Not just the stock market but business was good as well! Construction & car business was doing very well!
And it took just 1 week to bring them to a grinding halt. Sounds like they werent very stable to begin with.
Not just the stock market but business was good as well! Construction & car business was doing very well!
BTT says I got this.Folks, I purposely sat on this information for such a time as this! China is partly to blame. The reason it was released in China is because it would have much more of a negative impact globally due to so many companies worldwide dependence on China’s manufacturing & production. If you want to know who’s behind the Coronavirus, read Daniel 7 in your Bible & pay attention to the 4th beast (NWO) the 7 heads are the 7 mountains on which Papal Rome & The Vatican sit! This is validated in Revelation 17-18. The 10 horns are 10 world leaders who will rule the 10 regions the NWO has divided the world into! The “Little Horn” is the antichrist! Notice how Daniel describes the 4th beast, Dreadful, Terrible & Exceedingly powerful! Notice how it says it Devours The Whole World!” Now look @ Revelation 17 & 18! Mystery Babylon & The Great are Papal Rome & The Vatican! Notice the 7 heads are the 7 mountains on which Rome & The Vatican sit. Notice how the 10 horns are 10 kings who give their power to the antichrist in exchange for their Kingdom! Notice how these 10 World Leaders are the ones who burn The Vatican & Rome because the antichrist doesn’t live up to his end of the bargain! You want to know who’s behind global human trafficking, look @ Revelation 18. Look @ Mathew 24 & notice JESUS said, “if it were possible, even the ELECT will be DECEIVED! That’s a Profound Statement! Look Up John Coleman Committee of 300 ... The 21 Goals Of The NWO & read #11, Which states, “To keep people Everywhere from deciding their own destinies by one created crisis after another & then managing such crisis”19, which states “To infiltrate & subvert All governments & work from within them to destroy them. 20, Which states, “To Create a Worldwide Terrorist Apparatus, (Al Qeuda, ISIS etc... & to negotiate with terrorist whenever possible” & 21, which states, “To utterly destroy the education system in America by teaching out based education!” They have infiltrated & destroyed the education system globally by teaching our young people about Marxism, communism & socialism. This has been going on since the 80’s! That’s why 50-70% of our young people will vote for a socialist president. The Coronavirus is #11 in play! We’ve only had two presidents who haven’t involved in this conspiracy, JFK & he was assassinated because he gave a speech to the media, not knowing they were in bed with the NWO! He told the Media, there’s a shadow government & these people don’t have our best interest @ heart & before I leave office, I’m going to expose them. He also said he would do away with The Federal Reserve they set up in 1913 & he would pull our troops out of Vietnam. Shortly after this speech, he was murdered! If you listen to the song & video, “We DIdn’t Start The Fire” by Billy Joel, it shows who had JFK assassinated! The other president not involved is the current one! That’s why they want him out! The NWO has been responsible for all of our wars, all stock market crashes 9/11 buildings don’t fall straight down like that unless they’re imploded. The purpose for 9/11 was to put us in debt by going to war & to create Department Of Homeland Security! Under the guise of protecting us from Terrorism, they spy on us & build profiles on us because they want to know who’s gonna oppose them & those who are willing to be re-programmed by taking the RFID Chip & worshiping the antichrist. (Revelation 13) Read Revelation 6, The First Seal has been opened, which is The Rider On The White Horse & goes out conquering & to conquer (The Antichrist) I’ll tell you the next hoax they’re working on, look up in the sky on any given day & you will see white streaks across the sky! These are Chemtrails! They have been spraying us since the 40’s with various metals & chemicals to make us sick for depopulation purposes. They also are heating up the climate so they can say fossil fuels are the cause & they will roll out a Carbon Footprint Tax & a Global Climate Change Tax! They will also roll out Agenda 21, which was signed into law by George Bush SR., they will tell us where we can & can’t live & visit under the guise of environmental protection. As far as the election goes, If GOD wants to tarry, Trump will be re-elected. If GOD wants to expedite The Tribulation, we will have a president who speaks like a dragon. Look @ Revelation 13, The First Beast is Papal Rome, The Antichrist & The NWO. The second beast is described as a lamb having 2 horns, that represents America. The Two horns represent civil & religious liberty but it says we start speaking like a dragon! So, whether it’s this election or the next, we will speak like a dragon, which means we will have a president who passes draconian type laws! The preferred government by the antichrist is communism, socialism & Marxism! Hope this helps!
Talk shit all night, I'll still buy you a beer.BTT says I got this.
Nevermind boys, I’m gonna just have to settle for @Rychek4 ’s participation trophy. I can’t touch that shit.
Me too Loser!Talk shit all night, I'll still buy you a beer.
Imma give you extra points for not saying "looser"Me too Loser!
did you read the OP? I can’t touch that!
Thanks, it ok, like I said, whether people believe it or not, they’ll find out the truth later on. Things will play out like the Bible says they will!
I remember the first time I did blow. It’s quite a rush, isn’t it?
PS- just as a way to improve your conspiracy theories. JFK being killed because he was going to pull our troops out of Vietnam should be reimagined. He was killed in 63 and US troops didn’t get to Nam until 65.
The fact we’re in the Tribulation! It’s talking about the fall of Papal Rome & The Vatican, which hasn’t happened yet!Me too Loser!
did you read the OP? I can’t touch that!
OP @areeves I believe Christ is the only way to Heaven but Revelations was most likely talking about the fall of Rome. I hope you haven’t been sitting on this since then.
He was killed because he was going to expose The NWO & their plans for humanity! Read John Coleman, Committee of 300! Coleman was killed for exposing them! Read Daniel 7, The 4th beast is the NWO!JFK was killed because he failed to oust Castro and get the mob all their Havana casino money back. Didn't anyone watch The Irishman?
He was killed because he was going to expose The NWO & their plans for humanity! Read John Coleman, Committee of 300! Coleman was killed for exposing them! Read Daniel 7, The 4th beast is the NWO!
& your not going to because The Black Nobility is @ the top Of The NWO along with The Illuminati & Committee of 300! The Black Nobility owns Hollywood & The Music industry. I’ll be happy to send you info on all this..... my email is areeves@provsports.comI don't remember any mention of that in The Irishman.
& your not going to because The Black Nobility is @ the top Of The NWO along with The Illuminati & Committee of 300! The Black Nobility owns Hollywood & The Music industry. I’ll be happy to send you info on all this..... my email is
Great, Thanks, give me until later this afternoon & I’ll send you some info!Okay, I would like to know more about The Black Nobility. I'll send you an email.
No, because if things were going well, you wouldn’t have believed me & you still may not. But, I’ll tell you this, everything I said is True. We are in The Tribulation & things will get progressively worse but Romans 10:9 says, If Confess With your mouth The LORD JESUS & Believe in Your Heart GOD Raised HIM from the dead, you shall be Saved! JESUS said, “If anyone would come after ME let him take up his cross daily & follow ME, for whoever seeks to save his life will lose it but whoever loses his life for MY sake will find it!” JESUS also said, “If You Confess ME Before Men, I’LL Confess You Before My Father & HIS Angels but If You Are Ashamed Of ME & MY Words, I’ll Be Ashamed Of You When You Stand Before My FATHER & HIS Angels! GOD Bless You!
No, I never said the World is ending, I said we are in The Tribulation! The First Seal has been opened, The Rider On The White Horse & he has a bow in his hand & he goes out conquering & to conquer! That’s this current Pope based on ST Malachi’s Prophecy, which is spot on! There are 21I'm still baffled. So you are saying the world is ending b/c of a virus with < 2% mortality rate? And you cherry pick some bible verses to spew? Isn't there supposed to be some sort of antiChrist rising to power in the Mideast?
I'd offer a different take on Christianity. God used to be a lot more involved with human kind than he is now.
Kind of like I used to be more involved with my kids when they were 2 or 3... They required almost constant supervision. Now my oldest is about to head to college and I'm a lot less involved in his day to day activities. I expect him to wake up and get himself ready for school and work. I expect him to perform his chores/homework/social activities with little oversite from me.
IMHO, that sort of thing carries over to Christianity. God doesn't give a crap if we eat bacon and shrimp instead of just beef/sheep. But you'd better have some ability in preserving food if you are going to eat pork and seafood. At the time the bible was written, that wasn't the case. Now it's different. Bottom line here is that God gave the human race the ability to look after itself in this life. We don't do a great job of it a lot of times.
Just like my son has made some mistakes that I certainly saw coming, we as a people have done the same. And just like I've allowed my son to make mistakes and learn from them, God does the same. We'll get through this w/o God doing whatever it is you think he's going to do.
No, I’m not saying the world is going to end, I’m saying we’re in The Tribulation! There are 21 plagues or Judgements in The Tribulation plus whatever plagues the 2 witnesses in Revelation 11 want to use! I believe these two witnesses are Elijah & Moses because are the two who showed with JESUS & 4 of the disciples! There are 7 Seals, 7 Trumpets & 7 vials. The first five Seals in Revelation 6 are what The Antichrist & NWO will do to humanity! If look at the 21 goals of the NWO, one of them is depopulation! They want 95% of humanity terminated by 2030! I encourage you to look up John Coleman Committee of 300 & look up the 21 goals of the NWO! I also encourage you to look up The Flow Chart of The NWO! It took them almost 240 years to put it together! When you see all the entities involved you’ll understand why it took them so long! The NWO, Antichrist & Papal Rome are the 4th beast in Daniel 7, The fourth beast! I believe the Fourth Seal is when The Antichrist, NWO & False Prophet try to make everyone take the RFID Chip in their right hand or forehead & They try to make everyone worship the Antichrist! Unfortunately, many will do one or the other or both! (Revelation 13) those who take the “mark” or worship the antichrist will take part in one or more of the 16 remaining plagues GOD will pour out on those who take the “Chip/Mark & or worship the antichrist! After they die, they will spend eternity in the lake of fire! (Revelation 14 & 20:15) In fact, Revelation 20:15 says, “whoever’s name was NOT found written in the Lambs Book Of Life was cast into the lake of fire!” That’s why I sent what I did because I want people to Go To Heaven! Romans 10:9 says, “If You Confess with your mouth the LORD JESUS & believe in your heart GOD raised HIM from the dead, you shall be saved! JESUS said, “If anyone would come after ME, let him take up his cross daily & follow ME, for whoever seeks to save his life will lose it but he who loses his life for MY sake will find it!” JESUS also said, “If you confess ME before men, I’ll confess You before my Father & HIS Angels. But, if you’re ashamed of ME & MY Words, I’LL be Ashamed of You when you stand before MY FATHER & HIS Angels!” He also said, “I’m The Way, The Truth & The Life, No One Comes To The FATHER but Through ME!” I encourage you to read Mathew 24, Luke 21 & Revelation 6-22! Unfortunately, many people will perish during The Tribulation & want Everyone to accept Jesus so they will spend Eternity in Heaven & Not in the lake of fire! People have no business going there because it was prepared for Satan & the angels who followed him but because of sin & man’s unwillingness to Accept what JESUS did for us on the Cross, which is paying the penalty for OUR Sins, many people will end up there!I'm still baffled. So you are saying the world is ending b/c of a virus with < 2% mortality rate? And you cherry pick some bible verses to spew? Isn't there supposed to be some sort of antiChrist rising to power in the Mideast?
I'd offer a different take on Christianity. God used to be a lot more involved with human kind than he is now.
Kind of like I used to be more involved with my kids when they were 2 or 3... They required almost constant supervision. Now my oldest is about to head to college and I'm a lot less involved in his day to day activities. I expect him to wake up and get himself ready for school and work. I expect him to perform his chores/homework/social activities with little oversite from me.
IMHO, that sort of thing carries over to Christianity. God doesn't give a crap if we eat bacon and shrimp instead of just beef/sheep. But you'd better have some ability in preserving food if you are going to eat pork and seafood. At the time the bible was written, that wasn't the case. Now it's different. Bottom line here is that God gave the human race the ability to look after itself in this life. We don't do a great job of it a lot of times.
Just like my son has made some mistakes that I certainly saw coming, we as a people have done the same. And just like I've allowed my son to make mistakes and learn from them, God does the same. We'll get through this w/o God doing whatever it is you think he's going to do.
Read Revelation 17:18The pope has a bow and a horse? I see him with a white hat, but I've never seen him with a weapon or a mount.
The pope has a bow and a horse? I see him with a white hat, but I've never seen him with a weapon or a mount.[/
Read Revelation 17:18 & the woman which thou sawest is the great city which reigns over the kings (world leaders) of the earth! It’s talking about Papal Rome & The Vatican! In other words, world leaders answer to the Pope & Papal Rome! Look @ Daniel 11:37 & following.... that’s the antichrist pope! Look up “Observatory on Mt Graham Lucifer Telescope!” Notice in Daniel 11:37 & following “with this “foreign god” or “god of forces” many nations are overthrown! That means with the help of an “alien/demon god, the antichrist overthrows many nations! If you look @ the hierarchy of the NWO, one of their entities is “ufo” technology or as I call it “demon technology!” Just because something is new to our ears, doesn’t mean it’s not true! Again, that’s why JESUS said, if it were possible, even the elect would be deceived!” Look up “Operation Blue Beam!” This is yet another deception by the NWO & Antichrist
The world leaders answer to the Pope & Papal Rome! Look @ Daniel 11:37 & following! It says, “with the help of a “foreign god” & is also described as “the god of forces” many nations are overthrown! Research Observatory On MT Graham! There’s 3 huge telescopes there, one is owned by the Vatican, one is owned by The United States & one is owned by Germany! The one owned by Germany is called Lucifer! When Tom Horn & Chris Putnam wrote the book Petrus Romanus, they spent 14 hours with Guy Cosmonolgo, the Chief Astronomer for The Vatican. Cosmonolgo told Horn & Putnam through this infrared telescope, we see aliens & ufo’s all the time! The “god of forces” in Daniel 11 is an alien/demon god! If you research the hierarchy for the NWO, you see “UFO Technology” as one of the entities under their umbrella! Remember, the people in the NWO are all Luciferians & they believe with “ufo technology” they’ll be able to defeat GOD, JESUS & The Angels! This of coarse is ridiculous but that’s what they believe!Read Revelation 17:18
research Operation Blue BeamThe world leaders answer to the Pope & Papal Rome! Look @ Daniel 11:37 & following! It says, “with the help of a “foreign god” & is also described as “the god of forces” many nations are overthrown! Research Observatory On MT Graham! There’s 3 huge telescopes there, one is owned by the Vatican, one is owned by The United States & one is owned by Germany! The one owned by Germany is called Lucifer! When Tom Horn & Chris Putnam wrote the book Petrus Romanus, they spent 14 hours with Guy Cosmonolgo, the Chief Astronomer for The Vatican. Cosmonolgo told Horn & Putnam through this infrared telescope, we see aliens & ufo’s all the time! The “god of forces” in Daniel 11 is an alien/demon god! If you research the hierarchy for the NWO, you see “UFO Technology” as one of the entities under their umbrella! Remember, the people in the NWO are all Luciferians & they believe with “ufo technology” they’ll be able to defeat GOD, JESUS & The Angels! This of coarse is ridiculous but that’s what they believe!
Yes SirAmen brother, Jesus is the way. Those that have ears to hear and eyes to see let them hear and see.