To my fellow Americans......

Your guy Biden would allow that painting to be destroyed because some of the men depicted in it were slave owners.

Maybe you shouldn't spout nonsense just b/c your Lord and Savior Trump does. Biden is and always has been a moderate, not a left winger. Obama chose him BECAUSE he was more centrist than Obama himself.
It's almost too easy to rile you necks up

Necks eh.....I love it. Born in SC. Wanna call me a redneck I don’t care, but it’s comical you can throw a derogatory slang term aimed at white people and feel fine doing it....sorry I forgot #onlyblacklivesmatter
Biden actually said something the other day I really liked.

he said, as many other may have also, that there is a difference between remembering and reminding.

the only people who should be rustled by any of this live across the atlantic ocean.

this is my third favorite day behind Christmas and Easter. The more I learn what this group of founding fathers went through, and was able to accomplish even with differing opinions was something incredible.
I believe only God could have accomplished it, working through men. In many ways, I think America was God's latest attempt to help humanity. How else can you explain the history of the USA? Look at the history of this continent over the past 500 years.
Recent emotions and our errors and sins (some very serious) do not erase the enormous good the USA has poured out on the world. However, we should humbly acknowledge that it could only happen with God's immense blessings and that in many ways we are merely the conduit. Just my opinion.
Necks eh.....I love it. Born in SC. Wanna call me a redneck I don’t care, but it’s comical you can throw a derogatory slang term aimed at white people and feel fine doing it....sorry I forgot #onlyblacklivesmatter

Oofff triggered much?
I don’t disagree they did many great things, but in what other country were blacks made 3/5 of a person?

Lots of countries. In fact they were not even considered 3/5 of a person. Take a look at this link. Shockingly, slavery was outlawed in some of these countries only in the past 50-80 years. Much if not most of the world allowed/practiced slavery as recently as 200 years ago. estimates that,of the world between 1500