The Save Act


Gold Member
Dec 21, 2001
This would be a ballsy strategy by the republicans if they do this and hold to it when the dems and msm bombard them. I would be in favor of it.

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The SAVE Act requires:

1. Proof of citizenship to vote in federal elections

2. States are required to verify citizenship

3. Removal of noncitizens from voter rolls

4. Legal action against officials who register noncitizens

Republicans you have let us down on every single fight these last 4 years, don’t let America down this time.

We must force this bill or shut the whole government down.

This is the hill to die on.
Dude, you have the intellect of a shoe. This was also opposed by some Republicans, including one who initially sponsored the bill, not to keep the victims from seeking justice but to protect institutions from being sued for something that happened 60 years ago by perpetrators that are long gone and after they now have a long history of best practices when it comes to this type of abuse.

So tell "Sue", she does not "Know Best!"

This comment is gross, not funny, and unhelpful. It’s bullshit like this why the political climate in this country is the way it is.

Be better ….
Yeah, complain about Dems rush to call everyone conservative a racist, but also, call every Dem a pedo, cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool