The United States Should Exit NATO. Momentum Building - Europeans Mooching Off American Taxpayer

Thanks for the post.

For the record i have never justified Russia's invasion. Only argued it's not our problem because Ukraine is not a NATO country. We have no defense agreement with them.

Also, claiming that the war started soley due to Russia's invasion is a lazy man's argument in my humble opinion.
You sidestepped most of my post. I am on the fence as far as helping Ukraine, and that was not really the point of my post. It was that Russia (as a country/govt is bad- not the populace).

You defending Russia in any way is not defensible. It doesn't mean you have to side with Ukraine, or defend them, but defending Russia or implying they are even in the ballpark of being a good country is ridiculous. Based on my limited knowledge, of the people of Russia, I would agree they seem to be mostly good hard working people. The govt and country is, and should be, our enemy.
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You sidestepped most of my post. I am on the fence as far as helping Ukraine, and that was not really the point of my post. It was that Russia (as a country/govt is bad- not the populace).

You defending Russia in any way is not defensible. It doesn't mean you have to side with Ukraine, or defend them, but defending Russia or implying they are even in the ballpark of being a good country is ridiculous. Based on my limited knowledge, of the people of Russia, I would agree they seem to be mostly good hard working people. The govt and country is, and should be, our enemy.
Saying Russia is indefensible is not a good argument in my opinion. So no new information can change your mind? Ukraine can never be wrong? What kind iof sense does that make? We have to believe was was taught to us in Kindergarten? Should I still believe in Santa too?

Listen, Russian government has done some
Really bad things. But if you are an honest observer and you open your eyes, all the things you hate about Russia has been done by our government.

We are not pure. Our government has done some really really bad things. Framing political opponents. Murdering political opponents. Silencing political opponents speech. Staring wars under false pretenses. Who killed JFK? Who created Covid (it wasn’t Putin) that killed MILLIONS?

I’m going to use my own brain instead of relying on the Cold War mentality that has been ingrained in us since grade school.

Im willing to RESET relations just as the Hillary and the Democratic Party tried to do years ago. Maybe somebody with some competence will succeed.

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