Trumps VP


Lake Baikal
Gold Member
Dec 20, 2004
Should be Kasich

He beats Hilary in every single poll thus far, he also helps Trump win Ohio

It's not that difficult of a decision
I believe Trump can win Ohio without Kasich. He needs someone to balance out the ticket Kasich and Trump appeal to a lot of the same voters. I think susan martinez or even Rubio would be better. Trump has plenty of appeal in the Rust Belt but he needs help in states like Florida, Arizona, Nevada and Colorado.
I'm not a PC person but Trump almost has to select a woman. He has to choose a smart, articulate woman to be his VP. Someone earlier mentioned Condi and that's the kind of person he needs to convince. No idiots like Palin and the like.
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I believe Trump can win Ohio without Kasich. He needs someone to balance out the ticket Kasich and Trump appeal to a lot of the same voters. I think susan martinez or even Rubio would be better. Trump has plenty of appeal in the Rust Belt but he needs help in states like Florida, Arizona, Nevada and Colorado.

I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure the elections since 1960 have went to the party that won Ohio.
I'm not a PC person but Trump almost has to select a woman. He has to choose a smart, articulate woman to be his VP. Someone earlier mentioned Condi and that's the kind of person he needs to convince. No idiots like Palin and the like.

I understand, but frankly Trump does not give a shit about PC (nor should he). That's why he is winning like he is.
I understand, but frankly Trump does not give a shit about PC (nor should he). That's why he is winning like he is.

I agree. But if he doesn't do something about his support with women (or rather complete lack thereof) then he's toast. A candidate can be all about the non-PC stuff he/she wants to be but if you only get 25-35% of the female vote, your ass ain't winning. Math is still math...even for Donald Trump.
I'm not a PC person but Trump almost has to select a woman. He has to choose a smart, articulate woman to be his VP. Someone earlier mentioned Condi and that's the kind of person he needs to convince. No idiots like Palin and the like.

Condi would be a great VP pick from an election standpoint. Would neutralize (to a degree) Hillary's women/African American advantage.
I agree. But if he doesn't do something about his support with women (or rather complete lack thereof) then he's toast. A candidate can be all about the non-PC stuff he/she wants to be but if you only get 25-35% of the female vote, your ass ain't winning. Math is still math...even for Donald Trump.

But the media is making that a bigger issue than it really is, he is winning the women votes against the other GOP candidates.

Now with Hilary he will not win that women's vote, but some women in this country can't stand Hilary.
I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure the elections since 1960 have went to the party that won Ohio.
Trump can win Ohio without Kasich because they appeal to the same voter. Trump needs help with Women and latino voters. Kasich would help Trump in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Michigan but he doesn't need help in those states Trump needs help in Florida, Arizona, Nevada, and Colorado.
Trump can win Ohio without Kasich because they appeal to the same voter. Trump needs help with Women and latino voters. Kasich would help Trump in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Michigan but he doesn't need help in those states Trump needs help in Florida, Arizona, Nevada, and Colorado.

The polls show them pretty close in Florida, but yes that's a big/must win state. If he wins Florida and Ohio, it's over though. He will win Nevada ($).
Trump's a clown, but if he's going to go full Darth Vader he picks a woman for his VP and she spends the entire election cycle calling Hillary Bill's rape enabler.

Also, Darth Vader won in 4 of 6 movies.
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Trump's a clown, but if he's going to go full Darth Vader he picks a woman for his VP and she spends the entire election cycle calling Hillary Bill's rape enabler.

Also, Darth Vader won in 4 of 6 movies.

Please enlighten us ole stupid ones?
Please enlighten us ole stupid ones?

Darth Vader was originally Anakin Skywalker. Once a Jedi Knight, he succumbed to the powers of the dark side and became a Sith Lord and participated in the destruction of the Jedi order and the rise of the Galactic Empire. However, he also had two children. One was Luke Skywalker, who played a key role in overthrowing the Empire, but more importantly, helped his father throw off the influence of the dark side before he died so he could go to Jedi heaven.
Darth Vader was originally Anakin Skywalker. Once a Jedi Knight, he succumbed to the powers of the dark side and became a Sith Lord and participated in the destruction of the Jedi order and the rise of the Galactic Empire. However, he also had two children. One was Luke Skywalker, who played a key role in overthrowing the Empire, but more importantly, helped his father throw off the influence of the dark side before he died so he could go to Jedi heaven.

Are you 10?
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Sadly Trump loses the general as he will lose among women, latinos, blacks and democrats. People who think he can win states like NY are kidding themselves.

He says " I won the latino vote in Indiana", but then again there were only four latinos who voted republican. By the way Latinos are now 84-16 Hillary and they are registering in record numbers.

After his defeat, the angry white guys who scream at his detractors, will still be angry and white.
I can not believe that we are about to be in a position as a country where our choice for President of the United States is going to be between Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton. I'm not sure if I should be depressed or scared shitless. Probably both. It's embarrassing for America, really.

This is what happens when we allow the wrong people to be in charge for far too long. I share your frustration but it isn't really surprising. Especially when you consider how ignorant most people are about what this nation is about and who we are supposed to strive to be.
I'm not a PC person but Trump almost has to select a woman. He has to choose a smart, articulate woman to be his VP. Someone earlier mentioned Condi and that's the kind of person he needs to convince. No idiots like Palin and the like.

i hope,he stays away from anyone associated with the bush administration

one of the worst administrations over th last 200 years

miss clinton would hammer that like trumps going to hammer nafta and obamacare

miss clinton really never did anything when she was first lady, a senator, or sec of state

did condi do anything great? seems the bush adm made error after error

stacked them up like a big ole stack of pancakes

what is the responsibility of the job? whats the vp do?

trump does not think like a washington insdier

he will hire the person who is the most effective job handling legislation from the houses

i dont thint being poliical correct to win votes works fo him. thats part of th problem with washington

we have to change how washington thinks

picking a vp to attract voters is not nearly as important as pickng someone who can run the job

god if u ran your company to be pc correct think it would be as efficient and productive as hiring people who can actualky run the job?
off top of my head the only bush admin person who was any good was colin powell

he left when he found out how incompetent the rest of the adm. was
This guy - would be awesome

I can not believe that we are about to be in a position as a country where our choice for President of the United States is going to be between Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton. I'm not sure if I should be depressed or scared shitless. Probably both. It's embarrassing for America, really.

This. I will write in Dabo.
Condi would be a great VP pick from an election standpoint. Would neutralize (to a degree) Hillary's women/African American advantage.

Black people aint voting for Trump if he put Obama on the ticket.
I keep seeing everywhere that Blacks arent voting Trump

I only kinda follow politics.

What specific action has Trump taken to make them so mad? I asked couple black guys I play ball with, and they couldnt give me anything specific.