Tucker Carlson and Geoff Shepard interview (watergate scandal)


The Mariana Trench
Gold Member
Mar 3, 2006
Just finished the interview. Fascinating how corrupt the government bureaucrats are and how long it’s been that way. Geoff was a young attorney who was a staffer for Nixon. He is who translated the “smoking gun tape” at the time he believed Nixon was guilty. Only to discover that Nixon wasn’t even talking about Watergate and was actually talking about protecting 2 large donors that were Democrats. But the whole thing ended up being a scam that took the President with the most popular vote ever out of office. They only went after republicans and overlooked any wrong doing by democrats. Over 60 attorneys were hired by special counsel to investigate and try to tie Nixon to the break in. One of those 60 attorneys young Hilary Rodham. Who played a key roll in covering some things up. They are going to release a documentary soon showing the evidence of the coup
Just finished the interview. Fascinating how corrupt the government bureaucrats are and how long it’s been that way. Geoff was a young attorney who was a staffer for Nixon. He is who translated the “smoking gun tape” at the time he believed Nixon was guilty. Only to discover that Nixon wasn’t even talking about Watergate and was actually talking about protecting 2 large donors that were Democrats. But the whole thing ended up being a scam that took the President with the most popular vote ever out of office. They only went after republicans and overlooked any wrong doing by democrats. Over 60 attorneys were hired by special counsel to investigate and try to tie Nixon to the break in. One of those 60 attorneys young Hilary Rodham. Who played a key roll in covering some things up. They are going to release a documentary soon showing the evidence of the coup
I listened as well and need to relisten to glean all of the info presented, and all of the names involved in all of it. It really was a huge nothing burger crime wise, literally a breaking and entering. Nixon was so far ahead in the election that garnering any strategy info from the DNC was completely unnecessary, Gordon Liddy was on a power trip to prove his worth and along with a couple of guys former CIA guys from the re-election committee, planned the break in during the campaign. All involved in the break in except Liddy were CIA, and the CIA orchestrated the break in plan. The 5 Cubans brought up from Miami were all CIA operatives.

Another wild theory says the real reason for the break-in was actually to get a photo of White House Counsel John Dean's girlfriend removed from a book in the DNC office. The CIA had been running a honey trap in the apartment bldg next door to Watergate to catch foreign diplomats in 'compromising situations' with beautiful women (obviously for blackmailing purposes). Long story short, there was a book with the women's photos and a number assigned to each. The 'john' would come in and look through the book and pick a girl, and her number would be called to come and accompany the gentleman to the predetermined location. Well it turns out Dean's girlfriend was the roomate of the 'madame' running the op for the CIA, and her photo was in the book (this madame was maid of honor in Dean's wedding). The book was located in a locked desk drawer, and DNC field operatives would also come in looking for a good time. So one of the Cubans had the desk key taped to his notebook and tried to swallow it when he was arrested. This is supposedly why John Dean ran the cover up from inside the WH, completely unknown by Nixon.
So you run your mouth a lot. Just curious what your knowledge is of the watergate scandal?
Not a lot. I run my mouth all the time. You're welcome to try and do something about I suppose.

I'm not getting into a discussion about Watergate with someone who thinks Roger Stone's latest conspiracy theory about his personal hero, Nixon, is anywhere grounded on earth. Sorry.
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Not a lot. I run my mouth all the time. You're welcome to try and do something about I suppose.

I'm not getting into a discussion about Watergate with someone who thinks Roger Stone's latest conspiracy theory about his personal hero, Nixon, is anywhere grounded on earth. Sorry.
Do you mean Geoff Shepard? Again running that cock sucker lol
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Not a lot. I run my mouth all the time. You're welcome to try and do something about I suppose.

I'm not getting into a discussion about Watergate with someone who thinks Roger Stone's latest conspiracy theory about his personal hero, Nixon, is anywhere grounded on earth. Sorry.
Run your mouth is exactly what you do . You're a full blown liberal who doesn't know any better. And you saying do something about it on the other side of a computer shows the clown you are. I'm pretty sure your voting for another clown who draws circles and has done nothing for this country and picks a VP who puts tampons in Mens bathrooms correct? Steals Trump's slogans,and lies about his military valor? And doesn't believe in God that you??
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Run your mouth is exactly what you do . Your a full blown liberal who doesn't know any better. And you saying do something about it on the other side of a computer shows the clown you are. I'm pretty sure your voting for another clown who draws circles and has done nothing for this country and picks a VP who puts tampons in Mens bathrooms correct? Steals Trump's slogans,and lies about his military valor? And doesn't believe in God that you??
We are long past hashing this point out. I agree with you, sincerely, 100%. I run my mouth.

I've noticed that Magas really don't like it when I say things, and that is entirely their (your) problem. Shameless, racist liars do not like hearing about it. So I run my mouth.

You can choose to put me on ignore at any time. If it becomes too much of a problem for you then just exercise your right to choose.
We are long past hashing this point out. I agree with you, sincerely, 100%. I run my mouth.

I've noticed that Magas really don't like it when I say things, and that is entirely their (your) problem. Shameless, racist liars do not like hearing about it. So I run my mouth.

You can choose to put me on ignore at any time. If it becomes too much of a problem for you then just exercise your right to choose.
I don't care what you do,but to tell someone to do something about it meet them in person and say it to their face . Instead of hiding behind a computer screen like most nerdy Liberals do. Do you even know what Maga stands for? You calling all the black Maga brothers racist? All the Latino Magas? Racist? What makes them liars? You mean like Kamala who lies and steals Trump's slogans?? You wanna talk about liars ,you mean CNN,MSNBC ,every liberal network media? Who has done nothing but brainwash simple minded people like you?? So because someone doesn't like your point of view you attack them ? That's what you weak minded Liberals do. Support ungodly people who have no desire to make this country better but to destroy it .which they've done these last 4 years!!
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I don't care what you do,but to tell someone to do something about it meet them in person and say it to their face . Instead of hiding behind a computer screen like most nerdy Liberals do. Do you even know what Maga stands for? You calling all the black Maga brothers racist? All the Latino Magas? Racist? What makes them liars? You mean like Kamala who lies and steals Trump's slogans?? You wanna talk about liars ,you mean CNN,MSNBC ,every liberal network media? Who has done nothing but brainwash simple minded people like you?? So because someone doesn't like your point of view you attack them ? That's what you weak minded Liberals do. Support ungodly people who have no desire to make this country better but to destroy it .which they've done these last 4 years!!
I'll pray for ya though:)
I don't care what you do,but to tell someone to do something about it meet them in person and say it to their face . Instead of hiding behind a computer screen like most nerdy Liberals do. Do you even know what Maga stands for? You calling all the black Maga brothers racist? All the Latino Magas? Racist? What makes them liars? You mean like Kamala who lies and steals Trump's slogans?? You wanna talk about liars ,you mean CNN,MSNBC ,every liberal network media? Who has done nothing but brainwash simple minded people like you?? So because someone doesn't like your point of view you attack them ? That's what you weak minded Liberals do. Support ungodly people who have no desire to make this country better but to destroy it .which they've done these last 4 years!!
Haha Jesus Harold Christ on rubber crutches, dude. Stick a xanax up your butt or something. Maybe cut out caffeine after lunch.
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I don't care what you do,but to tell someone to do something about it meet them in person and say it to their face . Instead of hiding behind a computer screen like most nerdy Liberals do. Do you even know what Maga stands for? You calling all the black Maga brothers racist? All the Latino Magas? Racist? What makes them liars? You mean like Kamala who lies and steals Trump's slogans?? You wanna talk about liars ,you mean CNN,MSNBC ,every liberal network media? Who has done nothing but brainwash simple minded people like you?? So because someone doesn't like your point of view you attack them ? That's what you weak minded Liberals do. Support ungodly people who have no desire to make this country better but to destroy it .which they've done these last 4 years!!
Lol. Wow. So many fantasies, so little brains.
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We are long past hashing this point out. I agree with you, sincerely, 100%. I run my mouth.

I've noticed that Magas really don't like it when I say things, and that is entirely their (your) problem. Shameless, racist liars do not like hearing about it. So I run my mouth.

You can choose to put me on ignore at any time. If it becomes too much of a problem for you then just exercise your right to choose.
You are such a bitch 😂
I took his advice and ignored him. Sick of that homo hijacking every thread. Sad thing is he thinks he is right lol
Run your mouth is exactly what you do . Your a full blown liberal who doesn't know any better. And you saying do something about it on the other side of a computer shows the clown you are. I'm pretty sure your voting for another clown who draws circles and has done nothing for this country and picks a VP who puts tampons in Mens bathrooms correct? Steals Trump's slogans,and lies about his military valor? And doesn't believe in God that you??
Haha Jesus Harold Christ on rubber crutches, dude. Stick a xanax up your butt or something. Maybe cut out caffeine after luncif you feeling froggy jump
Can I get a copy of that
Haha Jesus Harold Christ on rubber crutches, dude. Stick a xanax up your butt or something. Maybe cut out caffeine after lunch.
Feeling froggy jump see how that works out for ya clown!!
Little brains? Lol another clown!!
My brains are big enough to avoid the quoting atrocity you just committed.

Wtf is this, bro?
My brains are big enough to avoid the quoting atrocity you just committed.

Wtf is this, bro?
Man I don't get into that garbage or conspiracy theories.thats something we can agree on
This might come out as significant if/when the shit hits the fan on the epstein and Diddy scandals.


In 1972, detective James Rothstein arrested Frank Sturgis, who was one of the men who broke in. He said they were actually there to find "The Book," which detailed child prostitution activities, names, dates, and how much they paid for sex with children by both Republicans and Democrats.

Watergate wasn't about breaking into the DNC hq to steal election strategies. My guess is The Book was being used as blackmail. This is their M.O.

"The Watergate break-in was strictly based on one thing – the pedophile records that were being kept at the Democratic National Headquarters."

– Det. James Rothstein, NYPD, Retired

Further research…


I had quietly wondered if Watergate wasn't exactly as you posted.

Evil only scrambles War & Rumors of War or go full tilt in assassination when the subject of pedophilia arises in DC.

Nixon in an interview stated Bohemian Grove was a bunch of f*gets & little boy humpers.

It's making more sense.
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This might come out as significant if/when the shit hits the fan on the epstein and Diddy scandals.


In 1972, detective James Rothstein arrested Frank Sturgis, who was one of the men who broke in. He said they were actually there to find "The Book," which detailed child prostitution activities, names, dates, and how much they paid for sex with children by both Republicans and Democrats.

Watergate wasn't about breaking into the DNC hq to steal election strategies. My guess is The Book was being used as blackmail. This is their M.O.

"The Watergate break-in was strictly based on one thing – the pedophile records that were being kept at the Democratic National Headquarters."

– Det. James Rothstein, NYPD, Retired

Further research…


I had quietly wondered if Watergate wasn't exactly as you posted.

Evil only scrambles War & Rumors of War or go full tilt in assassination when the subject of pedophilia arises in DC.

Nixon in an interview stated Bohemian Grove was a bunch of f*gets & little boy humpers.

It's making more sense.
The truth is starting to come out. Pedo's run the world governments - that is who America First is fighting.