Trump urges rubes... I mean followers to donate money to him.


The Jack Dunlap Club
Gold Member
Dec 10, 2004
Don't give money to republicans, give it to Trump's PAC. The same "PAC" that most of the Election Defense Fund money went to. This is the longest con in the history of cons. And I gotta admit... I'm impressed. He embezzled so much money from his own campaign that they ran out of money a month before the election. Now he is fleecing donations from the republican party. He is guaranteeing a Democrat led government for the foreseeable future.


Except for buying more guns and ammo for when Biden tries to take them away, giving money to Trump's organization is the BEST use of Republican's money. I encourage every Trump supporter here to donate all they can. Give until it hurts b/c Trump is going to use this money to make America Great Again.

And don't worry Trumpians. Trump telling you how he is so rich and successful that he doesn't need your money AND asking you for donations makes perfect logical sense. Anyone who tells you otherwise is obviously Deep State. In fact, even thinking this MAY mean that you have been influenced by the mainstream media. Stop thinking and simply do what Trump tells you you want to do.
Don't give money to republicans, give it to Trump's PAC. The same "PAC" that most of the Election Defense Fund money went to. This is the longest con in the history of cons. And I gotta admit... I'm impressed. He embezzled so much money from his own campaign that they ran out of money a month before the election. Now he is fleecing donations from the republican party. He is guaranteeing a Democrat led government for the foreseeable future.


I gave 10k, hope he uses it to clean house. Are you donating to your politicians of choice?

Can’t wait until MAGA sweeps 2022
I gave 10k, hope he uses it to clean house. Are you donating to your politicians of choice?

Can’t wait until MAGA sweeps 2022

Oh he is going to use it to clean house. Literally. You just paid for trumps maid staff at Mar a Lago. I almost have to admire the guy for how easily he gets tubes like you to line his pockets. He has a gift.
"Save America spent only about $343,000 of the $31.5 million it raised since it was created after the election, to pay fees to the company that processes its donations, filings show. The committee retained the rest of the donations as of Jan. 1."

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Oh he is going to use it to clean house. Literally. You just paid for trumps maid staff at Mar a Lago. I almost have to admire the guy for how easily he gets tubes like you to line his pockets. He has a gift.
He lined mine when the country was profitable why not give back
LoL yeah I'm sure the guy that just lost the WH and the Senate in 1 term will come back stronger than ever. That always happens.

Uhhh... just a quick correction here. When Trump won the election he had majorities in the HOUSE and Senate AND won the WH in one of the greatest landslides in history (in Trump's own words) . In one term he lost majorities in both houses of congress and lost the WH in one of the greatest landslides in US History (lost by the exact same amount he won by in 2016, so that's by definition).

What's funny is that Trump is still telling his supporters that he's the greatest President in US history. And they completely agree.

THIS is why you Trumpians should give him all the money you can. He's absolutely coming back in 2024, he told you that... so give until it HURTS!!!
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And some of you said he wasn’t a good businessman...

I couldn't agree more. I've made disparaging comments more than once about his business ability. But collecting hundreds of millions in a couple of months, virtually none of which he has to account for is freaking brilliant!!!
Uhhh... just a quick correction here. When Trump won the election he had majorities in the HOUSE and Senate AND won the WH in one of the greatest landslides in history (in Trump's own words) . In one term he lost majorities in both houses of congress and lost the WH in one of the greatest landslides in US History (lost by the exact same amount he won by in 2016, so that's by definition).

What's funny is that Trump is still telling his supporters that he's the greatest President in US history. And they completely agree.

THIS is why you Trumpians should give him all the money you can. He's absolutely coming back in 2024, he told you that... so give until it HURTS!!!

you are correct... you left out the elephant in the room though