Update: The Big Picture and 2024
Fulgham v. Ware County, GA Board of Elections concerning evidence of flipped votes and fake duplicate ballots in 2020
Is it possible that I could loose this case? In my opinion, NO. Either way, this case is a win for election integrity.
I'm suing for information only. I'm suing for answers concerning the evidence. I have not accused a person or a company of fraud. Even if the court rules that Ware County BOE does not have to answer my questions, I will have exposed the secrete and corrupt nature of this election system. As you will read below, the case has already exposed this system.
I spent months contacting Ware officials requesting that they confirm, and explain the evidence. They could not or would not explain how 100 fake duplicate ballots were scanned, for the second time, 5 days after certification. (See screenshot of machine scan time on 11-11-2020).
The Chairman of the Ware BOE had no idea how this happened. He had no knowledge of ballots being tabulated on 11-11-2020. The physical ballots should have been locked away.
The Chairman believed I had the right to sue for answers. Immediately after I sued, the Chairman used the power of the lawsuit to force the Supervisor of Elections to begin answering my questions. The most important question was, was a human scanning ballots for the second time on the tabulator 5 days after certification? Or were these fake duplicates reproduced digitally within the machine without the knowledge of the Ware Elections Department?
As the Chairman of the BOE was working to get these answers, an attorney named Franklin T. Coleman, IV shut down his efforts.
What are they covering up? And don't we, as citizens, have a right to ask for an explanation of fake duplicate ballot images that were counted and are included on the cast vote record?
There is something much larger going on here. And we have a good idea of what's happening. Officials have been covering up evidence from the beginning. One of the first cover ups occurred in March of 2022 at the State Election Board meeting in Atlanta. In SEB case 2021-181 GASOS investigators told board members that the Fulton hand count was 634 votes off from the first machine count. But that was false, it was off by thousands and Raffensperger himself knew it.
Raffensperger had already admitted in a FYNTV Interview in February of 2022 that Fulton's hand count was off by "several thousand" because they scanned ballots twice in the first machine count. But GASOS investigators did not provide this information to the board. This was Joe Rossi's case, complaint, but I provided supporting evidence to the AG which suggested that the Fulton hand count may have been intentionally falsified. In my opinion it was.
Here's what's happening: Officials are defending this election system. They are not defending or serving and protecting the citizens of this state and nation. As I've stated many times, We the People have lost sovereign control of our elections, borders, and much more.
We know what's happening. Go back and read my posts all the way back to 2021. I've filed complaints and provided evidence to both state and federal agencies.
This is now about 2024 and the future of our nation. But we must expose the tactics and methods they used in 2020 so that we can install expert observers in the right positions in 2024. 🇺🇸
2024 Observation Position based on confirmed evidence of manipulation in GA 2020:
1. HAND COUNT (RLA)- If a hand count is called. The Data Entry Position where batches of ballots are entered into the auditing software known as ARLO, which is operated by Voting Works, who has links to CISA (DHS). Batches of ballots are entered into ARLO at the county level. Observers should be monitoring these batch entries as well as the receiving end of these entries, which is at the GASOS/Voting Works Staff level.
SEB case 2021-181 found that around 6,000 gross fake votes (3,500 fake net Biden) were inserted into the official Fulton hand count spreadsheet in the form of duplicate (fake) batches. See screenshots below.
The Risk Limiting Audit is ok in an honest, scientific situation, but is a scam in this situation. If a hand count is called, we want a 100% hand count like 2020. If not, they can simply choose samples that don't reveal manipulation.