Those on here who enjoyed the Paris Olympics opening ceremonies .....

OP is mostly correct. Much of it was extraordinarily well-done, an equal amount was tripe.

In my case.......

Proves there are some seriously demented people who are Clemson fans
Dude you need to get out of the South and maybe visit some other countries where the population isn't so buttoned up and puritanical. Europe isn't dominated by religious influence and French popular culture is often associated with passion and sexuality (French kiss, French pox, ménage à trois...). I've been to Europe many times and even though they aren't shielded from sexual imagery and the like, the majority grow up to be decent, well-rounded, law-abiding citizens. They were creating a product that reflected their culture, not the South below the Mason-Dixon line. I'm sure no one who watched it was harmed unless they chose to be.
Dude you need to get out of the South and maybe visit some other countries where the population isn't so buttoned up and puritanical. Europe isn't dominated by religious influence and French popular culture is often associated with passion and sexuality (French kiss, French pox, ménage à trois...). I've been to Europe many times and even though they aren't shielded from sexual imagery and the like, the majority grow up to be decent, well-rounded, law-abiding citizens. They were creating a product that reflected their culture, not the South below the Mason-Dixon line. I'm sure no one who watched it was harmed unless they chose to be. my point. I too have been to Europe multiple times. Wtf does that have to do with anything. So people "choose to be harmed "? Interesting concept. I wasn't "harmed " as you contend. Just found it disgusting. As my post says.......tells me a lot about you. my point. I too have been to Europe multiple times. Wtf does that have to do with anything. So people "choose to be harmed "? Interesting concept. I wasn't "harmed " as you contend. Just found it disgusting. As my post says.......tells me a lot about you.
Pray tell, what was disgusting about it? my point. I too have been to Europe multiple times. Wtf does that have to do with anything. So people "choose to be harmed "? Interesting concept. I wasn't "harmed " as you contend. Just found it disgusting. As my post says.......tells me a lot about you.
I've seen much much worse on Netflix and Broadway but I'm not easily disgusted when it comes to performance art. If that says something about me, so be it lol.
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