This is why Democrats can't help themselves


Lake Baikal
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
As Thomas Sowell told an interviewer in 2004, “There’s something Eric Hoffer said: ‘Intellectuals cannot operate at room temperature.’

"So here is the catch-22 Democrats face when told to “turn down the heat”: Trump IS the heat Democrats need in order to function. If they can’t continue to bloviate and hyperbolize about Trump as an existential threat, then they’re paralyzed. They will fall from their high perches like Florida iguanas in winter. And then this just becomes a contest between one candidate that takes bullets and another that takes naps. They can’t have that." Glenn Reynolds
As Thomas Sowell told an interviewer in 2004, “There’s something Eric Hoffer said: ‘Intellectuals cannot operate at room temperature.’

"So here is the catch-22 Democrats face when told to “turn down the heat”: Trump IS the heat Democrats need in order to function. If they can’t continue to bloviate and hyperbolize about Trump as an existential threat, then they’re paralyzed. They will fall from their high perches like Florida iguanas in winter. And then this just becomes a contest between one candidate that takes bullets and another that takes naps. They can’t have that." Glenn Reynolds
Do you think this is unique to democrats?