Trey Gowdy leaving congress after his term is over

On a flight with him today coming back from DC, wish I would have seen this before
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But he is doing what every single one of them should (or should be forced to by law)....make your contributions as a public servant and move on. Don’t make a slimy career out of it.
One of my faves. The only guy in Congress that I watch YouTube videos of him just straight up owning people in congressional hearings.

I’ve tried to find something similar from democrats, but it’s like they enjoy losing intellectual debates.

Remove emotion and their arguments get exposed.

Libs suck at talk radio, cable news, and message boards, where opposing views are introduced and expressed without coercion
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I’ve tried to find something similar from democrats, but it’s like they enjoy losing intellectual debates.

Remove emotion and their arguments get exposed.

Libs suck at talk radio, cable news, and message boards, where opposing views are introduced and expressed without coercion
Why do all of your posts sound the same
We've done that.
Heck, we even ran a Democrat who was a Constitutionalist against him some years ago, and couldn't get him out.
He’s getting a lot more airtime nowadays and looking like a fool. His embarrassment of a presidential run in 2016 won’t help him either since he only ever talked about the war. If there is a year he’s extremely vulnerable to a challenge in the primary, it’s 2020.

A democrat would never beat him though, regardless of their views. SC won’t be turning blue in the Senate anytime soon.
What do we have to do to get Graham to quit?
A business partner and I were arguing about politics bc he hates freedom. He changes the specific topic and goes “you know who we need to get rid of? Trey Gowdy”.

My jaw dropped. He said it was bc his mother in law asked for more special needs teachers (they live in greenville) and he said he would look into it then blew her off when she followed up.

I don’t know if it’s true or not but the business partner is a bullshitter so I give Trey the benefit of the doubt. His timing does raise questions but I appreciate his tenacity serving in the swamp.
One of the best. He just got tired of dealing with the system. He’ll be a on it. Also bank on William Timmons taking his seat
You definitely didn’t hear it in the classroom.

So hopefully new information can be intellectually liberating for you.
Lol. What do you think goes on in a college classroom? Do you think in Anatomy and Physiology the teacher is standing there lecturing us about gay marriage, universal healthcare, legal marijuana, and transgender bathrooms?

Odds are we're either being told a joke or being lectured about the digestive system
His posts are like mad libs for those who want to “own the libs” amirite

rabble rabble snowflake rabble rabble small government rabble rabble entitlement rabble rabble triggered rabble rabble
You're telling me. Jeebus crust the dude just comes off as so mad all the time, as if a democrat slept with his wife
Lol. What do you think goes on in a college classroom? Do you think in Anatomy and Physiology the teacher is standing there lecturing us about gay marriage, universal healthcare, legal marijuana, and transgender bathrooms?

Odds are we're either being told a joke or being lectured about the digestive system

You're telling me. Jeebus crust the dude just comes off as so mad all the time, as if a democrat slept with his wife

We all know most dem men don't sleep with women.

Since we were both educated at the same institution, i can attest to your brainwashing and that your world view will only get better with the more real world experience you get.
I legitimately feel bad for you

That's rich. You've posted a picture of yourself here.

But I'm not sure what comes first, a liberal world view because of the beta male disposition (nature) or a world view that leads to an affinity for the beta male look (nurture).

Help me understand.
You’re digging a hole

Nah, man. He used buzz words (beta) with some adolescent science ideas (nature vs nurture). He's got you RIGHT where he wants you. Can't forget he questioned your sexuality earlier. If that's not a classic red blooded American beat down I don't know what is.
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I sincerely hope that he's going to be a Deputy Director of the DOJ.We're going to need some people with balls in there after this Memo is released.
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Nah, man. He used buzz words (beta) with some adolescent science ideas (nature vs nurture). He's got you RIGHT where he wants you. Can't forget he questioned your sexuality earlier. If that's not a classic red blooded American beat down I don't know what is.
I’ve been destroyed. Everything I ever believed has been crumbled
Nah, man. He used buzz words (beta) with some adolescent science ideas (nature vs nurture). He's got you RIGHT where he wants you. Can't forget he questioned your sexuality earlier. If that's not a classic red blooded American beat down I don't know what is.

Is this where I bring up your post-to-like ratio and mention message boards aren't for you?

Or is that adolescent also?

Stick to one way conversations.