For all of the "Antifa is the devil" and "Blue Lives Matter" folks - we now have Trump supporters attacking the police. But that's OK because they're white Trump supporters, right?
You okay man?
Lines are drawn OP. Choose wisely.
You’ve answered my question from the other thread. You all are crazy on both sides.Store owners in Washington weren’t putting boards up on their windows because they were worried about Blacks busting up their properties. The far right is dangerous. We are seeing it tonight in Washington.
You’ve answered my question from the other thread. You all are crazy on both sides.
Store owners in Washington weren’t putting boards up on their windows because they were worried about Blacks busting up their properties. The far right is dangerous. We are seeing it tonight in Washington.
I mean this seriously, the tactic of demonizing the other side (in this case, the right) is exactly what trump does. Which is crazy, yes. Kgwillison did it, humasbutthole did it. It’s a lazy tactic.Why is that exactly? It's crazy to be against violence against police officers?
I mean this seriously. You are making no sense.
Store owners in Washington weren’t putting boards up on their windows because they were worried about Blacks busting up their properties. The far right is dangerous. We are seeing it tonight in Washington.
BIG madGet used to seeing it. And when it’s at your doorstep, just recognize that your refusal to look at things objectively brought you to this point
See: this is crazy too. The irony of using someone’s perceived lack of objective thinking to force them into thinking like you is criminally ironic and just flat out criminal.Get used to seeing it. And when it’s at your doorstep, just recognize that your refusal to look at things objectively brought you to this point
See: this is crazy too. The irony of using someone’s perceived lack of objective thinking to force them into thinking like you is criminally ironic and just flat out criminal.
It’s why we started this country after all.
I’m confused why if you believe what you say you believe, you refuse to at least allow consideration for the other person with room to negotiate. It’s not like politics is a religion.
I mean this seriously, the tactic of demonizing the other side (in this case, the right) is exactly what trump does. Which is crazy, yes. Kgwillison did it, humasbutthole did it. It’s a lazy tactic.
let’s break it down.
In the same way not all republicans are violently protesting; Not all liberals are inciting violence and supplying bricks to otherwise peaceful protest.
Didn’t you say you went to MIT?
And yes, I do agree violence against police officers is crazy generally speaking.
The A team is being deployed as we speakOne side has let the other get by with bullying for decades now. Push push push and then when they get tired of pushing, let them push some more. Attack their lifestyle, their values, their way of life. Attack their religion, their character, etc
People are done. This is the end.
One side has let the other get by with bullying for decades now. Push push push and then when they get tired of pushing, let them push some more. Attack their lifestyle, their values, their way of life. Attack their religion, their character, etc
People are done. This is the end.
One side has let the other get by with bullying for decades now. Push push push and then when they get tired of pushing, let them push some more. Attack their lifestyle, their values, their way of life. Attack their religion, their character, etc
People are done. This is the end.
One side has let the other get by with bullying for decades now. Push push push and then when they get tired of pushing, let them push some more. Attack their lifestyle, their values, their way of life. Attack their religion, their character, etc
People are done. This is the end.
One side has let the other get by with bullying for decades now. Push push push and then when they get tired of pushing, let them push some more. Attack their lifestyle, their values, their way of life. Attack their religion, their character, etc
People are done. This is the end.
One side has let the other get by with bullying for decades now. Push push push and then when they get tired of pushing, let them push some more. Attack their lifestyle, their values, their way of life. Attack their religion, their character, etc
People are done. This is the end.
Show us on the doll where the dems touched you.One side has let the other get by with bullying for decades now. Push push push and then when they get tired of pushing, let them push some more. Attack their lifestyle, their values, their way of life. Attack their religion, their character, etc
People are done. This is the end.
Lines are drawn OP. Choose wisely.
Lines are drawn OP. Choose wisely.
Burn it all to the fvcking ground