great country. The other was the equivalent to watching a sad movie.

Logic doesn't seem to be your strong suit, so let me try to break this down for you. When there is an incumbent candidate, It is their job to portray their performance in the best possible light. Their challenger will try to demonstrate the need for immediate change. That alone explains the difference in tone at a basic level. Things like the pandemic, the economic collapse, severe racial tensions/riots, etc... explains the differences even more.

- President Trump will go down as one of the greatest presidents.

Sure. A twice-Impeached, single-term president who totally botched the most major test of his leadership will go down as the GOAT.

Gallup poll has Biden at 57% job approval rating. Trump left office with a 34% approval rating (started at 47%). But yea, the election was totally stolen, it's common sense!
It’s starting to be revealed, hand count done in NH county, Supreme Court this Friday, could see a slippery slope. New information coming out in Virginia, at what point does coincidence stop being so coincidental? 300,000 vote dump in Virginia reversed twice, then again at 80% Biden, 20% Trump.
This just keeps coming out, more and more data, you guys need to take a break from posting. Your rush to be so right is gonna prove how dumb you are over time even if Trump does not retake the WH, fraud was all over, and it was Cyber warfare. You tar heads gonna continue to be shocked

LOL. Do you Trumpers ever wonder why the "proof" begins and ends with niche right-wing websites? Spoiler alert: because it's all bullshit.

There are people and companies that are being sued by Dominion for billions of dollars. If there was actual evidence that showed vote manipulation, those parties would be shouting it from the mountain tops. They would use it to counter-sue without question. It would fully exonerate them.

So wake me up when any of this receives actual credibility in court. Until then you are just peddling crap received from websites that make money by enticing gullible people like you to click.
LOL. Do you Trumpers ever wonder why the "proof" begins and ends with niche right-wing websites? Spoiler alert: because it's all bullshit.

There are people and companies that are being sued by Dominion for billions of dollars. If there was actual evidence that showed vote manipulation, those parties would be shouting it from the mountain tops. They would use it to counter-sue without question. It would fully exonerate them.

So wake me up when any of this receives actual credibility in court. Until then you are just peddling crap received from websites that make money by enticing gullible people like you to click.
Yes and it’s all theatre, those suits will never see light, why? Because there is Discovery in defamation lawsuits and the burden of proof is on Dominion to show they did not cheat, therefore it would not be advantageous to litigate this for them. It’s all posturing, bullying, and will never make it to trial, I would be surprised if there is not a counter suit filed from a defamation standpoint. These companies will all fold up like Cracker Jack box after states sift through and someone eventually does a full hand recount.

Y’all are so confident it’s really quite comical.

I mean for the sake of the country, let’s do a hand recount on the entire election. Only legal ballets with the watermark and signature matches are allowed, I don’t even care if they were unconstitutionally delivered after Nov 3rd.

If we have all the ballets accounted for, legally, Biden supporters Can sleep well at night, knowing there is no fog over his election, and Trump fans can go licking their wounds into the night. Problem solved.

If there was election fraud we need to ensure future elections are safe, a lot of wealthy people with unblemished careers are sticking their neck on the line and there is a whole lot of “nothing to see here” people covering their tracks to think there was not widespread fraud. Data dumps in swing states all occurred at same time and data shows how it was done.

BTW -the Space Force took over satellite monitoring and is who watched the election fraud from above and if you watch the video you will see it exposed.
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Yes and it’s all theatre, those suits will never see light, why? Because there is Discovery in defamation lawsuits and the burden of proof is on Dominion to show they did not cheat, therefore it would not be advantageous to litigate this for them. It’s all posturing, bullying, and will never make it to trial, I would be surprised if there is not a counter suit filed from a defamation standpoint. These companies will all fold up like Cracker Jack box after states sift through and someone eventually does a full hand recount.

Y’all are so confident it’s really quite comical.

I mean for the sake of the country, let’s do a hand recount on the entire election. Only legal ballets with the watermark and signature matches are allowed, I don’t even care if they were unconstitutionally delivered after Nov 3rd.

If we have all the ballets accounted for, legally, Biden supporters Can sleep well at night, knowing there is no fog over his election, and Trump fans can go licking their wounds into the night. Problem solved.

If there was election fraud we need to ensure future elections are safe, a lot of wealthy people with unblemished careers are sticking their neck on the line and there is a whole lot of “nothing to see here” people covering their tracks to think there was not widespread fraud. Data dumps in swing states all occurred at same time and data shows how it was done.

BTW -the Space Force took over satellite monitoring and is who watched the election fraud from above and if you watch the video you will see it exposed.

Please tell me more about the "ballets". LOL.
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Yes and it’s all theatre, those suits will never see light, why? Because there is Discovery in defamation lawsuits and the burden of proof is on Dominion to show they did not cheat, therefore it would not be advantageous to litigate this for them. It’s all posturing, bullying, and will never make it to trial, I would be surprised if there is not a counter suit filed from a defamation standpoint. These companies will all fold up like Cracker Jack box after states sift through and someone eventually does a full hand recount.

Y’all are so confident it’s really quite comical.

I mean for the sake of the country, let’s do a hand recount on the entire election. Only legal ballets with the watermark and signature matches are allowed, I don’t even care if they were unconstitutionally delivered after Nov 3rd.

If we have all the ballets accounted for, legally, Biden supporters Can sleep well at night, knowing there is no fog over his election, and Trump fans can go licking their wounds into the night. Problem solved.

If there was election fraud we need to ensure future elections are safe, a lot of wealthy people with unblemished careers are sticking their neck on the line and there is a whole lot of “nothing to see here” people covering their tracks to think there was not widespread fraud. Data dumps in swing states all occurred at same time and data shows how it was done.

BTW -the Space Force took over satellite monitoring and is who watched the election fraud from above and if you watch the video you will see it exposed.

You have made a lot of bold statements on this website.... and none of them have ever come true. What a joke.
It’s starting to be revealed, hand count done in NH county, Supreme Court this Friday, could see a slippery slope. New information coming out in Virginia, at what point does coincidence stop being so coincidental? 300,000 vote dump in Virginia reversed twice, then again at 80% Biden, 20% Trump.
This just keeps coming out, more and more data, you guys need to take a break from posting. Your rush to be so right is gonna prove how dumb you are over time even if Trump does not retake the WH, fraud was all over, and it was Cyber warfare. You tar heads gonna continue to be shocked

I’m starting to think all Trump republicans are mentally ill. It’s up to us, the sane Republicans, to get y’all some help.
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I’m starting to think all Trump republicans are mentally ill. It’s up to the it’s up to us, the sane Republicans, to get y’all some help.

It’s constantly moving goalposts, constant new game changers and trumpsters running around saying that they have all of this proof but are for some reason unable to share it with us.
It’s constantly moving goalposts, constant new game changers and trumpsters running around saying that they have all of this proof but are for some reason unable to share it with us.

It just makes the rest of the party look like a bunch of uneducated clowns. The whole entire party needs to be purged, so we can move it back a bit toward the center ideologically,

The ironic thing about all of this is that Trump isn’t really a republican.
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Yes and it’s all theatre, those suits will never see light, why? Because there is Discovery in defamation lawsuits and the burden of proof is on Dominion to show they did not cheat, therefore it would not be advantageous to litigate this for them. It’s all posturing, bullying, and will never make it to trial, I would be surprised if there is not a counter suit filed from a defamation standpoint. These companies will all fold up like Cracker Jack box after states sift through and someone eventually does a full hand recount.

Y’all are so confident it’s really quite comical.

I mean for the sake of the country, let’s do a hand recount on the entire election. Only legal ballets with the watermark and signature matches are allowed, I don’t even care if they were unconstitutionally delivered after Nov 3rd.

If we have all the ballets accounted for, legally, Biden supporters Can sleep well at night, knowing there is no fog over his election, and Trump fans can go licking their wounds into the night. Problem solved.

If there was election fraud we need to ensure future elections are safe, a lot of wealthy people with unblemished careers are sticking their neck on the line and there is a whole lot of “nothing to see here” people covering their tracks to think there was not widespread fraud. Data dumps in swing states all occurred at same time and data shows how it was done.

BTW -the Space Force took over satellite monitoring and is who watched the election fraud from above and if you watch the video you will see it exposed.

To be clear, truth is an absolute defense to a defamation claim, but it's not dominions burden to prove that they didn't cheat. That's now how this works.
I’m starting to think all Trump republicans are mentally ill. It’s up to us, the sane Republicans, to get y’all some help.
The sane Republicans that allowed 2 fake impeachments with no evidence. Yep ok, ride the Mitt Romney train if you like, I really just want our country to survive this, my vote would be for Rand Paul if I were choosing, Trump is in control, Liz Cheney is done, Cassidy is being censured in Louisiana and now there is a petition to recall McConnell. You sure you wanna ride that RINO train?
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To be clear, truth is an absolute defense to a defamation claim, but it's not dominions burden to prove that they didn't cheat. That's now how this works.
They have the burden to prove people like Sidney Powell, Mike Lindell, Lou Dobbs, Maria Bartiromo all lied, even Elizabeth Warren did a study on Dominion before the 2016 election.

and they will provide the truth about the machines to prove their innocence. Dominion does not want the truth, this will expose them.
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Wait...the Pope wasn't arrested?
Has the Pope left the Vatican recently? Haven’t noticed, house arrest? Didn’t the whole government in Italy resign or something? That seems odd... or maybe it’s not odd to you. How about Angela Merkel in Germany stepping down in the height of her power. But it all makes sense, I have to be wrong... I’m not looking for immediate gratification for this, and as Iceheart said the truth will set the record straight, maybe not today, but it always does eventually.
The sane Republicans that allowed 2 fake impeachments with no evidence. Yep ok, ride the Mitt Romney train if you like, I really just want our country to survive this, my vote would be for Rand Paul if I were choosing, Trump is in control, Liz Cheney is done, Cassidy is being censured in Louisiana and now there is a petition to recall McConnell. You sure you wanna ride that RINO train?

How far you people have fallen. You're not even embarrassed to say out loud that the only Republicans you don't like are the ones with integrity. Insanity
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How far you people have fallen. You're not even embarrassed to say out loud that the only Republicans you don't like are the ones with integrity. Insanity
*Smiling* as insane people do. I’ll take bold statements over lies/propaganda any day. Either I’m right or wrong, be much more interesting if you would come up with something more eloquent than calling someone names and not really ask why?! Wyoming is showing Cheney she is not the voice of the people, Cassidy is unanimously voted for censure. These are facts not things I invented... is Lindsey Graham falling in line with Trump? Wonder why? Graham just through Nikki Haley under the bus... Democrats are throwing everyone under the bus from this rushed impeachment fail... They are about to start tearing each other to shreds, it’s quite funny to watch. Maybe you folks would sit back and enjoy the show a bit and relax, I’m only taking up for our country and people will start to see all these true colors shining through.

How’s it going over there at the Lincoln Project by the way? Shame on them. Shame on y’all for not knowing what you’re talking about.

The R party is finished, the D party is finished as we know them. Let’s count all the legal votes and move on as a country. It’s all gonna start when people finally admit to themselves our country is shit and the only way forward is working together. That is probably the most insane thing I’ve suggested... “working together “. Was a novel idea at one point, now just gotta continue to point out inconsistencies and maybe y’all will understand people like Trump are the symptom not the cause for the anger. We are all mad cause we were asleep at the wheel and let a bunch of bad actors into our government on both sides.

Remember in the end, all emails, phones, servers are tapped even for government officials. If you think there isn’t hard evidence of lots of crimes I have some land to sell you in Antarctica.

Guess in the end I’ll be glossed over as a quack or someone who is adept at identifying truth through the BS. Either way I’m good, haven’t lost one piece of sleep wondering what the Internet superstars think of me on TI.

It is all quite comical
They have the burden to prove people like Sidney Powell, Mike Lindell, Lou Dobbs, Maria Bartiromo all lied, even Elizabeth Warren did a study on Dominion before the 2016 election.

and they will provide the truth about the machines to prove their innocence. Dominion does not want the truth, this will expose them.

Again. You don't know what you are talking about.

Continues to blow my mind how many people are all of a sudden experts in voting machines and processes because they read a few articles on the internet.
It’s constantly moving goalposts, constant new game changers and trumpsters running around saying that they have all of this proof but are for some reason unable to share it with us.
We have shared many true comments. Why does the timeline even matter? Why are we still talking about Trump? Why does the slogan “Make AMERICA Great Again” ruffle your feathers. Don’t we all want a great country, free of economic slavery, for the people? Or would you prefer to be “ruled” or “dictated” to?

Isn’t that truly what bothers you? We dare to question? I mean how could we question these elite officials? They must go to DC with our best interest at heart... right? Because I feel that not many do... meanwhile we go back and forth while they laugh... laugh every time you pay them homage through taxation.

You would actually probably win some support in the D party if it truly was the people’s party, alas it is not. It’s a zoo, so is the R party. We are the sane people, they have just managed to convince us to hate each other. It’s truly remarkable... families are torn apart... over political viewpoints... it’s sad really.

At one point people would get the benefit of the doubt. Not anymore, One is wrong until proven right or the media says it to be so. Fine, but I don’t agree and I’m sure you and I could find many things to agree upon after removing Trump from the blind spot. I digress... hope to hell many of you on this board work on empathy skills, it’s truly a lost art to listen, very easy to constantly attack to prove a point.

At some point folks will start saying “wtf I look like a damn fool” and it might be me. Difference is I’ve gone on my limb and will own my comments. If I said something that ends up not being true I’ll own it. Until then, until we know the undeniable truth, we are all just speculating on conjecture. I feel very good in my speculations and abilities to do so, sink or swim, I’ve made my points known and so have you. Now let’s hope your speculations end up being true, there is no fraud, the election wasn’t rigged, and every Trumpster is dillusional, because that will fix this country.. In the end, you will still be welcome in our free country. A fate I fear you would not wish the same for me.
Again. You don't know what you are talking about.

Continues to blow my mind how many people are all of a sudden experts in voting machines and processes because they read a few articles on the internet.
Umm yes I do. I don’t have to be the expert in voting machines to know that Dominion is suing for defamation, and to prove defamation Dominion would need to prove that those people lied about the fraud, how would they prove that? Only by exposing their machines to audits could they do so, just by reading the manuals you can tell the machines are setup to be fraudulent.

My point stands, is valid and these court cases are a sham bullying tactic that will go away after evidence is presented and defendants show they will gladly go through discovery. Does that sound like people who are scared of Dominion?

Lets table this until after the Supreme Court hears cases this week and next before we continue this... I think it will be moot
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The sane Republicans that allowed 2 fake impeachments with no evidence. Yep ok, ride the Mitt Romney train if you like, I really just want our country to survive this, my vote would be for Rand Paul if I were choosing, Trump is in control, Liz Cheney is done, Cassidy is being censured in Louisiana and now there is a petition to recall McConnell. You sure you wanna ride that RINO train?

The ironic thing is that Trumpers are really the RINOS here. Trump isn’t even a republican.
The ironic thing is that Trumpers are really the RINOS here. Trump isn’t even a republican.
Neither am I. I’m a libertarian, just wanna be left alone to make money and support my family. Government needs to get out of our life and we need term limits to limit governmental power.

Seems like something most can agree on... why not start there?
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Neither am I. I’m a libertarian, just wanna be left alone to make money and support my family. Government needs to get out of our life and we need term limits to limit governmental power.

Seems like something most can agree on... why not start there?

Trump isn’t a libertarian either.
Trump isn’t a libertarian either.
And I’m not a Trumper, but I do see things for what they are. I want best for this country and right now that is proving to over 1/2 the country that our voting system is secure. If Trump can expose that then I’m on his team.

I keep telling y’all that maybe it’s best to be quiet until you know for sure there was no fraud. Sure seems like a lot of people believe there was, the data seems to suggest the same, so I don’t think this country recovers without knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt the election was not fraudulent. They spent millions on fake impeachment the least they can do is prove by hand recount the election is correct and people like me can fade into the bush like Homer Simpson.

seems like everyone should want this
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Trump isn’t a libertarian either.
@acwill07 let me know what the GOP PACs are telling Nikki Haley right now? Some how the large donors have run out of money for her cause. Pretty bad when already burned Graham kicks you when he’s down. She’s done, career in politics is over, some people just make wrong moves and this was hers trying to separate from Trump.
@acwill07 let me know what the GOP PACs are telling Nikki Haley right now? Some how the large donors have run out of money for her cause. Pretty bad when already burned Graham kicks you when he’s down. She’s done, career in politics is over, some people just make wrong moves and this was hers trying to separate from Trump.

What's she raising money for?
And I’m not a Trumper, but I do see things for what they are. I want best for this country and right now that is proving to over 1/2 the country that our voting system is secure. If Trump can expose that then I’m on his team.

I keep telling y’all that maybe it’s best to be quiet until you know for sure there was no fraud. Sure seems like a lot of people believe there was, the data seems to suggest the same, so I don’t think this country recovers without knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt the election was not fraudulent. They spent millions on fake impeachment the least they can do is prove by hand recount the election is correct and people like me can fade into the bush like Homer Simpson.

seems like everyone should want this

If every county in the country did a "hand recount" we are looking at about 200 million, that's probably on the low end.

That's an awful lot of money to prove to people (who won't believe the results anyhow) that they have no ****ing idea what they are talking about.
If every county in the country did a "hand recount" we are looking at about 200 million, that's probably on the low end.

That's an awful lot of money to prove to people (who won't believe the results anyhow) that they have no ****ing idea what they are talking about.

This times 1000. They are never going to believe that Trump lost because Trump told them he didnt. No amount of evidence is going to change that. Sad!
This times 1000. They are never going to believe that Trump lost because Trump told them he didnt. No amount of evidence is going to change that. Sad!
This is where I think y’all are wrong. We don’t even need to do the whole country, just start with contested states. If they find numbers way off it should continue.

regardless it has to get fixed or people will revolt or stop caring all together.

The easiest way to unify this country is to tell people the truth, period. JFK tell us the truth, child trafficking the truth, election fraud the truth. The truth will set us all free and we won’t have to quabble on internet message boards as to who is right and who is wrong.

Hand recounts in PA, MI, GA, WI, NV, AZ, and now NH since they started already, IA since they found some discrepancies, and VA since there is a 300,000 ballot reversal 2 times, then 3rd dump.

I would say the most honest way forward is hand recount those states and see if the numbers match. If they match we all kiss/hug/make up, eat crow and move on. If it doesn’t match as I personally and unequivocally expect, then we have much bigger issues and they must be addressed. I mean dead people voted.

In the end we work with states to get clean voter registration rolls, we all acknowledge there is a problem with the rolls, the machines are a story for another court case, and the corruption we all know exists, just to what level is the conspiracy theory or elephant in the room.

Hand recount solves all truth and at minimum allows us to move forward without further speculation.

They spent tens of millions on impeaching Trump, the least they can do is count the votes by hand, regardless of cost, they are printing trillions in stimulus, but the country needs to have faith in out elections... and not just some of us... ALL of us do.
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If every county in the country did a "hand recount" we are looking at about 200 million, that's probably on the low end.

That's an awful lot of money to prove to people (who won't believe the results anyhow) that they have no ****ing idea what they are talking about.
Why would people not believe a hand recount? We would have no choice, even if we didn’t like the outcome. I know I would shut up about it. I think 75 million Trump supporters would also shut up. This Friday the SCOTUS is hearing conference finally for MI, PA, GA, whether to bring cases forward for arguments.

Also you pretend like 200 million is a lot of money for our federal reserve. It’s not, far more damage will be done to our country if millions of people are disenfranchised to the one institution OUR ONE VOTE institution, it will be all over and we might as well go through re-education and kneel to our supreme leaders.
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