Why do people hate Trump

Calling me an idiot because you disagree. How civil of you. I'm just a fellow Clemson fan, expressing my right to have my own opinion. No need to debase yourself. This is one of things I dislike about Trump. He has lowered the bar for civil discourse with the example he sets. As an American, it's shameful. We used to be a country of honor and respect for each other.

Yet you seem to have no problem with hrc calling half the country deplorable, biden calling them trash or harris calling people hitler/nazi.
As far as your retorts above. I'm sorry, but you are deflecting. Let me ask you this. If a Democrat had been President, and that person appointed the majority to the SCOTUS who then ruled in a certain way that. you disagreed with...would you not blame that President for said ruling?
No, I would blame the misguided scotus judges.
That is the reality. And if a Democrat has been President when Covid fell upon us and if that person had completely and utterly failed in every possible way during said crisis, would you not have blamed that Democrat for such a poor response?
Trump got a non existent vaccine approved and in production for the public as fast or faster than any other potus would have. Not sure how you characterize that as failing in every possible way.
Lastly, your memory of what transpired prior to the housing crisis is tainted. You are conveniently ignoring the fact that Democrats worked with moderate House Republicans to try to pass legislation to increase regulation of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -- this was killed by the Bush administration, which according to Republican Chairman Mike Oxley, "gave us the one-finger salute." And thus, the wheels fell off under Bush's watch.
I'm not arguing the fact that more regulation of fannie mae might have been a good thing, depending on the practical implementation of said regulation. That does not change the fact that dem leaders in congress and at fannie mae made banks lend $$$ to people who would never have been approved and then defaulted on those loans. It was not republicans pressuring and threatening lenders to do this. 100% on the dem party. To somehow suggest this was on bush is flat dishonesty.
Since you asked I’ll answer from my perspective:

I didn’t nor would ever vote for him, as the grandson of a POW after his comments about McCain. I thought personally from that statement he wasn’t fit to serve as commander in chief. My mother and aunts/uncles voted for him even though their father was a POW, that’s their right and their decision, I wouldn’t ever hold that decision against them. I think he’s an arrogant @$$.

I’ve made it clear here that I’ve voted Dem/Rep/Indy/Libertarian and was once a member of the rep party. I felt years ago they no longer represent my view and so I left. I feel that like most Americans I am dead center and don’t subscribe to just “black or white” that life is full of grays. I feel that it’s unfair to say all Dems want to let children be able to change sex as I know many that don’t feel that way and it’s equally disappointing to hear that all Reps are racist homophobes that hate LGTBQ or the Hispanic population. The government has won in allowing us to fight amongst ourselves so we don’t pay attention to what they’re doing. After Bush was elected the “world was gonna end” it didn’t and years later as I reflect it wasn’t all as bad as they made it seem at the time. When Obama was elected I heard “world was gonna end” it didnt and after reflecting on his presidency it wasn’t as bad as they made it out to be. Same with Trump and Biden everyone does the fear mongering and it’s old as hell.

I can be for border control while still wanting the best for our Hispanic family friends and neighbors. I lock my doors at night because I want to protect my family, I am more than welcoming to people but I want to know who is coming in and out of my house. That’s common sense.

I can be for support of my family and friends in the LGBTQ community but still want to curb sex changes for minors or men in women’s locker rooms. We have laws in place to protect a 14 year old from giving consent to an adult for sex shouldn’t we agree that if they aren’t age of consent to have sex they shouldnt be of age of consent to change their sex?

I can be pro choice and say my family and I choose life, but I’m not ok with zero tolerance policies on abortion and I’m not ok with abortion as a form of contraception.

It’s ok for us to disagree but we don’t have to make everything so personal. The world is going to keep on turning no matter who sits in the Oval Office. I said it before and I’ll say it again my vote has never Sat a president but when someone is elected I’ll stand behind/beside them and give them credit and support when i agree and I’ll always be the loudest when I oppose but Ill always try to respect others and their opinions.
I personally have massive issues with how he has treated women, and as a Christian I am extremely offended by his blatant fake Christianity. This is a guy who literally said that he has never asked Jesus for forgiveness since he didn't need to.

I want to elect people that we can look up to and at least admire. Not much to admire in DJT, he's a serial cheater,liar, and a pretty shitty businessman who failed up.
So you’re saying the one who didn’t accept said Christianity at their rally but shows up at two churches right afterward is Real Christianity.

Get out of here with that.