Trump breaking down barriers one by one

Bet its dad is slamming Jack and Cokes right now, wondering where it all went wrong.

I would think her dad is probably reacting the way most parents would to their child winning public office--with quite a bit of pride and joy.
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I would think her dad is probably reacting the way most parents would to their child winning public office--with quite a bit of pride and joy.
Ever known the parents of any transgender people? Just curious...
Ever known the parents of any transgender people? Just curious...

Yeah, actually I do. And while they didn't handle it especially well upon first receiving the news, they eventually realized that loving and accepting their child was more important to them than their confusion over trans individuals.
One year after Trump's victory, Virginia elected:

First transgender delegate in the country
First out-lesbian delegate in the state
First Asian American woman delegate in the state
First two Latina delegates in the state
First Democratic Socialist candidate in the state
To each their own. But he is correct not sure what he is wrong about?
most of his argument revolves around a locked one for one relationship between gender and sex. scientifically this isnt true and there are biological examples of middle of the road that ultimately picks one... if this happens in physical manifestation there is no reason to believe it cannot happen in a body chemistry manifestation without the physical manifestation.

he argues that transgender people want everyone to pretend they are something that they are not, i'd argue transgender people wanted to be treated as humans and want the right to live their life in the way they feel most comfortable. I don't have to understand someones life choices. If someone wants to have long hair and wear dresses and perform cosmetic surgery on their junk and that is what causes their life to be most enjoyable then good for them, their choices have no positive or negative effect on my life.

As far as bathrooms (not mentioned in the clip)... i bring this up because sex segregated public facilities are essentially the only reason a strangers sex/gender is anybody's business... it is only problematic because we created group public restrooms for two conveniences... 1) efficient design... 2) preservation of sexual attraction by not having to listen to members of the opposite sex pass a Post Harcombe Dump. There are two other alternatives to shared sex segregated restrooms... A) Individualize restrooms, no longer shared, which loses design efficiency... or B) Unisex restrooms. I see no good reason why society does not have unisex restrooms, other than point 2 above.

i find his arguments about the lack of correlation and or causation between bullying and suicide weak at best, ignorant at worst.

For what it is worth... I have no problem with organizations being exclusive to a sex, although i do think in the case of boy scouts they have more to gain from opening up than they have to lose. I do think hysteria over transgender rights is overblown on both sides, more than anything it has become a tool used by the right to scare and anger their base, and by the left as a tool to use their corporate influence to dictate policy. I don't believe in any taxpayer subsidy or mandate for insurance coverage for sex change treatment. I think sex change treatment is generally a mistake and not advisable for persons who are trans gender. But regardless of that, I find it hard to align myself with the right on this issue when their base (not their actual policy) seems locked onto the notion that if someone is different than you then you should be cruel to them, presumably as a punishment for exposing them to new ideas.
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The picture suggests that Virginia has previously had an in-the-closet tranny public official. Wonder who that was
Commissioner Marissa Levine (Health) currently holds the office. Commissioner Levine was previously Dr Mark Levine.

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most of his argument revolves around a locked one for one relationship between gender and sex. scientifically this isnt true and there are biological examples of middle of the road that ultimately picks one... if this happens in physical manifestation there is no reason to believe it cannot happen in a body chemistry manifestation without the physical manifestation.

he argues that transgender people want everyone to pretend they are something that they are not, i'd argue transgender people wanted to be treated as humans and want the right to live their life in the way they feel most comfortable. I don't have to understand someones life choices. If someone wants to have long hair and wear dresses and perform cosmetic surgery on their junk and that is what causes their life to be most enjoyable then good for them, their choices have no positive or negative affect on my life.

As far as bathrooms (not mentioned in the clip)... i bring this up because sex segregated public facilities are essentially the only reason a strangers sex/gender is anybody's business... it is only problematic because we created group public restrooms for two conveniences... 1) efficient design... 2) preservation of sexual attraction by not having to listen to members of the opposite sex pass a Post Harcombe Dump. There are two other alternatives to shared sex segregated restrooms... A) Individualize restrooms, no longer shared, which loses design efficiency... or B) Unisex restrooms. I see no good reason why society does not have unisex restrooms, other than point 2 above. The #2 design consideration is actually a design feature that loses convenience and serves only

i find his arguments about the lack of correlation and or causation between bullying and suicide weak at best, ignorant at worst.

For what it is worth... I have no problem with organizations being exclusive to a sex, although i do think in the case of boy scouts they have more to gain from opening up than they have to lose. I do think hysteria over transgender rights is overblown on both sides, more than anything it has become a tool used by the right to scare and anger their base, and by the left as a tool to use their corporate influence to dictate policy. I don't believe in any taxpayer subsidy or mandate for insurance coverage for sex change treatment. I think sex change treatment is generally a mistake and not advisable for persons who are trans gender. But regardless of that, I find it hard to align myself with the right on this issue when their base (not their actual policy) seems locked onto the notion that if someone is different than you then you should be cruel to them, presumably as a punishment for exposing them to new ideas.

No one said you should be mean to them, but if a she he comes up to me and tells me they are a woman, they aren't and I won't accept it, they are a man. It is a completely different thing if you are born with both reproductive organs. (Hermaphrodite aka intersex for easily offended people) Then it is kinda out of your hands you were born that way. But if you are trying to tell me that if you are born a man and later on in life decide to be a woman is something you were born with I'm not buying it. Hard to argue his facts, but people will just so it meets what they want to hear.

I have no idea how to link stuff (I know stupid) but this is spot on.

Guess it worked..
I don't necessarily get the transgender thing and I am not a guy to tell anyone what to do, but what the hell gives this guy the right to tell anyone who they are or how they feel. I'm all for people talking it out but this guy presents himself as the almighty and everything he is saying is gospel. People who go out of their way to judge people that they don't even know is the real problem in this country. The only time transgenderism affected me was when people like this made the ACCCG move to Florida. That pissed me off. And it was because of people like this.
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Then it is kinda out of your hands you were born that way. But if you are trying to tell me that if you are born a man and later on in life decide to be a woman is something you were born with I'm not buying it. Hard to argue his facts, but people will just so it meets what they want to hear.
there is more that makes us who we are then our reproductive organs. the female and male brains are identifiably different in structure and chemistry. transgender science is in its infancy but there is evidence that transgender brains are identifiably different than male or female brains. you may call this a defect that causes confusion, i think my brain and soul are who I am and that my body is a vehicle.
there is more that makes us who we are then our reproductive organs. the female and male brains are identifiably different in structure and chemistry. transgender science is in its infancy but there is evidence that transgender brains are identifiably different than male or female brains. you may call this a defect that causes confusion, i think my brain and soul are who I am and that my body is a vehicle.

There is absolutely more to us that make us male or female other than reproductive organs. Was using that as an example. But if you have chromosomes crossed some where then it is scientifically explainable why you would switch from one sex to the other. What about those that don't? And just want to switch cause they want to? That's the problem.
What about those that don't? And just want to switch cause they want to? That's the problem.
it's not a problem for me.

there are scientific reasons for non typical results other than chromosomal issues. womb chemistry during development of the brain is believed by many scientists to be a contributing factor to sexual orientation. there are records of children claiming they are supposed to be the other sex from the moment they are able to speak. pre-op transsexual persons brains have been recorded as registering touch to their body parts that dont correlate with their identity as different than typical men or women. none of this is proof of causation nor does it answer the question of what should be done, but it sheds light on the fact that this isn't just a choice, it is deeply ingrained in their brains... it is their identity.

i don't claim to have answers on policy as to how to deal with this as parents, medical professionals, or society in general.

i do however, having a scientifically literate background, posses the knowledge to state definitively that the issue is more complex than people switching because they want to. these people are not confused, even the most conservative definition would classify them as afflicted with a disorder.

but i've spent too much time on this this morning... they represent a fraction of a percent of the population, and as stated above, their choices have had no impact on my ability to live my life happily. i have no problem sharing a restroom with a born woman who identifies as a man, and have no problem with a born man who identifies as a woman sharing a restroom with my wife or daughter. if anything i think it would be more awkward for a born man who identifies as a woman to share a public restroom with me. single sex sports competition should be dictated by birth / dna sex. that is essentially the extent to which transgender issues impact my life.

i'd never vote based on transgender issues, would never boycott based on transgender issues. the amount of fear mongering and baiting on the issue is ridiculous.
One year after Trump's victory, Virginia elected:

First transgender delegate in the country
First out-lesbian delegate in the state
First Asian American woman delegate in the state
First two Latina delegates in the state
First Democratic Socialist candidate in the state

that's pretty awesome iyam
Two things are more awesome than that:

1. The candidate that she defeated was the introducer of the "Bathroom Bill" in Virginia, which was killed in subcommittee in January.

2. She was asked about the candidate she defeated and said "I don't attack my constituents... Bob is my constituent now."

Congrats to her.

--Mr. DT
The transgender stuff is just such a joke to me. You weren't born a woman. You were born a man. But maybe that's just me.

This is about what I expect from this board. If this were the 50's you'd be saying the exact same thing: Allowing these blacks into office is such a joke to me. You know they don't have the mental capacity for it, the bible makes that pretty clear. I don't have anything against them, but they just can't do the job. Maybe that's just me.

Yep, it's just you (and a lot of other folks). Prejudging folks based on a stereotype never goes out of style... the targets just shift from time to time.
This is about what I expect from this board. If this were the 50's you'd be saying the exact same thing: Allowing these blacks into office is such a joke to me. You know they don't have the mental capacity for it, the bible makes that pretty clear. I don't have anything against them, but they just can't do the job. Maybe that's just me.

Yep, it's just you (and a lot of other folks). Prejudging folks based on a stereotype never goes out of style... the targets just shift from time to time.
many fear what they do not understand, we're all susceptible to certain biases, i'm sure in 30 years i'll be poorly informed and concerned about something my kids embrace as normal. (or if not normal, then just none of anyones business)
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many fear what they do not understand, we're all susceptible to certain biases, i'm sure in 30 years i'll be poorly informed and concerned about something my kids embrace as normal. (or if not normal, then just none of anyones business)

I hear you brother. I'm already there... To be perfectly honest, the whole LGBT thing makes me unconfortable, but my 15 year old doesn't care. He honestly doesn't give a crap one way or the other. That's awesome. Fortunately, while I have limited control about how I feel/think about certain things, I do have COMPLETE control on what I say and do.

I KNOW that prejudging people based on stereotypes is wrong and even though I have those built in biases, I don't have to act on them. Hopefully I can crush those inner beliefs and they will eventually go away...
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This is about what I expect from this board. If this were the 50's you'd be saying the exact same thing: Allowing these blacks into office is such a joke to me. You know they don't have the mental capacity for it, the bible makes that pretty clear. I don't have anything against them, but they just can't do the job. Maybe that's just me.

Yep, it's just you (and a lot of other folks). Prejudging folks based on a stereotype never goes out of style... the targets just shift from time to time.

And you are assuming I'd be that way based on how I feel towards transgenders? Seeing as how I am half black I don't think I'd be saying that at all. I explained why I don't get down with the trans stuff but don't assume you know who I am. Prejudging is what you just were preaching and it looks like you just did it yourself.