Thoughts on the extended April 30 social distancing guidelines?

What's the difference in a 2 week shutdown vs current situation?

Currently, outside of grocery stores, CVS, etc, what other businesses are open where more than 10 people gather?

I completely agree that grocery stores should close to curbside pickup only if we want to get serious. Is that what will happen during a shutdown? Seems like grocery stores are for sure the biggest current problem.
TOO many people still not taking this serious - Some businesses have zero reason to be open. If numbers start going up and the hospital system is over run, we are down for 3-4 months with lock down and imagine how many businesses go under. That keeps me up at night
STAY inside morons (not directed at you)
You listen to Trump and you think Biden has mental difficulties? Ha!

At times, Biden has no idea where he is or what’s going on. I feel bad for the guy. I’m not voting for him, but I take no pleasure in seeing someone in his condition. I don’t even dislike the guy.

Why do you allow Trump to make you so upset?
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While I would agree that there’s plenty of people who are dismissing any and all precaution simply because they’re too selfish to curtail any of their enjoyment for the greater good.

However, do you completely discount the counter argument that many of us (myself included, atleast largely) believe that there are direct links between economic recessions and drug use increases, mental health decreases, obesity increases, etc and that the proverbial cure can’t be worse than the disease?

It cannot be understated enough that roughly 3 million people die on average annually in the US. We haven’t had a single metric be able to show that these COVID deaths are additive to that figure as opposed to them simply being the ultimate cause of people who’s clock was largely gonna expire this year for any number of reasons.

That doesn’t mean their losses aren’t heartbreaking. It doesn’t mean we shouldn’t what we can to combat those losses and protect those people, but it also doesn’t mean that a one-size-fits-all, shutdown-the-whole-country seemingly indefinitely approach is the obvious choice.

You and I are normally in agreeance, but not here my man. There are still way too many unknowns with this virus, and whatever is necessary has to be done to curb it. It's terrible that businesses are going to suffer and people are going to lose their jobs, but every generation of Americans have lived through a time when sacrifices had to be made for the greater good. Shutting things down is about keeping the hospitals from being overwhelmed so we don't have an Italy situation here. Because what is happening in Italy is WAY worse than the economic results of a 1-2 month shutdown.
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April 30th is more realistic! Will still have hot spots but other parts of the country will be starting to get back on it’s feet. The key the next two weeks unfornately will be watching the mortality rate that it hopefully stays below 3%. As of today it’s at 1.7% which is like with counties like South Korea .
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While I would agree that there’s plenty of people who are dismissing any and all precaution simply because they’re too selfish to curtail any of their enjoyment for the greater good.

However, do you completely discount the counter argument that many of us (myself included, atleast largely) believe that there are direct links between economic recessions and drug use increases, mental health decreases, obesity increases, etc and that the proverbial cure can’t be worse than the disease?

It cannot be understated enough that roughly 3 million people die on average annually in the US. We haven’t had a single metric be able to show that these COVID deaths are additive to that figure as opposed to them simply being the ultimate cause of people who’s clock was largely gonna expire this year for any number of reasons.

That doesn’t mean their losses aren’t heartbreaking. It doesn’t mean we shouldn’t what we can to combat those losses and protect those people, but it also doesn’t mean that a one-size-fits-all, shutdown-the-whole-country seemingly indefinitely approach is the obvious choice.
Agree. I wonder how many people died this week from heart attacks and car accidents...probably a lot more than what this pandemic killed.
I don’t hate anyone, Joe Biden included. However, I do feel sorry for Joe Biden in his current condition. The Dems have basically made him the sacrificial lamb for November. You can tell he doesn’t even want to do this.
You listen to Trump and you think Biden has mental difficulties? Ha!
Biden is definitely a pedophile
you do realize that trump will have this country shut down for months. I believe that we will recover economically. It may be under joe Biden’s leadership, and that’s fine. This is about America, not tribal politics. Trump downplayed this virus for 6 weeks and chose not to ramp up masks, scrubs, tests, beds and ventilators. Whether you love him or hate him, that was a failure. All leaders need to be held accountable, Trump is no different.
One thing no one has discussed and that is athletic department debt and how not having an entire season affects that. Is Clemson in as strong financially as say Ohio State, Alabama, Georgia, Notre Dame or Michigan? How does lack of a season affect the hotels and restaurants in the upstate. I suppose that Clemson has a huge debt load.
you do realize that trump will have this country shut down for months. I believe that we will recover economically. It may be under joe Biden’s leadership, and that’s fine. This is about America, not tribal politics. Trump downplayed this virus for 6 weeks and chose not to ramp up masks, scrubs, tests, beds and ventilators. Whether you love him or hate him, that was a failure. All leaders need to be held accountable, Trump is no different.
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you do realize that trump will have this country shut down for months. I believe that we will recover economically. It may be under joe Biden’s leadership, and that’s fine. This is about America, not tribal politics. Trump downplayed this virus for 6 weeks and chose not to ramp up masks, scrubs, tests, beds and ventilators. Whether you love him or hate him, that was a failure. All leaders need to be held accountable, Trump is no different.
Joe Biden?? God help us!!
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TOO many people still not taking this serious - Some businesses have zero reason to be open. If numbers start going up and the hospital system is over run, we are down for 3-4 months with lock down and imagine how many businesses go under. That keeps me up at night
STAY inside morons (not directed at you)
Lowe's and Home Depot especially. There were more people at the Greer Lowe's on Saturday than at a Clemson game.
The all-cause mortality in the US is the same as any other year because it is still very early. For now, the death rate from Covid is off-set by other consequences of social distancing such as a decrease in all infections including the flu, and a decrease in car accidents.

The death rate of Covid will continue to grow exponentially long after the rate of infects peaks and decreases. Deaths occur weeks after diagnosis.

I think the "cure cannot be worse than the disease" schtick is being overused. We are no where near that point in my opinion.
Says the guy with an avatar directed at Trump. Rent free.

yep. That quote from trump just shows what a terrible leader he is. That should be the quote they put above the doors in his presidential twitter library in Florida one day.
yep. That quote from trump just shows what a terrible leader he is. That should be the quote they put above the doors in his presidential twitter library in Florida one day.

He really is living rent free in you.

Bernie Sanders' political stances are some of the worst in US history, but I don't even dislike that guy as a person.

Trump has some of you folks absolutely shook.
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you do realize that trump will have this country shut down for months. I believe that we will recover economically. It may be under joe Biden’s leadership, and that’s fine. This is about America, not tribal politics. Trump downplayed this virus for 6 weeks and chose not to ramp up masks, scrubs, tests, beds and ventilators. Whether you love him or hate him, that was a failure. All leaders need to be held accountable, Trump is no different.
Just because he downplays the virus does not mean the administration was not addressing the issue. In times of trouble, a true leader brings calm to the masses while working behind the scenes to address the worst case scenario.
The only point that seems to get traction, and is based on some facts versus just statements likes yours (ie no facts), is not invoking the Defense Production Act early enough. The president put the travel ban from China in effect January 31st and he was attacked as a racist and taking unnecessary steps. Just think if he had invoked the DPA in February what would have been said

Any blame for delays also needs to be addressed to the local level. One reason NY is the epicenter is that they were slow to react. There are videos circulating on Twitter from February where the NY administration (don't remember her title but she is the head health expert for the state or city) is telling people to continue to go out to eat and even encouraging people to attend the upcoming parade.
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There are videos circulating on Twitter from February where the NY administration (don't remember her title but she is the head health expert for the state or city) is telling people to continue to go out to eat and even encouraging people to attend the upcoming parade.
It was public health administrator. De Blasio said as late as March 11 telling people to "not avoid restaurants, not avoid normal things that people do. . . . If you’re not sick, you should be going about your life"
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Just because he downplays the virus does not mean the administration was not addressing the issue. In times of trouble, a true leader brings calm to the masses while working behind the scenes to address the worst case scenario.
The only point that seems to get traction, and is based on some facts versus just statements likes yours (ie no facts), is not invoking the Defense Production Act early enough. The president put the travel ban from China in effect January 31st and he was attacked as a racist and taking unnecessary steps. Just think if he had invoked the DPA in February what would have been said

Any blame for delays also needs to be addressed to the local level. One reason NY is the epicenter is that they were slow to react. There are videos circulating on Twitter from February where the NY administration (don't remember her title but she is the head health expert for the state or city) is telling people to continue to go out to eat and even encouraging people to attend the upcoming parade.

Trump took decisive action on Jan 31 and restricted travel from China to the US. He likes to brag about this often, and I am sure you would agree with this. Right?

Fast forward to March 4th, where Trump, during a briefing with airline executives, said this:
Trump, March 4: I just want to add, if I might — and to go a little bit further — the Obama administration made a decision on testing that turned out to be very detrimental to what we’re doing. And we undid that decision a few days ago so that the testing can take place in a much more accurate and rapid fashion. That was a decision we disagreed with. I don’t think we would have made it, but for some reason it was made. But we’ve undone that decision.

So, for one this has been debunked as false, but like I said let's assume it is truthful. He made a decisive decision on January 31st to restrict travel from China, but waited until a few days before March 4th (his own words) to solve the problem that prevented widespread testing? That is one whole month - in his own words - that we could have been ramping up testing, but were not.

So, even after reading Trump's own words, do you still not believe that he deserves any blame for the complete lack of testing for Covid-19?
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He really is living rent free in you.

Bernie Sanders' political stances are some of the worst in US history, but I don't even dislike that guy as a person.

Trump has some of you folks absolutely shook.

This is correct, because he is a terrible, terrible president. That's what you get when a bunch of mouth breathers elect a reality TV show star as president if the United States of America.

LOL at him bragging about his ratings for his coronavirus briefings. Just perfect.
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This is correct, because he is a terrible, terrible president. That's what you get when a bunch of mouth breathers elect a reality TV show star as president if the United States of America.

LOL at him bragging about his ratings for his coronavirus briefings. Just perfect.

Sans this virus time period, has your work/business been unsuccessful during his presidency? One one hand, you talk of how terrible he is, but on the other hand, you mockingly laugh at his personality.

So, is your dislike for him a personal thing, or do you have an actual issue with his policies? If so, which ones? Do "mouth breathers" include wealthy folks who've had great success by their own hard work? Asking for a friend.
Sans this virus time period, has your work/business been unsuccessful during his presidency? One one hand, you talk of how terrible he is, but on the other hand, you mockingly laugh at his personality.

So, is your dislike for him a personal thing, or do you have an actual issue with his policies? If so, which ones? Do "mouth breathers" include wealthy folks who've had great success by their own hard work? Asking for a friend.

I'll pass. I have done this dance with dolts like you before. I will take the time to post a well thought out, fact based argument, and then you will respond with a one sentence asinine comment, or even better a gif. My time is far too valuable to waste on you. Stay safe.
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I'll pass. I have done this dance with dolts like you before. I will take the time to post a well thought out, fact based argument, and then you will respond with a one sentence asinine comment, or even better a gif. My time is far too valuable to waste on you. Stay safe.

It's a personal thing with Trump.

I see. To each, their own. I hope your business thrives amidst this.. sincerely. I was able to sell my company a couple of years ago, and grateful for it.
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Trump took decisive action on Jan 31 and restricted travel from China to the US. He likes to brag about this often, and I am sure you would agree with this. Right?

Fast forward to March 4th, where Trump, during a briefing with airline executives, said this:
Trump, March 4: I just want to add, if I might — and to go a little bit further — the Obama administration made a decision on testing that turned out to be very detrimental to what we’re doing. And we undid that decision a few days ago so that the testing can take place in a much more accurate and rapid fashion. That was a decision we disagreed with. I don’t think we would have made it, but for some reason it was made. But we’ve undone that decision.

So, for one this has been debunked as false, but like I said let's assume it is truthful. He made a decisive decision on January 31st to restrict travel from China, but waited until a few days before March 4th (his own words) to solve the problem that prevented widespread testing? That is one whole month - in his own words - that we could have been ramping up testing, but were not.

So, even after reading Trump's own words, do you still not believe that he deserves any blame for the complete lack of testing for Covid-19?
Don't get me wrong, I never said he didn't deserve blame and I will never say that I agree with the way he talks and acts sometimes. I am simply against Monday morning quarterbacking and absolutely against making statements without facts. The problem with Twitter and the 24 hour news cycle is that statements get said and repeated to the point where people take them as fact.
As for the quote you gave, I don't know the circumstances or the facts behind it. Was this a change that took a month to put in place because of government red tape? When did the experts determine that a change was needed? Perhaps they brought it to the President on March 3rd and it was taken care of in 24 hours. Neither you or I know that.

The Monday morning quarterbacking is brutal. Hell, we are still doing it about the LSU game wondering why TE didn't run the ball. No matter if I voted for the president or not, I try to give them the benefit of the doubt that they are doing the best they can and have to right goal in mind. Especially in times like this.
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Just because he downplays the virus does not mean the administration was not addressing the issue. In times of trouble, a true leader brings calm to the masses while working behind the scenes to address the worst case scenario.
The only point that seems to get traction, and is based on some facts versus just statements likes yours (ie no facts), is not invoking the Defense Production Act early enough. The president put the travel ban from China in effect January 31st and he was attacked as a racist and taking unnecessary steps. Just think if he had invoked the DPA in February what would have been said

Any blame for delays also needs to be addressed to the local level. One reason NY is the epicenter is that they were slow to react. There are videos circulating on Twitter from February where the NY administration (don't remember her title but she is the head health expert for the state or city) is telling people to continue to go out to eat and even encouraging people to attend the upcoming parade.

this x7,700,000,000
Sans this virus time period, has your work/business been unsuccessful during his presidency?
Bet you I could raise the national debt by 2,000 billion over my first 3.5 years and make every business in America look great.

Thoughts? "Sans this virus time period" like you said.
Bet you I could raise the national debt by 2,000 billion over my first 3.5 years and make every business in America look great.

Thoughts? "Sans this virus time period" like you said.

My thought is... you’ve never owned a business.
My thought is... you’ve never owned a business.
Bet you I could raise the national debt by 2,000 billion over my first 3.5 years and make every business in America look great.

Interesting thoughts that are on topic? "Sans this virus time period" like you said.