Folks, I purposely sat on this information for such a time as this! China is partly to blame. The reason it was released in China is because it would have much more of a negative impact globally due to so many companies worldwide dependence on China’s manufacturing & production. If you want to know who’s behind the Coronavirus, read Daniel 7 in your Bible & pay attention to the 4th beast (NWO) the 7 heads are the 7 mountains on which Papal Rome & The Vatican sit! This is validated in Revelation 17-18. The 10 horns are 10 world leaders who will rule the 10 regions the NWO has divided the world into! The “Little Horn” is the antichrist! Notice how Daniel describes the 4th beast, Dreadful, Terrible & Exceedingly powerful! Notice how it says it Devours The Whole World!” Now look @ Revelation 17 & 18! Mystery Babylon & The Great are Papal Rome & The Vatican! Notice the 7 heads are the 7 mountains on which Rome & The Vatican sit. Notice how the 10 horns are 10 kings who give their power to the antichrist in exchange for their Kingdom! Notice how these 10 World Leaders are the ones who burn The Vatican & Rome because the antichrist doesn’t live up to his end of the bargain! You want to know who’s behind global human trafficking, look @ Revelation 18. Look @ Mathew 24 & notice JESUS said, “if it were possible, even the ELECT will be DECEIVED! That’s a Profound Statement! Look Up John Coleman Committee of 300 ... The 21 Goals Of The NWO & read #11, Which states, “To keep people Everywhere from deciding their own destinies by one created crisis after another & then managing such crisis”19, which states “To infiltrate & subvert All governments & work from within them to destroy them. 20, Which states, “To Create a Worldwide Terrorist Apparatus, (Al Qeuda, ISIS etc... & to negotiate with terrorist whenever possible” & 21, which states, “To utterly destroy the education system in America by teaching out based education!” They have infiltrated & destroyed the education system globally by teaching our young people about Marxism, communism & socialism. This has been going on since the 80’s! That’s why 50-70% of our young people will vote for a socialist president. The Coronavirus is #11 in play! We’ve only had two presidents who haven’t involved in this conspiracy, JFK & he was assassinated because he gave a speech to the media, not knowing they were in bed with the NWO! He told the Media, there’s a shadow government & these people don’t have our best interest @ heart & before I leave office, I’m going to expose them. He also said he would do away with The Federal Reserve they set up in 1913 & he would pull our troops out of Vietnam. Shortly after this speech, he was murdered! If you listen to the song & video, “We DIdn’t Start The Fire” by Billy Joel, it shows who had JFK assassinated! The other president not involved is the current one! That’s why they want him out! The NWO has been responsible for all of our wars, all stock market crashes 9/11 buildings don’t fall straight down like that unless they’re imploded. The purpose for 9/11 was to put us in debt by going to war & to create Department Of Homeland Security! Under the guise of protecting us from Terrorism, they spy on us & build profiles on us because they want to know who’s gonna oppose them & those who are willing to be re-programmed by taking the RFID Chip & worshiping the antichrist. (Revelation 13) Read Revelation 6, The First Seal has been opened, which is The Rider On The White Horse & goes out conquering & to conquer (The Antichrist) I’ll tell you the next hoax they’re working on, look up in the sky on any given day & you will see white streaks across the sky! These are Chemtrails! They have been spraying us since the 40’s with various metals & chemicals to make us sick for depopulation purposes. They also are heating up the climate so they can say fossil fuels are the cause & they will roll out a Carbon Footprint Tax & a Global Climate Change Tax! They will also roll out Agenda 21, which was signed into law by George Bush SR., they will tell us where we can & can’t live & visit under the guise of environmental protection. As far as the election goes, If GOD wants to tarry, Trump will be re-elected. If GOD wants to expedite The Tribulation, we will have a president who speaks like a dragon. Look @ Revelation 13, The First Beast is Papal Rome, The Antichrist & The NWO. The second beast is described as a lamb having 2 horns, that represents America. The Two horns represent civil & religious liberty but it says we start speaking like a dragon! So, whether it’s this election or the next, we will speak like a dragon, which means we will have a president who passes draconian type laws! The preferred government by the antichrist is communism, socialism & Marxism! Hope this helps!