Trans Wacky

BREAKING: Texas Children’s Hospital whistleblower, Dr. @EithanHaim, has been arrested by the DOJ. His crime? Exposing that the hospital was medically transitioning children. This is an outrage.

Biden’s DOJ is clearly trying to make an example of Dr. Haim to scare all future whistleblowers of the greatest medical abuse scandal in our history into silence.
Another great reason to vote for Trump.

TRUMP: "On day one, I will sign a new executive order to cut federal funding for any school pushing critical race theory, transgender sanity, and other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content onto our children ... and I will not give one penny to any school that has a vaccine mandate or a mask mandate."

@realDonaldTrump @TPAction_ #PEOPLES2024
Truth!! It's sick!!

When I was in high school, there were 2-3 kids who were gay. They were quietly open about it, no one cared

Gay marriage was talked about in the late 2000s

I always found it odd. It wasn’t illegal to be gay, why did gays want to get married?

Tax purposes?

It didn’t seem like a big deal though

then I went to college in San Francisco

Whereas before I’d been neutral to favorable to “gay rights”

Living in SF had the opposite effect

I learned that gay male community had explosive STDs, insane number of sex partners

Freshmen year I went to Pride, Folsom street fair

It was straight up Sodom and Gomorra

Every kind of sexual debasement was on open display

To say I was grossed out was an understatement

I met lots of lesbians. At least half of them had stories of being sexually abused by men

I’ve always been studious, I looked into research on homosexuality

Child sex abuse was rampant. At least half of homsexual men in some studies reported abuse as children

All that research got buried over the years

I researched the origins of gender dysphoria,

Dr John Money was a pedophile who sexually abused two boys by trying to turn them into girls. Both committed suicide later

That’s the father of the term gender

I realized over time that the entire moral paradigm of the LGBT movement was predicated on sexual deviancy

After college i moved to Hollywood, I trained people who worked in the entertainment industry

The gay mafia is real. It was open secret what directors and actors were gay. It was open secret what actors were abusive freaks and would have teenage boys at their house for pool parties

You have to realize, these people’s ethical filter for the world, their highest good

It is sexual hedonism. That is it.

The religious warnings in every major religion against this, they are accurate.

Regardless, Ive never hated gay people.

There probably is some errant genetics at play for why some people are gay.

That’s okay.

But LGBTQ+<£^^{{>?

It is total Perversion of Normality

There comes a time to draw line and say “Enough”

That time is now.
Big hit for the transvestite crowd. Mr Beast tranny arrested for perving on kids.

Mr beast handled appropriately and fired him immediately

Continue to demonstrate ignorance, intolerance, and transphobia. Transgender doesn't equal Pedophiles no matter how many times you say it in your twisted mind.

One study, present one actual academic research paper from a legitimate source that supports your continued assertion that trans people are more likely to be pedophiles.
Looks like my ignorance and intolerance won

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Earlier this year, a friend of mine almost had his young daughter taken from him in California just because he wanted her to wait a few years to permanently transition.

He talked the police out of taking her when they came to his house.

That day, he left California with his family
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