Wow. You were born a couple of hundred years to late. Missed your window of paradise.
I reread what you wrote, so let me amend my sarcastic response. I, during my libertarian days, would somewhat have agreed with you. Maybe not the execution of parents who can't provide for their offspring, but I get the principle. But I can't conceivably see how we can structure a society based on that anymore. We can to a certain extent, but with over 330M people in this country, it just wouldn't completely work, IMO.
I may not be articulating this well typing on a phone, but first of all you're battling our human nature, if we have to try to aid as a society the improvement of the least economically fortunate, without hampering the development of the more fortunate.
If we hamper the more fortunate, then we may not get the new shiny objects invented. If don't help the less fortunate aren't going to be fortunate long. And about 250M of those less fortunate will pack a societal wallop when they hungry and oppressed enough.
OR, I simply believe in personal responsibility and accountability, and that each should earn his/her own...I don't believe that the uber rich should take care of me should I decide that I'm tired of working...I don't believe that the Biden government, or any government should take the inheritance that I leave behind...or that any single red cent that I earn should go to any lazy fvck that chooses to do little/nothing, ESPECIALLY those that just make babies for a living, but all lazies nonetheless
In all seriousness, during my libertarian days, I would have agreed with you on most of this. I still agree with you on the inheritance tax. And social welfare should come with some strings attached like giving back to the state through mandatory work programs, if able. On a smaller scale, you might make it work again like the days of old.
But with a country of over 330M, and human nature being what it is, imo it's not scalable anymore. And people aren't going to stop having children they didn't mean to have. The best we can do as a society is not restrain the opportunities of those that will invent our next shiny new objects, while trying to improve the opportunities and living conditions of those that aren't as capable, or blessed with the same opportunities. Granted there's always some that are taking advantage of the system, but to ignore those other tens of millions, or allow them to die on the to speak...isn't going to fly.
I could be wrong. Haven't researched it. But tell me one time the downtrodden didn't get tired of being the downtrodden? The haves usually end up on short end, because there's always more of have-nots. Not saying they couldn't have made different choices in life, worked harder, been smarter, but that doesn't matter at that point. We're talking reality.
It's in everyone's best interest to help our fellow man. I think there's a book that talks about it....Jesus somebody.