Trump fails to deliver on vaccine distribution promise

you’ll be happy to know DJT takes no responsibility. At all. Again.

LMAO... typical. You know, Trump's not totally wrong here, but brings new meaning to the word hypocrite. Here he is in 2013:

Leadership: Whatever happens, you're responsible. If it doesn't happen, you're responsible. -- Donald Trump 2013
Trump did miss class the day that taught under promising and over delivering, that's for sure.

Serious question though, at what point are the States responsible? It seems like some of this has to hit state lead governments, no?

Easy, they are only responsible until they don't vote for Trump. At that point, states rights no longer apply! :)
Trump did miss class the day that taught under promising and over delivering, that's for sure.

Serious question though, at what point are the States responsible? It seems like some of this has to hit state lead governments, no?

I agree with this, I do know that the federal government purchased these vaccines,so either they should distribute to the states for the states to decide how best to administer them, or they need to have a plan all the way through the process.
Trump did miss class the day that taught under promising and over delivering, that's for sure.

Serious question though, at what point are the States responsible? It seems like some of this has to hit state lead governments, no?
I mean, promising 20 and delivering 2 seems like a problem beyond the states, but to be fair I don’t know the inner workings of that deal. I can say for a fact healthcare workers in my state have been working on vaccine rollout for months.
For the US to hit 20 million vaccinations at this point we would proportionately have to vaccinate about half a million people in my county. So far we I think we have less than 100,000 vaccines delivered. Maybe 40,000 distributed. By the end of the week we may have 200,000.
According to the tweet above you’d think the vaccines are waiting at the hospital and ‘lib governors’ are choosing not to use them.
Trump did miss class the day that taught under promising and over delivering, that's for sure.

Serious question though, at what point are the States responsible? It seems like some of this has to hit state lead governments, no?

State Departments of Health are strapped for money after trying to manage the pandemic for nine months, and had been allotted only $6 million apiece to make the distributions happen. (The new Consolidated Appropriations Act that Trump just signed has significantly more money in it for distribution) but the states needed it sooner to be on track.
Trump did miss class the day that taught under promising and over delivering, that's for sure.

Serious question though, at what point are the States responsible? It seems like some of this has to hit state lead governments, no?

I think the point here is - as always - Trump wants personal credit for anything good and takes no responsibility for anything bad. The two covid vaccines that we have today were able to be developed by SCIENTISTS so quickly because of a decade of previous work by SCIENTISTS to develop messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccine development technology. The real area where operation warp speed and Trump's admin could make a real difference was in large scale distribution. You know, the part that is failing.

If I remember correctly, even you were upset that the vaccines were announced after the election, because Trump did not get the personal credit he deserved for developing the vaccines prior to the election. The truth is other than cutting big government checks (you and I contributed more personal tax dollars to those checks than Trump did), he did very little.

The states do bear some responsibility of course. I read that some states have vaccine distribution plans that are 500 pages long, while others (mostly red states) have plans that are 13 pages long. But I would love to see how many vaccines have been sent to red states vs. blue states. As we have seen again and again, Trump likes to help out his people.
I think the point here is - as always - Trump wants personal credit for anything good and takes no responsibility for anything bad. The two covid vaccines that we have today were able to be developed by SCIENTISTS so quickly because of a decade of previous work by SCIENTISTS to develop messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccine development technology. The real area where operation warp speed and Trump's admin could make a real difference was in large scale distribution. You know, the part that is failing.

If I remember correctly, even you were upset that the vaccines were announced after the election, because Trump did not get the personal credit he deserved for developing the vaccines prior to the election. The truth is other than cutting big government checks (you and I contributed more personal tax dollars to those checks than Trump did), he did very little.

The states do bear some responsibility of course. I read that some states have vaccine distribution plans that are 500 pages long, while others (mostly red states) have plans that are 13 pages long. But I would love to see how many vaccines have been sent to red states vs. blue states. As we have seen again and again, Trump likes to help out his people.

I think you might be underestimating the usual governance and risk mitigation processes that had to be broken or circumvented to get a vaccine out the door in the same calendar year. Can't say how much Trump contributed to that at this point (and I'm sure there will be no shortage of suggestions, corrections, articles etc to suggest he did very little from several of ya'll) but as a nation, there's something to be said for how quickly it came together and he did promise it before end of year I believe. I'm guessing they had to break protocol on several fronts and I'd say they probably had to make quick decisions on where to take the risk vs where not to. Someone had to own that decision tree process........

I'd maybe use a different descriptor other than upset but yes, I did flag that I thought it was intentional and disingenuous that the announcement didn't come until after the election considering one of the biggest contributors to his demise was specific to Covid.

I'm honestly not here to bicker over red state vs blue state, I'm simply asking how far do we expect federal government to go in planning or executing the distribution? States didn't seem to need Federal help when they changed or altered voting processes for their respective states, so I'm going to assume they are capable of figuring out distribution on their own.

It would be despicable in my eyes to hold supply back based on party affiliation, so I truly hope that it isn't the could argue Cuomo sort of deserves it. :)
I think you might be underestimating the usual governance and risk mitigation processes that had to be broken or circumvented to get a vaccine out the door in the same calendar year. Can't say how much Trump contributed to that at this point (and I'm sure there will be no shortage of suggestions, corrections, articles etc to suggest he did very little from several of ya'll) but as a nation, there's something to be said for how quickly it came together and he did promise it before end of year I believe. I'm guessing they had to break protocol on several fronts and I'd say they probably had to make quick decisions on where to take the risk vs where not to. Someone had to own that decision tree process........

I'd maybe use a different descriptor other than upset but yes, I did flag that I thought it was intentional and disingenuous that the announcement didn't come until after the election considering one of the biggest contributors to his demise was specific to Covid.

I'm honestly not here to bicker over red state vs blue state, I'm simply asking how far do we expect federal government to go in planning or executing the distribution? States didn't seem to need Federal help when they changed or altered voting processes for their respective states, so I'm going to assume they are capable of figuring out distribution on their own.

It would be despicable in my eyes to hold supply back based on party affiliation, so I truly hope that it isn't the could argue Cuomo sort of deserves it. :)

I like the way you put that...

Someone had to own that decision tree process........

The problem is Trump - being an absolutely terrible leader and person that he is - sits back and waits to see which parts of that tree end up positive and then takes credit for it. Anything negative, thats someone else's fault. The buck only stops with him when it is good news. PPE, Covid tests, ventilators, vaccine distribution, etc. The list can go on and on.

Knowing what I know about you - military background and current CEO of a large business - I am genuinely surprised that you defend trump's leadership abilities. He would not last 6 months as the CEO of a publicly traded company. He really is a terrible leader, not to mention a terrible liar. My wife and I laugh at how when trump is lying in his tweets, it is awfully similar to our six year old when she is trying to get out of trouble. "I did not do XYZ, but if I did do it it would be OK because I am within my rights as president to do it."
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Lol the same group of trump derangement syndrome posters ITT. What are y'all gonna do when Trump isn't president anymore? He is all you ever talk about. It's actually a little disturbing at this point. Sad!
Lol the same group of trump derangement syndrome posters ITT. What are y'all gonna do when Trump isn't president anymore? He is all you ever talk about. It's actually a little disturbing at this point. Sad!

ironic post is ironic.
Truth hurts man. You got a bad case of TDS

scroll through the round table and see who is starting all the threads (and not to mention tagging me like you used to do for four years). You and your ilk have election derangement syndrome. Yall quit talking about Trump and so will we. He is a failed, weak, impeached one term president. good riddance.
Truth hurts man. You got a bad case of TDS

I believe that would be your affliction

Lol you guys need help. Why do you let trump get y'all so fired up
Trump did miss class the day that taught under promising and over delivering, that's for sure.

Serious question though, at what point are the States responsible? It seems like some of this has to hit state lead governments, no?

You are absolutely correct in that some of the blame SHOULD go to the states. Absolutely. BUT some of it goes to the feds as well. In the case of big disasters, the Federal Government generally leads the way... leadership at a high level, basic resources, and a basic plan (that State's can configure to their on specific needs). FIMA is an agency tasked to do those kind of things.

This vaccine and the massive logistics problem it presents getting it to most Americans has been a known problem for almost a year. IMHO, most of the local decisions (where and how to reach the population in each state) should be planned out at the state level but the feds need to be at that table for sure. Not to necessarily "take over", but to offer advice and oversite. The amount of expertise in this area is almost all at the federal level... (particularly with agencies and charities that work abroad).