Trump lost because he did not run as well as other Republican candidates, not because of Cheating

@iceheart08 how are those tricky car payments going for you my man. Lol it's people like you that provide the liquidity we need.

In all fairness to you, it's not your fault. I blame your party for enabling you.
So leave.

Why don't you come over and try and make me?

Not at all surprised that you took it straight to, I'm an idiot macho douchebag on the internet thing.

When you get out of your mom's basement and buy your own place then ask yourself if you want to leave.

How rude.

No, you just proved my point. When you went "looking for answers", you posted a bunch of tweets. NONE of which I might add came from the CDC. So when challenged about whether who to trust ... you go straight to twitter for answers.
Understood that you believe what the CDC tells you. The CDC has been anything but consistent. I'm not here to convince you to change your mind but I would respect common curtesy that other people disagree. You can find that laughable all you want.

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Let me explain something to you.

NOthing changes the fact that Democrats created massive illegal votes from their Democrat controlled districts. It doesn't matter how many votes Trump got and he got more than any other REpublican EVER. Democrats had a system in place to overtake him. They cheated.

Ditto! What he said @Woody1405 !!
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No, you just proved my point. When you went "looking for answers", you posted a bunch of tweets. NONE of which I might add came from the CDC. So when challenged about whether who to trust ... you go straight to twitter for answers.

Twitter has a lot of good stuff. The CDC is hot garbage including forcing children to wear masks in school. I found something else for you from twitter about the CDC.

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No, you just proved my point. When you went "looking for answers", you posted a bunch of tweets. NONE of which I might add came from the CDC. So when challenged about whether who to trust ... you go straight to twitter for answers.
Trump beat Hillary in 2016 because the districts which normally come in strong for Democrats in Detroit, Philadelphia and Wisconsin under performed. This is code for Black people came out and voted for Trump.

They made sure that didn't happen again and they extended their scheme to Atlanta. Again, black people came out and voted for Trump but it didn't matter this time. They closed the counting and made adjustments during the night and didn't let anyone see what they were doing.

This wasn't something Trump didn't do. Trump picked up more votes than any other Republican in history. How is this possible? Easy. Because Democrats were running on hate, looting, defund the police and open boarders. That's how. But like Biden said, they had the most elaborate voting fraud system in place to make sure they won and they did.

Then they did it again in Atlanta for the Senate Run off. Same scheme. Shut everything down during the night and wala, their candidates pull ahead and wipe out massive deficit.
Trump beat Hillary in 2016 because the districts which normally come in strong for Democrats in Detroit, Philadelphia and Wisconsin under performed. This is code for Black people came out and voted for Trump.

They made sure that didn't happen again and they extended their scheme to Atlanta. Again, black people came out and voted for Trump but it didn't matter this time. They closed the counting and made adjustments during the night and didn't let anyone see what they were doing.

This wasn't something Trump didn't do. Trump picked up more votes than any other Republican in history. How is this possible? Easy. Because Democrats were running on hate, looting, defund the police and open boarders. That's how. But like Biden said, they had the most elaborate voting fraud system in place to make sure they won and they did.

Then they did it again in Atlanta for the Senate Run off. Same scheme. Shut everything down during the night and wala, their candidates pull ahead and wipe out massive deficit.

Any theories as to how "they" convinced the Republican governor, Secretary of State, and head of elections to go along with the fraud in Georgia?
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Trump beat Hillary in 2016 because the districts which normally come in strong for Democrats in Detroit, Philadelphia and Wisconsin under performed. This is code for Black people came out and voted for Trump.

They made sure that didn't happen again and they extended their scheme to Atlanta. Again, black people came out and voted for Trump but it didn't matter this time. They closed the counting and made adjustments during the night and didn't let anyone see what they were doing.

This wasn't something Trump didn't do. Trump picked up more votes than any other Republican in history. How is this he said? Easy. Because Democrats were running on hate, looting, defund the police and open boarders. That's how. But like Biden said, they had the most elaborate voting fraud system in place to make sure they won and they did.

Blacks voted for Trump? Trump lost the black vote when he said,"there were good people on both sides" after the white supremacist killed a young lady in Virginia. No self respecting black person would vote for Trump. Yes, I see those fools on Fox News that support Trump, but sadly they hate themselves.
Blacks voted for Trump? Trump lost the black vote when he said,"there were good people on both sides" after the white supremacist killed a young lady in Virginia. No self respecting black person would vote for Trump. Yes, I see those fools on Fox News that support Trump, but sadly they hate themselves.

Yes a lot of african american men voted for Trump. It's good to see people don't need the democratic party to tell them how to vote. Let's not forget, the democratic party was the party that fought extremely hard to keep slavery.

Let's also not pretend to ignore Biden's comments in the past. He said segregation in schools would be a "racial jungle". How disgusting. Biden was also the architect of the extremely racist 1994 clinton crime bill that locked up millions of african americans for low level crimes over the decades. Don't let these facts get in the way of the narrative the democratic party keep feeding you every couple of years to get your vote.

Biden, pelosi and schumer don't give a damn about anybody but themselves. It's how they got rich and have stayed in power for decades and decades.....and they keep coming to get ur vote and promise "change". It's really sad.
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I believe it because of what I saw. Not because of anything Trump did. I don't think Trump knew how to fix it or prevent it so all of your reasons although true, don't actually tell the truth. Trump just didn't have the right people in place to take the appropriate actions. This was reported multiple times by National Review and the WSJ while it was unfolding. Trump got run over by the Democrats who cheated on a massive scale. The fact that SCOTUS was conservative had nothing to do with Trump's failure to file the proper legal papers.
Any theories as to how "they" convinced the Republican governor, Secretary of State, and head of elections to go along with the fraud in Georgia?
Beats me. But now they changed the election laws and Democrats are ticked about it so there's that. The Republican governor may have been covering his you know what from Stacy Abram's accusations. That, along with the fact that he hated Trump. Now he's feeling the backlash and starting to realize the full horror of what the Democrats are trying to do with their Senate power in DC. This is the reason why people voted for Trump in the Republican party is because they are so tired of seeing other Republicans bend over and take it up the you know where from Democrats every time Democrats cry like a spoiled 13 year old.
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Trump was beaten in many states including Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Georgia because he didn't run as well as other republican candidates. In Georgia Trump received 2,461,854 votes. Biden received 12,000 more but Republicans running for congress received 30,000 more than Trump. And Perdue received more votes than Trump in the general election.
In Wisconsin Biden received 1,630,866 votes which was 20,000 more than Trump. But Republicans running for congress received 1,661,399 vote, 30,000 more than Biden and 50,000 more than Trump.
In Pennsylvania Biden received 3,459,923 votes which was 80,000 more votes than Trump. Republicans running for congress in Pennsylvania received 50,000 more votes than Trump.
In Maine and Nebraska, Republican senators, Cohen and Sasse received more votes than Trump. This proves that Trump didn't win because Republicans split their tickets and voted for some republican candidates but didn't vote for Trump. Now, thats a helluva cheating theory.

Makes complete sense in a down ballet election why those numbers don’t jive. I know in y’all’s world that we just walk around in it makes total sense cause the Donald is so widely hated, yet somehow more votes were cast that available voters.

#handrecount audit is the only way to restore confidence and then we will not have to argue these points anymore. Remember the Space Force already has classified records of the intrusions, all they need to do is count the ballets now to see how many were actually stolen. Don’t get your hopes up there was no cheating.
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Makes complete sense in a down ballet election why those numbers don’t jive. I know in y’all’s world that we just walk around in it makes total sense cause the Donald is so widely hated, yet somehow more votes were cast that available voters.

#handrecount audit is the only way to restore confidence and then we will not have to argue these points anymore. Remember the Space Force already has classified records of the intrusions, all they need to do is count the ballets now to see how many were actually stolen. Don’t get your hopes up there was no cheating.
Oh no, there was

Trump beat Hillary in 2016 because the districts which normally come in strong for Democrats in Detroit, Philadelphia and Wisconsin under performed. This is code for Black people came out and voted for Trump.

They made sure that didn't happen again and they extended their scheme to Atlanta. Again, black people came out and voted for Trump but it didn't matter this time. They closed the counting and made adjustments during the night and didn't let anyone see what they were doing.

This wasn't something Trump didn't do. Trump picked up more votes than any other Republican in history. How is this possible? Easy. Because Democrats were running on hate, looting, defund the police and open boarders. That's how. But like Biden said, they had the most elaborate voting fraud system in place to make sure they won and they did.

Then they did it again in Atlanta for the Senate Run off. Same scheme. Shut everything down during the night and wala, their candidates pull ahead and wipe out massive deficit.
What a load of crap... That's NOT code for Black people came out and voted for Trump. That's code for black people didn't vote at the same levels they had been voting at. IE, they didn't vote at all.

And yet again, you make some half baked claim of voter fraud. And yet again, I ask, you have some sort of evidence that will stand up in court? Of course you don't. Because there wasn't any. Donald Trump TOLD you there was cheating, and you believe any damn thing he says. All those life long Republicans certifying the election in Ga. Oh, they are ALL deep state. Recount's... Oh those are crooked too. Tump's hand picked Federal Prosecutor that came to Atlanta to investigate, but found nothing and said so. HE'S Deep State too. Right? ANYONE who dares to disagree with Trump is.

It was ABSOLUTELY what Trump didn't do. Trump picked up more votes than any Republican in history b/c more people voted than ever before. You know who got MORE votes than Trump? Biden. Trump runs on hate and devisiveness. That's what he does. Biden ran on being anti Trump. And it won the election.

And again. Got any evidence that the Senate Scheme happened? No? REALLY? Let me get this straight. You are telling me that there was election fraud that Trump knew about MONTHS before the election, yet couldn't do anything about. AND that after the election, KNOWING about the "scheme" that happened in Ga, the Republicans got cheated AGAIN by the SAME SCHEME? AGAIN? Really? Is that what you are saying? Come on man!!!!
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What a load of crap... That's NOT code for Black people came out and voted for Trump. That's code for black people didn't vote at the same levels they had been voting at. IE, they didn't vote at all.

And yet again, you make some half baked claim of voter fraud. And yet again, I ask, you have some sort of evidence that will stand up in court? Of course you don't. Because there wasn't any. Donald Trump TOLD you there was cheating, and you believe any damn thing he says. All those life long Republicans certifying the election in Ga. Oh, they are ALL deep state. Recount's... Oh those are crooked too. Tump's hand picked Federal Prosecutor that came to Atlanta to investigate, but found nothing and said so. HE'S Deep State too. Right? ANYONE who dares to disagree with Trump is.

It was ABSOLUTELY what Trump didn't do. Trump picked up more votes than any Republican in history b/c more people voted than ever before. You know who got MORE votes than Trump? Biden. Trump runs on hate and devisiveness. That's what he does. Biden ran on being anti Trump. And it won the election.

And again. Got any evidence that the Senate Scheme happened? No? REALLY? Let me get this straight. You are telling me that there was election fraud that Trump knew about MONTHS before the election, yet couldn't do anything about. AND that after the election, KNOWING about the "scheme" that happened in Ga, the Republicans got cheated AGAIN by the SAME SCHEME? AGAIN? Really? Is that what you are saying? Come on man!!!!

You seem upset that most Americans understand that the Democrats pulled off the most elaborate election fraud in history. The evidence is there. You certainly won't see Republicans running around with our hair on fire for four years us blaming the results of our national election on some a collusion scheme with Russia to get some people over there to post on Facebook to influence the results of an election. What we have pointed to is abuse of power in several states that allowed ballots to be received and counted several days after the election which violated state law. We have pointed out where poll watchers were not allowed to witness the vote count. We have pointed out where the counting had stopped during the night and poll watchers were sent home and counting resumed without them. We also pointed out where ballots were not being validated with voter IDs so there is no way to verify the votes being tallied.

You seem to be unable to separate your hated view of Trump from the election. In effect blaming him for the outcome as if to say, there could be no cheating because Trump is so bad. Well, that is not a proof that there was no cheating. This election was a scam. Why else would Republicans change the laws in GA to require ID to vote? They understand that they screwed up.

Anyhow, this election will be forever remembered for the fraud that it was. Biden is not my president. I will resist his attempts to take away our constitutional rights.


P.S. Don't worry yourself. We won't go around burning up every city, looting and beating up people for not agreeing with us like you all did.
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Most Americans DON'T believe the election was a fraud. Most Republicans do as they (like you) believe everything Trump tells them. The evidence is NOT there. You know why. Because EVERY TIME this "evidence" gets presented in court, it gets thrown out. And BULLSHIT on your claim that Republicans won't be running about claiming election fraud for four years. You most certainly are and will be. Take a look at the round table posts. The butt hurt is SKRONG.

And yes, you point out all kinds of things. That don't stand up in court. Where's that evidence that actually proves something?

It's true that I've made no secret of my dislike of Trump. That doesn't have anything to do with the election. The Republicans lost. There's a fine history in this country (on both sides of the aisle) of trying to suppress voting. Republicans are butt hurt, so they are changing laws to give themselves a better chance to win. I'm not surprised. If the election had gone the other way, I'd think that Blue states would be doing the same thing. And you of course would be raising hell about it.

Biden IS your President, just like Trump was the Dems President for 4 years. You can tell by the swearing in and the fact that Biden lives in the White House and Trump lives on a golf course in Florida.
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And again. Got any evidence that the Senate Scheme happened? No? REALLY? Let me get this straight. You are telling me that there was election fraud that Trump knew about MONTHS before the election, yet couldn't do anything about. AND that after the election, KNOWING about the "scheme" that happened in Ga, the Republicans got cheated AGAIN by the SAME SCHEME? AGAIN? Really? Is that what you are saying? Come on man!!!!

Ahem. The Senate SCHEME did indeed happen. Here's precisely how it played out:

  • Donald Trump unnecessarily lobbied for a $2K stimulus payment when there was bipartisan support to let the bill pass with a $600 direct payment.
  • This played directly into the democrats hands and gave them brand new ammo for the senate race. Vote for us and you get a bigger check.
  • Donald Trump cast doubt on the integrity of the GA election and ensuing Senate runoff. He was so adamant that the run-off would be "rigged" like the general that it resulted in low Republican voter turnout.
  • Inspired by Trump's election integrity claims, charlatans like Lin Wood evangelized the election integrity issue, continued the decline in election confidence by GA Republicans and further suppressed Republican voter turnout.

See. There was a very clear scheme that played out in the GA senate race. Unfortunately, it was self-inflicted and easily avoided, but look no further than the knuckle dragging in this thread to see why it worked.
Ahem. The Senate SCHEME did indeed happen. Here's precisely how it played out:

  • Donald Trump unnecessarily lobbied for a $2K stimulus payment when there was bipartisan support to let the bill pass with a $600 direct payment.
  • This played directly into the democrats hands and gave them brand new ammo for the senate race. Vote for us and you get a bigger check.
  • Donald Trump cast doubt on the integrity of the GA election and ensuing Senate runoff. He was so adamant that the run-off would be "rigged" like the general that it resulted in low Republican voter turnout.
  • Inspired by Trump's election integrity claims, charlatans like Lin Wood evangelized the election integrity issue, continued the decline in election confidence by GA Republicans and further suppressed Republican voter turnout.

See. There was a very clear scheme that played out in the GA senate race. Unfortunately, it was self-inflicted and easily avoided, but look no further than the knuckle dragging in this thread to see why it worked.
But...but... but. Don't you know that Donald Trump is the most successful President we've ever had (except for MAYBE Lincoln)? Don't you know that he's a genius... a stable one? Don't you know that he hires the best people? Don't you know that he didn't play golf while he was President, he was too busy working? Don't you know that he drained the swamp and replaced it with a low lying wetland partially covered with brackish/stagnant water?

I'm thinking that Republicans got so tired of winning under Trump that they threw the election on purpose.
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Most Americans DON'T believe the election was a fraud. Most Republicans do as they (like you) believe everything Trump tells them. The evidence is NOT there. You know why. Because EVERY TIME this "evidence" gets presented in court, it gets thrown out. And BULLSHIT on your claim that Republicans won't be running about claiming election fraud for four years. You most certainly are and will be. Take a look at the round table posts. The butt hurt is SKRONG.

And yes, you point out all kinds of things. That don't stand up in court. Where's that evidence that actually proves something?

It's true that I've made no secret of my dislike of Trump. That doesn't have anything to do with the election. The Republicans lost. There's a fine history in this country (on both sides of the aisle) of trying to suppress voting. Republicans are butt hurt, so they are changing laws to give themselves a better chance to win. I'm not surprised. If the election had gone the other way, I'd think that Blue states would be doing the same thing. And you of course would be raising hell about it.

Biden IS your President, just like Trump was the Dems President for 4 years. You can tell by the swearing in and the fact that Biden lives in the White House and Trump lives on a golf course in Florida.
There you go again making claims that you can't back up. Since when have I indicated that I believe everything Trump says?

Biden is not my president. #resist. #notmypresident.
Ahem. The Senate SCHEME did indeed happen. Here's precisely how it played out:

  • Donald Trump unnecessarily lobbied for a $2K stimulus payment when there was bipartisan support to let the bill pass with a $600 direct payment.
  • This played directly into the democrats hands and gave them brand new ammo for the senate race. Vote for us and you get a bigger check.
  • Donald Trump cast doubt on the integrity of the GA election and ensuing Senate runoff. He was so adamant that the run-off would be "rigged" like the general that it resulted in low Republican voter turnout.
  • Inspired by Trump's election integrity claims, charlatans like Lin Wood evangelized the election integrity issue, continued the decline in election confidence by GA Republicans and further suppressed Republican voter turnout.

See. There was a very clear scheme that played out in the GA senate race. Unfortunately, it was self-inflicted and easily avoided, but look no further than the knuckle dragging in this thread to see why it worked.

Except it's wrong.
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LoL but those big crowds at the rallies... and all those boats! Seriously though, it's hard to campaign well when the majority of voters consider you the undisputed worst president in American history.
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