Trump supporters attacking the police in DC

Lines are drawn OP. Choose wisely.

Somebody is BIG mad tonight
Store owners in Washington weren’t putting boards up on their windows because they were worried about Blacks busting up their properties. The far right is dangerous. We are seeing it tonight in Washington.
Store owners in Washington weren’t putting boards up on their windows because they were worried about Blacks busting up their properties. The far right is dangerous. We are seeing it tonight in Washington.

I mean, Trump's own FBI director testified earlier this year that right-wing violence was the greatest domestic terrorism threat facing the country. He just didn't anticipate the POTUS encouraging it.
Why is that exactly? It's crazy to be against violence against police officers?

I mean this seriously. You are making no sense.
I mean this seriously, the tactic of demonizing the other side (in this case, the right) is exactly what trump does. Which is crazy, yes. Kgwillison did it, humasbutthole did it. It’s a lazy tactic.

let’s break it down.

In the same way not all republicans are violently protesting; Not all liberals are inciting violence and supplying bricks to otherwise peaceful protest.

Didn’t you say you went to MIT?

And yes, I do agree violence against police officers is crazy generally speaking.
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Store owners in Washington weren’t putting boards up on their windows because they were worried about Blacks busting up their properties. The far right is dangerous. We are seeing it tonight in Washington.

Get used to seeing it. And when it’s at your doorstep, just recognize that your refusal to look at things objectively brought you to this point
Get used to seeing it. And when it’s at your doorstep, just recognize that your refusal to look at things objectively brought you to this point
See: this is crazy too. The irony of using someone’s perceived lack of objective thinking to force them into thinking like you is criminally ironic and just flat out criminal.

It’s why we started this country after all.
I’m confused why if you believe what you say you believe, you refuse to at least allow consideration for the other person with room to negotiate. It’s not like politics is a religion.
See: this is crazy too. The irony of using someone’s perceived lack of objective thinking to force them into thinking like you is criminally ironic and just flat out criminal.

It’s why we started this country after all.
I’m confused why if you believe what you say you believe, you refuse to at least allow consideration for the other person with room to negotiate. It’s not like politics is a religion.

One side has let the other get by with bullying for decades now. Push push push and then when they get tired of pushing, let them push some more. Attack their lifestyle, their values, their way of life. Attack their religion, their character, etc

People are done. This is the end.
I mean this seriously, the tactic of demonizing the other side (in this case, the right) is exactly what trump does. Which is crazy, yes. Kgwillison did it, humasbutthole did it. It’s a lazy tactic.

let’s break it down.

In the same way not all republicans are violently protesting; Not all liberals are inciting violence and supplying bricks to otherwise peaceful protest.

Didn’t you say you went to MIT?

And yes, I do agree violence against police officers is crazy generally speaking.

When people act like demons, they deserve to be demonized.

OF COURSE, not all Rs are violently protesting. I am pointing out the hypocricy of the Rs who do nothing but talk about supposed ANTIFA violence. Nothing. Just look at the ads run in the GA senate races. Or the arguments made by the Rs on this board. There is nothing about why GOP policy is better. NOTHING. It's all scare tactics about ANTIFA violence and "Marxism." All of this when even Trump's own FBI director says ANTIFA is hugely overblown and that right-wing violence is a much bigger problem.

All of these assholes gleefully shout ANTIFA and BLM thugs at even peaceful protests (see Hawley, Josh). And you're even doing it yourself with your bricks reference - most instances of those brinks being left places were either just innocuous construction sites or actually left by RIGHT WING agitators.

Now we see real violence. And I'm really terrified of what we are going to see tomorrow considering that the Proud Boys and QAnon idiots have been plotting to illegally bring firearms to these protests and the president is egging them on. Will the ANTIFA shouters condemn this? I doubt it.

And, in another example of how I am different from the Trumpists, I will (yet again) back up all of my claims above with credible, non-partisan sources - something they never do.

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One side has let the other get by with bullying for decades now. Push push push and then when they get tired of pushing, let them push some more. Attack their lifestyle, their values, their way of life. Attack their religion, their character, etc

People are done. This is the end.
The A team is being deployed as we speak

One side has let the other get by with bullying for decades now. Push push push and then when they get tired of pushing, let them push some more. Attack their lifestyle, their values, their way of life. Attack their religion, their character, etc

People are done. This is the end.

And there it is. Butthole makes my point for me better than I ever could. He epitomizes the Trumpers:

A hypocritical, butthurt little snowflake that can't take a loss like a man and, instead, endorses violence.

Thank you for making it so clear, Butthole. If you hate America so much, you are welcome to leave it. Maybe Russia would be more your style.
One side has let the other get by with bullying for decades now. Push push push and then when they get tired of pushing, let them push some more. Attack their lifestyle, their values, their way of life. Attack their religion, their character, etc

People are done. This is the end.

You'll note that literally everything that Mr. Butthole accuses liberals of, are the exact things that conservatives have been doing for decades. And that Loeffler and Perdue were doing in this GA senate race. Classic conservative snowflake projection.

Guess what, America has rejected you. Love it or leave it, asshole.

One side has let the other get by with bullying for decades now. Push push push and then when they get tired of pushing, let them push some more. Attack their lifestyle, their values, their way of life. Attack their religion, their character, etc

People are done. This is the end. you should sympathize when a group of people are targeted for something they can't control and are targeted systematically by police and courts, right?

Your values, lifestyle and way of life are under attack? (I'm going to just hope and assume the best and think that you don't mean being white when you say way of life...) What examples do you have where you are threatened with state violence, police violence to restrict your values and lifestyle? Same for religion--how is any religion that is mainstream or christian being restricted (unless you are muslim or something, which would be a different story obviously) by state violence (and please don't say wearing a hoo)? Character attacks--sorry, that is too much liberal touchy feely for me and I am for free speech...
One side has let the other get by with bullying for decades now. Push push push and then when they get tired of pushing, let them push some more. Attack their lifestyle, their values, their way of life. Attack their religion, their character, etc

People are done. This is the end.

One side has let the other get by with bullying for decades now. Push push push and then when they get tired of pushing, let them push some more. Attack their lifestyle, their values, their way of life. Attack their religion, their character, etc

People are done. This is the end.
Show us on the doll where the dems touched you.
Did anybody watch speech today what a joke by the way guess pence and McConnell or libs now u dumbasss