so you gonna answer my question of you from earlier this week?
serious question - when did you decide to become the most boring zealot imaginable? or did it happen without you knowing as you aged and placed yourself in an ever-shrinking bubble? like, taxes--that's seriously the hill you're gonna die on to justify voting for trump et. al? placing an absolute dullard in office, who has no ability to manage diplomacy, who threatens the long-term destruction of our planet either through war or anti-science, who spreads false hoods on a near daily basis with no conscience--that's all worth it for a lower marginal tax rate?
I feel like we've been through this a dozen times. Taxes aren't the only reason I voted for Trump. He was a bad candidate and his diplomacy-through-Twitter approach is ridiculous, but the alternative was expanding government, higher taxes, more government dependency, etc. Those are things I'm fundamentally against.
And what exactly has the democrat party done diplomatically to hang their hat on? Since Trump was elected, the amount of sanctions on NK has increased substantially. Would Hillary's administration have been as aggressive? We would have avoided the Twitter embarrassment, but the results would likely be less impactful and NK would just continue developing its nuclear program unencumbered as it did under Obama.
Do you not think Hillary spread falsehoods regularly? Trump is more bombastic about it, sure, but is she much different? I think we can all agree at this point that there is a high level of sleaziness and corruption in the Clinton family.
Look. My wife and I work a combined 100 hours a week to provide a wonderful life for our family. The #1 expense - by far - in the Scotch household is federal income tax. And then we watch it wasted on ineffective and unnecessary programs. We see programs like SS mismanaged and even if managed properly, produce a horrible ROI for participants. We see top earners vilified instead of applauded. We see an attitude of passing the buck - "they can afford it so we should tax them!" - that is pervasive in our society.
The democrat party pushes this mentality.
Both parties should be pushing personal responsibility, self-dependence, hard work, innovation, creativity, overcoming obstacles, positive attitude, etc. Democrats want redistribution, hand outs, government dependence and to push heavy government involvement in everything instead of creating and maintaining a framework within which people can succeed on their own.
I know you are very involved/interested in politics and its probably a big topic of conversation among you and your like-minded friends. I work hard, do well and am trying to save and support a growing family. I don't talk about politics at dinner parties or think it's cool to come up with names for Trump. I don't spend my time worrying about what someone in Europe thinks of me because of Trump's twitter handle.
I care about the real-life things that impact my family. Taxes happen to fall in that category. I also want the best for everyone in my community and in this country. I think giving them a hand up instead of a hand out is the best way to ensure their long-term success.