Trump finally speaks...

Yes or No: You honestly believe that there is widespread cheating/fraud that is affecting the outcome of this election?

I don't need details...just a simple yes or no please. And remember that lying is a sin.

Yes. It's not over.
is that really where you get your news from? Holy shit.

One source, I said, I look at multiple sites. Let me guess, you don't approve? So first, I'm accused of only watching Fox news and regurgitating Tucker Carlson and now this site doesn't meet approval either. Is there any news outlet not CNN that I can reference that doesn't get a negative response? Breitbart, TheBlaze, DailyWire.....anything? Or is it simply any site that doesn't support liberal agenda?

You know what, don't answer that.......I know the answer.
One source, I said, I look at multiple sites. Let me guess, you don't approve? So first, I'm accused of only watching Fox news and regurgitating Tucker Carlson and now this site doesn't meet approval either. Is there any news outlet not CNN that I can reference that doesn't get a negative response? Breitbart, TheBlaze, DailyWire.....anything? Or is it simply any site that doesn't support liberal agenda?

You know what, don't answer that.......I know the answer.

Vox is a nyc fav.
One source, I said, I look at multiple sites. Let me guess, you don't approve? So first, I'm accused of only watching Fox news and regurgitating Tucker Carlson and now this site doesn't meet approval either. Is there any news outlet not CNN that I can reference that doesn't get a negative response? Breitbart, TheBlaze, DailyWire.....anything? Or is it simply any site that doesn't support liberal agenda?

You know what, don't answer that.......I know the answer.

They’re just kids sticking their fingers in their ears crying nana-nana-boo-boo when it’s something that goes against their viewpoint.

They’ll never do any actual research. Just turn on CNN and let that whole thinking part be done for them. It’s so much easier that way.
One source, I said, I look at multiple sites. Let me guess, you don't approve? So first, I'm accused of only watching Fox news and regurgitating Tucker Carlson and now this site doesn't meet approval either. Is there any news outlet not CNN that I can reference that doesn't get a negative response? Breitbart, TheBlaze, DailyWire.....anything? Or is it simply any site that doesn't support liberal agenda?

You know what, don't answer that.......I know the answer.

Yall are adorable. You cant watch fox news anymore because they are against trump now, right? It is inconceivable that the most unpopular and polarizing president in modern history could have lost, right?

If there is any real evidence of widespread voter fraud let's see it. So far, Trump's lawyers have not been able to produce any evidence in court. Articles from the that use the words "may have" throughout the article don't count.

You are probably sitting at home today saying "the refs screwed clemson last night". You don't see that we got manhandled on the LOS. Same thing with the election. trump got beat. soundly. he is the loser.

Honestly, I am embarrassed for you.
Just ignore all of the smoke, there’s no fire... none. Zip. Zilch.

For the record, I'll acknowledge that there is some smoke, and some fire. Just as there always is to a small degree in every election. We discussed this well in advance of election day.

The question remains: Do you honestly believe that there is cheating/fraud that is so widespread - across multiple states with differing election rules/procedures - that it is directly affecting the outcome of this election?

Again, a simple yes or no will do.

The Trump campaign lawyers have yet to show any evidence of fraud that could change tens of thousands of votes in separate states.

You type a 3 1/2 paragraph question to me, and you demand a one word answer. Ponder that.

We all know what is going on, regardless of what response it triggers.

Yes, and I’m not even mad.
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For the record, I'll acknowledge that there is some smoke, and some fire. Just as there always is to a small degree in every election. We discussed this well in advance of election day.

The question remains: Do you honestly believe that there is cheating/fraud that is so widespread - across multiple states with differing election rules/procedures - that it is directly affecting the outcome of this election?

Again, a simple yes or no will do.

The Trump campaign lawyers have yet to show any evidence of fraud that could change tens of thousands of votes in separate states.

It is funny how the state's rights crowd is all of sudden in full support of the federal government stepping in and determining which votes should count. People who in PA who followed their states voting guidelines and post marked their mail in votes by election day are now being told by the federal government (trump) that their votes should not count. As a patriot, this makes me sad. I hate government overreach.
It is funny how the state's rights crowd is all of sudden in full support of the federal government stepping in and determining which votes should count. People who in PA who followed their states voting guidelines and post marked their mail in votes by election day are now being told by the federal government (trump) that their votes should not count. As a patriot, this makes me sad. I hate government overreach.

You just voted for maximum government possible.
Turning a blind eye fits your preferred outcome.

I don’t blame you.

A blind eye to what? I acknowledged that there are one-off instances of voter fraud. I do not buy in to the idea that there was widespread fraud across multiple states that ultimately decided this race for Joe Biden. I would need to see some evidence of that, just like I've seen evidence of the one-off instances.

So until there is some actual evidence, this is not turning a blind eye. It's simply not believing a conspiracy theory.
When you put a (s) on one-off instance(s), they no longer are defined by “one-off”.

Ok, sure. There are numerous instances of fraud, by definition. But all of the available evidence says that those did not affect enough ballots to statistically impact the race. If more evidence surfaces that says otherwise, I'm all ears.

Until then, I agree with Republican Senator Roy Blunt: “It's time for the president's lawyers to present the facts and then it's time for those facts to speak for themselves.”
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A blind eye to what? I acknowledged that there are one-off instances of voter fraud. I do not buy in to the idea that there was widespread fraud across multiple states that ultimately decided this race for Joe Biden. I would need to see some evidence of that, just like I've seen evidence of the one-off instances.

So until there is some actual evidence, this is not turning a blind eye. It's simply not believing a conspiracy theory.

trump claimed widespread voter fraud before even one vote was cast. He is doing his best to destroy our democracy. His minions - in the GOP and here on this website - are complicit.

patriots like me and uncle Joe are not going to allow it.
trump claimed widespread voter fraud before even one vote was cast. He is doing his best to destroy our democracy. His minions - in the GOP and here on this website - are complicit.

patriots like me and uncle Joe are not going to allow it.

I love the blatant hypocrisy of Trumpers. Like simultaneously chanting "Stop the count!" and "Count those votes!" in different states, depending on whether or not it served their interests.

In this instance, it's having no evidence to support an accusation.

The Mueller report? There's no evidence of collusion, therefore it didn't happen.

Widespread voter fraud against Trump? There's no evidence, therefore it did happen.
Yall are adorable. You cant watch fox news anymore because they are against trump now, right? It is inconceivable that the most unpopular and polarizing president in modern history could have lost, right?

If there is any real evidence of widespread voter fraud let's see it. So far, Trump's lawyers have not been able to produce any evidence in court. Articles from the that use the words "may have" throughout the article don't count.

You are probably sitting at home today saying "the refs screwed clemson last night". You don't see that we got manhandled on the LOS. Same thing with the election. trump got beat. soundly. he is the loser.

Honestly, I am embarrassed for you.

Ah man, don't be embarrassed for me......wouldn't want to occupy that sort of space in your head.

Well if you listen to the polls then it wasn't conceivable he could actually win, am I right? What I find strange about the polls is that they were dead wrong (by a country mile) two elections in a row.......might make you think it was a form of voter suppression this time around. I mean, if he had no chance of winning and the media continuously rammed that message down our throats, why even show up and vote?

I don't have any deep state theories but there does seem to be lots of noise coming down multiple media outlets not named FOX. It might amount to nothing or maybe we find out the mail in ballot thing was an absolute sham. People didn't seem too afraid of Covid when they were dancing in the streets last night and today, not sure why they couldn't show up and vote in person.

I'm happy for him to concede at this point. Hell, I'll drive down to DC and help him pack just because I'm ready to shift the focus on the internal fighting already happening within the ranks of the left. Your girl AOC already all over media suggesting she might quit because they won't progress her progressive agenda. Hilarious. Biden not even sworn in yet and the squad is already up in arms.

And lastly no, Clemson lost because they simply weren't good enough. LOS certainly a big part of that but tough not to blame the defense giving up 47 points.
Yes or No: You honestly believe that there is widespread cheating/fraud that is affecting the outcome of this election?

I don't need details...just a simple yes or no please. And remember that lying is a sin.
ABSOLUTELY & I predicted it several months ago on here.... one of the main reasons the NWO created & released Covid-19 was to encourage mail in voting, where rampant voter fraud took place.
Ah man, don't be embarrassed for me......wouldn't want to occupy that sort of space in your head.

Well if you listen to the polls then it wasn't conceivable he could actually win, am I right? What I find strange about the polls is that they were dead wrong (by a country mile) two elections in a row.......might make you think it was a form of voter suppression this time around. I mean, if he had no chance of winning and the media continuously rammed that message down our throats, why even show up and vote?

I don't have any deep state theories but there does seem to be lots of noise coming down multiple media outlets not named FOX. It might amount to nothing or maybe we find out the mail in ballot thing was an absolute sham. People didn't seem too afraid of Covid when they were dancing in the streets last night and today, not sure why they couldn't show up and vote in person.

I'm happy for him to concede at this point. Hell, I'll drive down to DC and help him pack just because I'm ready to shift the focus on the internal fighting already happening within the ranks of the left. Your girl AOC already all over media suggesting she might quit because they won't progress her progressive agenda. Hilarious. Biden not even sworn in yet and the squad is already up in arms.

And lastly no, Clemson lost because they simply weren't good enough. LOS certainly a big part of that but tough not to blame the defense giving up 47 points.

Let me take you back one week on this site. Not one trumpster - yourself included - believed those polls were accurate. Not one. So I doubt the rest of them believed them either. Its a terrible argument anyway, because high poll numbers tend to suppress the vote of the person who has the positive polling, not the person who is down. It actually encourages more voting.

Like I said, if the Trump campaign has EVIDENCE then they should present it in court. So far they have been unable to do so. "smoke" and "noise" are meaningless.
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Except Trump isn’t the one cheating.

Let’s just pretend though...

No no. There's only one party "pretending" here.

Written order from judge in most recent GA case filed by trump campaign and summarily dismissed.

"Before the Court is a Petition to Command Enforcement of Election Laws which was filed by the Georgia Republican Party and Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. The matter was heard via Webex on November 5, 2020. Having read and considered said petition, all argument and evidence of record, including the evidence presented at the hearing, and the applicable law, the Court finds that there is no evidence that the ballots referenced in the petition were received after 7:00 p.m. on election day, thereby making those ballots invalid. Additionally, there is no evidence that the Chatham County Board of Elections or the Chatham County Board of Registrars has failed to comply with the law."

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No no. There's only one party "pretending" here.

Written order from judge in most recent GA case filed by trump campaign and summarily dismissed.

"Before the Court is a Petition to Command Enforcement of Election Laws which was filed by the Georgia Republican Party and Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. The matter was heard via Webex on November 5, 2020. Having read and considered said petition, all argument and evidence of record, including the evidence presented at the hearing, and the applicable law, the Court finds that there is no evidence that the ballots referenced in the petition were received after 7:00 p.m. on election day, thereby making those ballots invalid. Additionally, there is no evidence that the Chatham County Board of Elections or the Chatham County Board of Registrars has failed to comply with the law."

Copy and paste for every other state they're doing this in.

The only case they have any traction at all in, is the one about accepting the ballots on PA that were received after election day. And even then, that isn't going anywhere because A) Biden's lead is going to be large enough that they won't even matter and B) Once all the votes are counted in every state, Biden is going to have 270 even without PA.
Well, this is actually one of the things that makes me hate Trump so badly. He has an absolute belief that any and everyone will lie, cheat, and steal if there's something in it for them. Government employees don't like him.. they break their oaths to the US and form a Deep State to "get him". Climate Scientist are all lying so that they can get more grant funding. Doctors and Health Professionals are lying about COVID deaths so that they can get paid more. Ballot counters across the country cheat, commit felonies, and betray their oaths just to help Biden win. We aren't talking about a bad person or three here... we are talking THOUSANDS of our fellow Americans. And you don't really need any evidence... just the fact that there's "something in it for them" is enough for his supporters to believe it.

Are there a few people that do this? Absolutely. There are always a few bad people around. But not most. Most people try and do the right thing. Most people are not for sale. If someone offered you a $100K and a get out of jail free card, would you burn down the local jewish temple? I submit that most folks on here wouldn't do it. But why not? I bet most folks on here could use an extra $100K. I know I could. You are not going to get caught. The answer of course is because it's wrong.

But somehow, when Trump accuses someone of a crime and points out how those ballot counters are all criminals with no evidence to support it. Folks BELIEVE it.

ALL of these have been proven false or have really easy simple explanations.

If ANY voter fraud had ANY validity--it would be taken directly to court. Trump hasn't gotten a single ballot thrown out for voter fraud bc **shocker** there is ZERO evidence for it.

Bunch of snowflakes in this thread crying about FAKE NEWS.

PS your media diet is a bunch of conservative biased junk food to put it nicely. No wonder folks have no idea how to make informed decisions on information when they consume all this poison.
Except Trump isn’t the one cheating.

Let’s just pretend though...

Without any evidence, all you got is sour grapes.

I said this to liberals searching for fraud after Clinton lost--either there is evidence that can be taken to court or there isn't any...if not, quit being a baby (and luckily this isn't something Trump can promise 'is coming in the very near future' like a health care of infrastructure plan or his tax returns...put up or shut up).

Accept the election results and stop blaming other things and trying to drag down democracy. If not you begin to sound like a whiny snowflake...
ALL of these have been proven false or have really easy simple explanations.

If ANY voter fraud had ANY validity--it would be taken directly to court. Trump hasn't gotten a single ballot thrown out for voter fraud bc **shocker** there is ZERO evidence for it.

Bunch of snowflakes in this thread crying about FAKE NEWS.

PS your media diet is a bunch of conservative biased junk food to put it nicely. No wonder folks have no idea how to make informed decisions on information when they consume all this poison.

First, thank you for the criticism of the post and more importantly me personally. Whilst I get that you open yourself up when you post on-line, it's always enlightening to have someone tell you how stupid you are. What I love even more about your post is that you offer no suggestions for better news outlets. So essentially what you're saying is that everything I read is hot garbage and everything you read is gospel? Got it.

How much longer will the left continue to attack anyone that didn't vote their way? Snowflakes, racists, fascists ......

Here's some advice for you, don't do stuff like that. Much better ways to engage, especially when the mantra coming from who you elected into office claims he's going to "bring us back together again".

Btw - Van Jones crying on air is the definition of a snowflake.........
First, thank you for the criticism of the post and more importantly me personally. Whilst I get that you open yourself up when you post on-line, it's always enlightening to have someone tell you how stupid you are. What I love even more about your post is that you offer no suggestions for better news outlets. So essentially what you're saying is that everything I read is hot garbage and everything you read is gospel? Got it.

How much longer will the left continue to attack anyone that didn't vote their way? Snowflakes, racists, fascists ......

Here's some advice for you, don't do stuff like that. Much better ways to engage, especially when the mantra coming from who you elected into office claims he's going to "bring us back together again".

Btw - Van Jones crying on air is the definition of a snowflake.........

I actually do agree with you about the need to engage with civility. I will say that it is very diffcult to do in reality. It is really frustrating to have a discussion with someone who feels that everyone and everything that is mainstream, or works for the government are either lying or complicit.

I have said for a while one of the worst things that will come out of the Trump years is the absolute destruction of trust in our media. The term "fake news" is really dangerous.

We need to understand that there is a very big difference between media personalities with options such as Hannity, Rachel Maddow, Van Jones, Tucker Carlson etc. These people aren't the "mainstream media". They absolutely slant their information to their audience.

The actual News reporting on Fox,CNN etc is pretty level and even, you just have to search for it. The absolute evisceration of Fox News for calling Arizona early by conservatives was interesting to watch. And it's interesting that Fox is not backing off that projection at all.
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If the Democrats cheated, I want to know where my Democratic-majority Senate is? And who is responsible for 5 more GOP House members? No competent vote stealers would win one election and lose two.

I want my money back. I gave to the "We Will Steal This Election from the GOP PAC" and I didn't get my money's worth! I'm telling ya, I want a full-scale investigation into this. I am calling for a news conference at the Four Seasons Total Landscaping Co. tomorrow at noon to get to the bottom of this. Failing getting answers, we will adjourn to the neighboring porn shop where the Republicans are sure to be found still hanging around after their own news conference.