Vance is right. And Donald Trump was right on firing those VA employees who are not doing their jobs. And then Biden re-employs them and gives them back pay.
I retired from the Department of Veteran Affairs at a VA Medical Center. Before I was an electrical foreman, when I was an electrician, I had a job to do at at front desk of a ward at this VA Hospital. I had a job at one of the nursing stations and the first thing I noticed when I got to this ward was a nurse call light blinking down the hall. Since I worked on nurse call systems as well, the nurse at that desk was on the phone talking away about her date this weekend, so I looked down at the nurse call system and it was blinking too, but the audible alarm had been muted. I interrupted her from her discussion with her boyfriend or friend and she got really annoyed. I told her that the nurse call light down the hall was blinking, and it was blinking on her control panel as well, though it was muted. She look at me somewhat annoyed that I interrupted her call, but said he does that all the time, meaning he hits the nurse call on his bed. Well, I told her whether he does that all the time that this might be THE time!!! She had that mind your own business look on her face, but I told her, ma'am, if you do not go answer is nurse call I will write you up on the spot!!! And if you are unworried about your job I will go check on the veteran, and then get on my radio and call the VA Police.
That got her lazy ass off of the phone and she went down to the veteran's room to check on him. I should have followed her to ensure that she didn't abuse the patient. But that incident made me mad as a hornet, because I am a veteran as well.
So, I commend Trump when he was in office his first term for getting rid of the bad VA employees. But I imagine they were mainly upper tier employees, but there is certainly some rot down below, because I have witnessed, not just in the above incident, but in others as well.