I agree with about 90% of this post (which makes us allies, not enemies). Really the only problem I have is with the tax breaks to the wealthy. The very wealthy are already doing just fine right now. They are getting richer every year and I have NO problem with this. However I do have a problem cutting their taxes given the problems we have domestically. There needs to be spending cuts for sure AND there needs to NOT be cuts to the main stream of revenue that this country has.
I think it depends on where you define wealthy and what effective rates you are trying to adjust. Is "wealthy" a $500K/yr dual-income family or Donald Trump and Warren Buffet? The media uses the latter as the image of wealthy, then wants to apply the punitive tax structure to the former.
If you are saying that billionaires who pay 15-25% effective rates shouldn't see a decrease, I agree 100%. Their effective rates probably need to go up. If you are saying dual-income families making mid-six-figures who are paying 30%+ effective rates shouldn't see a decrease, I disagree 100%.