The Real Reason They want you to hate Donald John Trump

I mostly hate him b/c he's a lying pos with no morals.

Replace "him" with "politicians" and I'll like your post but I don't find him to be any different than anyone else in politics.

Maybe not popular opinion but Joe Biden isn't really the definition of moral either. Just review the data around the Ukraine scandal or when he's flipped his stance depending on who his audience was each time it helped his chances of reelection or nomination. Don't get me started on Kamala, who spent a good year or so abusing Biden as a complete and utter moron but yet accepted a VP nomination to serve under him (until he's declared unfit).

The world hates Trump because he's a used car salesman in a used car salesman suit but most won't admit that the Bidens, the Obamas, the Clintons etc are all used car salesman in investment banking suits. The latter are more polished, the other not so much.

Politicians used to be all about serving the people, the country and the constitution.........modern day politics seem to support the party agenda first and maybe the people second. That's not a biased view towards the right or left, I lump them both in there.
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Replace "him" with "politicians" and I'll like your post but I don't find him to be any different than anyone else in politics.

Maybe not popular opinion but Joe Biden isn't really the definition of moral either. Just review the data around the Ukraine scandal or when he's flipped his stance depending on who his audience was each time it helped his chances of reelection or nomination. Don't get me started on Kamala, who spent a good year or so abusing Biden as a complete and utter moron but yet accepted a VP nomination to serve under him (until he's declared unfit).

The world hates Trump because he's a used car salesman in a used car salesman suit but most won't admit that the Bidens, the Obamas, the Clintons etc are all used car salesman in investment banking suits. The latter are more polished, the other not so much.

Politicians used to be all about serving the people, the country and the constitution.........modern day politics seem to support the party agenda first and maybe the people second. That's not a biased view towards the right or left, I lump them both in there.

I agree for the most part. However Trump has delivered on a surprising number of things.. while facing unprecedented opposition . "The world" does not hate Trump. However many of the powerful do hate him, along with countries who have been taking and taking and taking from the American Taxpayers. So, when Trump starts taking actions that benefit the 800lb American economic and military gorilla there will be many who don't like it. Most especially because it serves threatens their globalist agenda.

Trump wasn't a Republican candidate when he ran in 2016. He was an independent who got elected the only way that he could... by taking control of the center of the Repub party.
I agree for the most part. However Trump has delivered on a surprising number of things.. while facing unprecedented opposition . "The world" does not hate Trump. However many of the powerful do hate him, along with countries who have been taking and taking and taking from the American Taxpayers. So, when Trump starts taking actions that benefit the 800lb American economic and military gorilla there will be many who don't like it. Most especially because it serves threatens their globalist agenda.

I'm with you 100%, I think what he has done is prove that career politicians aren't necessary or the most likely to produce results. The Noble Peace Prize nominations prove he hasn't sat dormant in Washington and I do truly believe he wants to cut through the red tape. His downfall is his ego and inability to shut his mouth, outside of that I haven't had a problem with his presidency.

Government needs a refresh of talent, people with P&L operating and deal making experience. If you view each state as a company and the federal umbrella as a central bank, you'd quickly start to figure out where you need to make fundamental changes in leadership regardless of blue vs red.

The point of my post earlier was more about neither side really holding a moral high ground. Each party has dishonest agenda pushers. A great example, Cuomo accusing all of the 1% of avoiding taxes only to beg them to return to the city because they cover 80% of NYC taxes (which is now a billion or two short)........Pelosi and the salon incident, Biden's son benefiting from his father's position, Dick Cheney and Halliburton, The Clintons (plural and multiple examples)........

Anyway, I digress.......looking forward to this debate tonight! :)
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I attended Davos two years ago and it was laughably a huge waste of time, so much so that I declined the invite last year. A bunch of rich people that don't live what they preach. A great example, the CRO of the multi-billion company I used to work for showed up to a sustainability interview in a $20k mink coat. She had zero self-awareness......proceeded to talk about hitting the 1 million air mile mark in a 1.5 year stint. Didn't even pick up on the subtle hints from the people holding the interview.

Total waste of time but certainly a collection of people with way more money than me.
I'm with you 100%, I think what he has done is prove that career politicians aren't necessary or the most likely to produce results. The Noble Peace Prize nominations prove he hasn't sat dormant in Washington and I do truly believe he wants to cut through the red tape. His downfall is his ego and inability to shut his mouth, outside of that I haven't had a problem with his presidency.

Government needs a refresh of talent, people with P&L operating and deal making experience. If you view each state as a company and the federal umbrella as a central bank, you'd quickly start to figure out where you need to make fundamental changes in leadership regardless of blue vs red.

The point of my post earlier was more about neither side really holding a moral high ground. Each party has dishonest agenda pushers. A great example, Cuomo accusing all of the 1% of avoiding taxes only to beg them to return to the city because they cover 80% of NYC taxes (which is now a billion or two short)........Pelosi and the salon incident, Biden's son benefiting from his father's position, Dick Cheney and Halliburton, The Clintons (plural and multiple examples)........

Anyway, I digress.......looking forward to this debate tonight! :)

Yes. And Trump is not a Republican in reality. He was closer to many of the Dems and they all courted him prior to his run. He is in reality, an independent.
For me its his inability to denounce white supremacists. But hey we all have our reasons.

Yep, I thought that was pretty eyebrow raising. Would put Biden calling Antifa "just an idea" In the same bucket though. Neither side seem to want to alienate the voters that they shouldn't want to be affiliated with.