Title IX and Transgender Issue


Valles Marineris
Gold Member
Dec 12, 2004
Can someone please explain how the NCAA is protecting the integrity of women's sports and their Title IX with their recent stand with punishing states that have passed laws concerning transgenders participating in women's sports.
The NCAA didn’t make Title IX, the US Government did. The NCAA doesn’t even enforce Title IX. So, basically, the NCAA has nothing to do with Title IX.

As far as the transgender issue, the NCAA is controlled by the presidents of colleges and universities. As a group, they can support a political or social issue, or oppose it. Its the same as other similar groups such as the PGA, USTA, etc.
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I cannot see how a true feminist can also support transgender females (Biologically Male). Those seem at odds with each other.

There seem to be much bigger issues out there affecting the general population that does not get the attention we need. I do not understand why we are all devoting this much attention and resources to .6% of the US population.
I cannot see how a true feminist can also support transgender females (Biologically Male). Those seem at odds with each other.

There seem to be much bigger issues out there affecting the general population that does not get the attention we need. I do not understand why we are all devoting this much attention and resources to .6% of the US population.

BC a ton of “real feminists” don’t support it. There is a bit of a mutany amongst Liberals over this (not Leftists).
I cannot see how a true feminist can also support transgender females (Biologically Male). Those seem at odds with each other.

There seem to be much bigger issues out there affecting the general population that does not get the attention we need. I do not understand why we are all devoting this much attention and resources to .6% of the US population.
I had this convo with my father in law yesterday. Imo, females(feminists), have painted theirselves in a corner. They have been screaming for equal rights, equal treatment, and equal pay for decades. I honestly think that some feel either that they can't say anything or that they dont know what to say. I disagree with transgender individuals that are biologically male playing females sports, but there has to be a point to where both sides say "ok, males weren't meant to do female things and vice versa "and go about their business.
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I cannot see how a true feminist can also support transgender females (Biologically Male). Those seem at odds with each other.

There seem to be much bigger issues out there affecting the general population that does not get the attention we need. I do not understand why we are all devoting this much attention and resources to .6% of the US population.
It's a woke cause.

My wife and I went to a working museum where the dinosaurs left their tracks now in limestone. The young person that did an outstanding job explaining which dinosaur left tracks. The person had a deeper voice than I and a scraggly beard. Little boobies too. His name was Nadia. I couldn't get over how obvious this was a female taking testosterone and whatever else they're prescribed. My thoughts were you could see that the person was born female and for whatever reason wants to be a man. That they're unhappy in their own skin. It's sad actually.
I cannot see how a true feminist can also support transgender females (Biologically Male). Those seem at odds with each other.

There seem to be much bigger issues out there affecting the general population that does not get the attention we need. I do not understand why we are all devoting this much attention and resources to .6% of the US population.
We have to make sure groups that make up a fraction of a percent of the population feel included before we focus on things that affect everyone. Major in the minors.
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Commissioner of MLB made a political statement by moving All-Star game from ATL, and they had a golden opportunity to honor Hank Aaron. Once you go down this political statement road, you either lose a portion of your fan base and/or you will be HIGHLY criticized for not taking a stand on another issue of political nature.
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I met her in a club down in old Soho
Where you drink champagne and it tastes just like coca cola
C-O-L-A, Cola
She walked up to me and she asked me to dance
I asked her her name and in a dark brown voice she said Lola
L-O-L-A, Lola
La-la-la-la Lola
Well, I'm not the world's most physical guy
But when she squeezed me tight she nearly broke my spine
Oh my Lola
La-la-la-la Lola
Well, I'm not dumb but I can't understand
Why she walked like a woman but talked like a man
Oh my Lola
La-la-la-la Lola
La-la-la-la Lola
Well, we drank champagne and danced all night
Under electric candlelight
She picked me up and sat me on her knee
And said "Dear boy, won't you come home with me?"
Well, I'm not the world's most passionate guy
But when I looked in her eyes, well I almost fell for my Lola
La-la-la-la Lola
La-la-la-la Lola
La-la-la-la Lola
La-la-la-la Lola
I pushed her away
I walked to the door
I fell to the floor
I got down on my knees
Then I looked at her and she at me
Well, that's the way that I want it to stay
And I always want it to be that way for my Lola
La-la-la-la Lola
Girls will be boys and boys will be girls
It's a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world, except for Lola
La-la-la-la Lola
Well, I left home just a week before
And I'd never ever kissed a woman before
But Lola smiled and took me by the hand
And said "Dear boy, I'm gonna make you a man"
Well, I'm not the world's most masculine man
But I know what I am and I'm glad I'm a man
And so is Lola
La-la-la-la Lola
La-la-la-la Lola...
Commissioner of MLB made a political statement by moving All-Star game from ATL, and they had a golden opportunity to honor Hank Aaron. Once you go down this political statement road, you either lose a portion of your fan base and/or you will be HIGHLY criticized for not taking a stand on another issue of political nature.

This one still gets me LOL’ing. Especially since I hate the Braves and Freddy Freeman’s stupid face.

MLB protests Georgia’s racist laws by pulling the event that brings in millions to a city with a 51% African American community and puts those millions in a city that is 10% African American. Way to gooooooo!
I heard U of SC is embracing it so they can dominate the rest of women's sports
Actually, my Chicken friends are worried about what it means for their women's hoops team.

Some school could become the 'transgender' place to be and end up fielding a team of transgender players. When you have biological males (guys) playing against girls, the guys are generally going to win.
I cannot see how a true feminist can also support transgender females (Biologically Male). Those seem at odds with each other.

There seem to be much bigger issues out there affecting the general population that does not get the attention we need. I do not understand why we are all devoting this much attention and resources to .6% of the US population.

I found it interesting how the feminists were up in arms to see a woman added to the Supreme Court. On one hand you have a woman being added to the supreme court, a great step for the continued advancement of women. Since she did not agree with many feminist "causes" they were against it. Majority of them only care about the advancement of women if that woman agrees with the woke things they do.
Can someone please explain how the NCAA is protecting the integrity of women's sports and their Title IX with their recent stand with punishing states that have passed laws concerning transgenders participating in women's sports.
They’re not....
The white gay lesbian community is pounding this bill and they have no idea it will eventually destroy women’s athletics. It’s a mess
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I found it interesting how the feminists were up in arms to see a woman added to the Supreme Court. On one hand you have a woman being added to the supreme court, a great step for the continued advancement of women. Since she did not agree with many feminist "causes" they were against it. Majority of them only care about the advancement of women if that woman agrees with the woke things they do.
This sentiment can be applied to every group. Is it truly representation if the individual does not represent your beliefs and goals? no matter if they are same sex, race, religion, etc as you?

The answer is no. It is not representation for you.

We are way to bent on how people look than what their beliefs are.
We need to get the data. What is the incidence of trans females actually performing better than bio females. The only real way to do the study would be to have them compete against women before they transition and then after. I’m sure they lose some of the advantage with the hormone treatment. It seems unlikely that they would lose all.

It seems that many women sports are in decline in popularity anyway.I certainly don’t see much about women’s golf on television like we used to and softball seems to be the only thing on the rise.

Unlike an above poster I would get my butt kicked by any female high school athlete, trans or not. I think I could compete pretty well against a group of average 67-year-old women, though.
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It's fascinating to watch. On one hand, it is just common sense that biological males should not be able to compete with in female athletic sports due to the biological physical superiority of males vs females. It's a no brainer, imo. However, there is absolutely no way the woke crowd can argue against it. Once you take the stand that transgender's are actually the opposite sex as opposed to pretending to be the opposite sex, you have no argument against it. As others have stated, I am sure a large portion of feminist are seething at the thought of transgender's dominating female sports, but they can't say anything because they will be canceled by their woke friends. It's hilarious, and I can't wait to see play out.
I cannot see how a true feminist can also support transgender females (Biologically Male). Those seem at odds with each other.

There seem to be much bigger issues out there affecting the general population that does not get the attention we need. I do not understand why we are all devoting this much attention and resources to .6% of the US population.
Because you dont understand the liberal mind or agenda. Trans are yet ANOTHER sub minority to cater to and ad as Dem voters. Cobble enough 1%s and 10%s together as they have done and VIOLA you have a "majority".
I seem to remember a scandal in the Olympics back in the 70s, where the Soviet block teams were doping their female athletes to make them “super” women, making them xxy instead of xx. This was later tested and banned.
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Actually, my Chicken friends are worried about what it means for their women's hoops team.

Some school could become the 'transgender' place to be and end up fielding a team of transgender players. When you have biological males (guys) playing against girls, the guys are generally going to win.
Think it’s already been done. No one can convince me Britney Griner isn’t a man. Listen to it’s voice
Actually, my Chicken friends are worried about what it means for their women's hoops team.

Some school could become the 'transgender' place to be and end up fielding a team of transgender players. When you have biological males (guys) playing against girls, the guys are generally going to win.

Ivy League women's teams are about to start some serious dynasties.
I do not agree that someone born male should be able to compete in female sports. The way we evolved as a species gave women's bodies the ability to produce and feed offspring while the male gender was formulated to literally do the heavy lifting. Of course, as we harnessed science and traded in nomadic huts for cities, the roles evened out a bit. However, life for humans has changed so fast that it's impossible for us to evolve. So we're left with the genetic makeup of what we were before all of our revolutions.

That being said, what is the point of posting this on TI? Another circle jerk of the same opinions?

And since when did this crowd care about the purity of underwater basketball and the like?

Furthermore, we are all about being free in this country and especially on TI. So if most of this random group of people can blindly follow a certain sect of a certain religion (for instance), why can't Carl become Kate? Who gives a shit?
The issue of transgendered persons competing in sports is a diversion tactic used to attack the larger issue of transgendered rights. The folks who, whether they admit it or not, don't like or want to deal with transgendered persons try to make the issue about "poor little Katie having to compete in sports against Jane (who used to be Johnnie)".
States need to band together to make the NCAA deal with them, rather than flaking off in the face of corporate pressure. What the NCAA and various corporations are trying to do is ridiculous.
The issue of transgendered persons competing in sports is a diversion tactic used to attack the larger issue of transgendered rights. The folks who, whether they admit it or not, don't like or want to deal with transgendered persons try to make the issue about "poor little Katie having to compete in sports against Jane (who used to be Johnnie)".
Maybe you could tell us more about what their secret agenda is, and how this isn't directly related to "transgender rights."
This one still gets me LOL’ing. Especially since I hate the Braves and Freddy Freeman’s stupid face.

MLB protests Georgia’s racist laws by pulling the event that brings in millions to a city with a 51% African American community and puts those millions in a city that is 10% African American. Way to gooooooo!
Not only that, but in a state with election laws that are at least as restrictive and Georgia's new law.
Not only that, but in a state with election laws that are at least as restrictive and Georgia's new law.

This is not even close to true. Like, not anywhere close at all.

You, a normally well intentioned and intelligent consumer of news, have absolutely fallen victim to the idiocy of the mob on this one.

Like, this isn't even close to true.
This one still gets me LOL’ing. Especially since I hate the Braves and Freddy Freeman’s stupid face.

MLB protests Georgia’s racist laws by pulling the event that brings in millions to a city with a 51% African American community and puts those millions in a city that is 10% African American. Way to gooooooo!

Don't you just love the irony? You champion the African American Community by hurting their income potential. Gotcha!
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Simple thing is to require testing for testosterone. The transgender athlete would require injections to level the playing field.
This is not even close to true. Like, not anywhere close at all.

You, a normally well intentioned and intelligent consumer of news, have absolutely fallen victim to the idiocy of the mob on this one.

Like, this isn't even close to true.

so you don't have to show an ID to vote, or register to vote, in Colorado.......I know you know the answer to that because you live there.

There are other issues sure, but just answer that one
so you don't have to show an ID to vote, or register to vote, in Colorado.......I know you know the answer to that because you live there.

There are other issues sure, but just answer that one

there are 16 different IDs a voter can use to register to vote in Colorado (only 8 in Georgia I believe). Once you are registered, every eligible voter is sent a mail ballot. Unless you are a first-time voter, you will not need to show iD when you return your mail ballot (whether at a dropbox a voting center, or the actual mail). We verify identity and eligibility on the backend once folks are in the system, and your signature is matched to verify identity on a mail ballot when you submit it.

ID isnt even close to the issue, or the only issue, though. But even if it were, Colorado's is significantly more permissive than Georgia's old and new laws. And we are just as secure.

im happy to go into more detail here. but the fact remains, colorado's elections are better run, more open, and more secure than georgias. weve had almost zero fraud (and we have post election risk limiting audits to prove it) AND we've got the 2nd highest turnout rate in the contry.
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The true strategy for this is to challenge Christianity, which is more conservative than the current liberal platform. There are not enough LBGTQ people to really sway an election, but to support something that they know will not be supported by a large conservative group is a political move. I would bet there are more people outraged that Christians and conservatives have a problem with it than are actually worried about their rights to play in a sporting event against females.

Most could probably care less about the whole thing. I will care if something happens to my daughter in the bathroom, or takes her spot on a sports team.
. And we are just as secure.

im happy to go into more detail here. but the fact remains, colorado's elections are better run, more open, and more secure than georgias.
and that is part of the reason for some of the things put in place

some of the items in the new bill are exactly what some people were calling for after Abrams got beat. Now those same people are complaining of those very things. After Abrams people wanted a more secure process.
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and that is part of the reason for some of the things put in place

some of the items in the new bill are exactly what some people were calling for after Abrams got beat. Now those same people are complaining of those very things. After Abrams people wanted a more secure process.

No. Georgia is making a false choice. They are prioritizing security over access. Colorado is proof that you can make voting as easy as possible, and have secure elections. Our elections are more accessible AND more secure than georgia's.

If folks still think georgias election laws are less restrictive than colorado's, I'd suggest they just adopt our model.
It's fascinating to watch. On one hand, it is just common sense that biological males should not be able to compete with in female athletic sports due to the biological physical superiority of males vs females. It's a no brainer, imo. However, there is absolutely no way the woke crowd can argue against it. Once you take the stand that transgender's are actually the opposite sex as opposed to pretending to be the opposite sex, you have no argument against it. As others have stated, I am sure a large portion of feminist are seething at the thought of transgender's dominating female sports, but they can't say anything because they will be canceled by their woke friends. It's hilarious, and I can't wait to see play out.
I'd be lying if I said I've never thought about transitioning just so I can kick Meghan Rapinoe's ass.