Tweet from Clay Travis

Fact: The US was more prepared for this than any other country in the world.
Well yeah the number of projected casualties are falling because people are staying their asses at home. Just think how many more people could have been saved if Trump would have been taking it seriously from the beginning instead of making these asinine comments

Feb. 26: “So we’re at the low level. As they get better, we take them off the list, so that we’re going to be pretty soon at only five people. And we could be at just one or two people over the next short period of time. So we’ve had very good luck.” — Trump at a White House briefing.

Feb. 26: “And again, when you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that’s a pretty good job we’ve done.” — Trump at a press conference.

Feb. 27: “It’s going to disappear. One day — it’s like a miracle — it will disappear.” — Trump at a White House meeting with African American leaders.

Feb. 14: “There’s a theory that, in April, when it gets warm — historically, that has been able to kill the virus. So we don’t know yet; we’re not sure yet. But that’s around the corner.” — Trump in speakingto National Border Patrol Council members.

Well it’s April 8th are we at zero yet?

And all during that time we were taking it seriously. But you're right. I mean, this thing is a problem no where else in the world but here. It's not like the rest of the world is facing problems with an unprecedented new virus that is super contagious. You are 100% right.

My friend, I would advise to you get off the silly train and start facing some reality that doesn't lead you where you want to go. You have made a choice to tailor your "facts" to each the conclusion you want. That is not an honest thought process.

Let's face the reality. No one was ready. No one expected this. This is true for nearly every government on Earth except for a few that have faced this before and already had their mass disaster.

Consider the timeline below:

Fed stockpile shortage of n95 masks dates back to 2009. It was advised they would increase supply after H1N1 that impacted 60m Americans. The Federal commission appointed recommended at least 100 million new masks be added. No action was taken.

10 goverment reports from 2003 to 2015 said we’d experience an event where we had critical shortages of ventilators. No one acted.

Jan 24th - Lamar Alexander called a classified session about Covid-19. Only 14 Senators showed up out of 100. On that day impeachment questions were due. He was accused of distracting from impeachment by calling the meeting. This was the day that questions were due for the impeachment trial in the Senate.

Jan 26th - Schumer says we need to make this a Federal Health Emergency

Jan 27th OPED from Biden says Trump stinks but closing borders is a bad idea. It’s xenophobic. He suggested we send more funding to international institutions for larger global health response. No mention of plans domestically. No travel ban. No quarantine

Also, multiple op/eds published saying don't listen to Senator Tom Cotton about this issue. He's using it for xenophobic and racist policiies. Covid-19 is not a threat.

Jan 28th - Wash Sens wanted more information because of outbreak in Washington nursing home

Jan 31st – Huff Post says don’t listen to Tom Cotton about concerns over his concerns about Covid-19

Early February - Former head of FDA Scott Gottlieb said we need to engage in massive buildup for testing, surveillance systems and potential lock-downs to stop the spread of Covid-19. First official or former official to take it this seriously.

Feb 1st – Wash Post says get a grip America, flu is a much bigger threat than Covid-19.

Feb 5th – Senator Chris Murphy said we are not serious enough about this situation. We need more funding and more action. RE: $85m request from Schumer for emergency funds.

Feb 4th – Trump mentions working with China on outbreak to do anything we can to stop threat in State of the Union.

Feb 24th – NY Mayor De Blasio says New Yorkers go about daily lives, subways are safe and we are not in danger.

Late Feb – Numerous current and former public officials warn this is a wakeup call to take the flu seriously, but not Covid-19

Late Feb – New Orleans Mayor says city is ready for Mardi Gras.

Feb 24th – Pelosi says people should attend events in SF.

Feb 25th – Democratic Debate – Some discussion about Covid-19 but no suggestions as to lock downs or testing issues, etc. Only one question asked about Covid-19.

Feb 26th – Congress offers $8.3B to aid in support. No mentions of any need for drastic measures needed. Not signed until March 6th because of delays in House because Pelosi held up request over issues with mask manufacturers being sued. Trial Lawyers lobby groups opposed this so Pelosi held it up.

March 4th – Seattle officials recommend people stay home over virus concerns. Super Tuesday goes on as scheduled, no talk of issues. All the media talked about was results. Candidates continue to hold rallies.

March 8th – LA Marathon held as scheduled. 27,000 people ran plus huge crowds attended. LA Mayor says no reason not to hold the marathon.

March 16th – Stay at home order in SF. First such order in US

March 19th – California stay at home order issued.

March 20th – Stay at home order issued in New York – The epicenter of this crisis…
Through this date, no preparatory action taken at state level by anyone at any level. Some preparation by Federal government but very little.

As I have always said, government sucks. It's a necessary evil. We're more interested in personalities and social policy than we are in actual important policy and leadership. And given the events, anyone that says an earlier lock-down could have helped us is 100% correct but also 100% mistaken in thinking the nation would have accepted that. That never would have occurred. Just read and consider friends.
It's not incredulous when Trump has been wrong about everything from the start. I want to believe it too, but if Trump says it I'm not believing it.
Notice that there are NO FACTS with this statement. What were libs doing in January when Trump put the travel ban in place. Worrying about impeachment. The facts are Fauci is in the White House working with people in the White House, yet you believe him totally. If he wants to shut the economy down for 1 year, You would believe Him. From a doctors view, that is probably a good decision, but from a financial and world view of economics, not so good. Sadly, everyone has been wrong at sometime about this. We just have to make the best decisions for everyone in total.
LOL. No.

Preposterous opinion. Not even close to fact.

Maybe more prepared or similarly prepared than most of Europe outside Germany.

If South Korea is the Major Leagues of being prepared then US is Single A.

Don't let facts get in the way of your argument.

And you can't compare us to SK. They don't see anywhere near the amount of global traffic that the US sees. They also don't have the population density of NYC, where almost half of the cases are.
Notice that there are NO FACTS with this statement. What were libs doing in January when Trump put the travel ban in place. Worrying about impeachment. The facts are Fauci is in the White House working with people in the White House, yet you believe him totally. If he wants to shut the economy down for 1 year, You would believe Him. From a doctors view, that is probably a good decision, but from a financial and world view of economics, not so good. Sadly, everyone has been wrong at sometime about this. We just have to make the best decisions for everyone in total.

Yeah, I care more about preventing massive loss of life than massive loss of money.
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They would rather millions of lives be lost to a virus that was exactly like the first models released before they admit

1. Either our President saved millions of lives
2. The Corona Virus was never going to take millions of lives

It has to be one or the other.
3. The entire White House ignored intelligence reports that started in November warning that China didn't have control of the virus, and it was having a greater impact than they were letting on. They then ignored those reports once they were escalated to the presidential daily briefing in early January. It doesn't look like the WH did anything of substance until after the Navarro Memo in late January and at that point the virus was already circulating within the US. This led to a loss of life and economic output that could have been mitigated at least.

Every day we learn that the WH knew this wasn't "the flu" earlier and earlier and they still did basically nothing for 5 months at this point. I'm not sure this entire thing could have been prevented, but if they would have acted quicker on contact tracing, allocating resources to airports to check international travelers, and begin to develop testing procedures sooner, etc. you have to think that we wouldn't have become the most adversely affected country in the world.

This whole thing has been an abject failure from leadership at all levels, but the greatest blame is deservedly at the top.
Crazy Stat....

An estimated additional 180 - 195 deaths per day occurring at home in New York City due to COVID-19 are not being counted in the official figures. "Early on in this crisis we were able to swab people who died at home, and thus got a coronavirus reading. But those days are long gone. We simply don't have the testing capacity for the large numbers dying at home. Now only those few who had a test confirmation *before* dying are marked as victims of coronavirus on their death certificate. This almost certainly means we are undercounting the total number of victims of this pandemic," said Mark Levine, Chair of New York City Council health committee
LOL. No.

Preposterous opinion. Not even close to fact.

Maybe more prepared or similarly prepared than most of Europe outside Germany.

If South Korea is the Major Leagues of being prepared then US is Single A.

I like you and your views. You always come at it from a different angle. But.... you're wrong here. The United States was found by many studies to be thee most prepared nation on Earth. That being said, the comparison to South Korea is invalid for many reasons. They were hammered by SARS in 2003 in a way we were not. Because of that, they already had their outbreak to open their eyes and they were more prepared. They are a nation that has 98% of its citizens that are native. They have over half their population in one city. There are a lot of inherent advantages there. They had a fraction of the tests that we've done thus far. We have a lot to learn from this but this is our first time really facing something like this. It's not their first.
Don't let facts get in the way of your argument.

And you can't compare us to SK. They don't see anywhere near the amount of global traffic that the US sees. They also don't have the population density of NYC, where almost half of the cases are.

I don't care what this study says from months ago...the proof is what is happening on the ground in dealing with this pandemic. How quick did you start testing? How many tests can you do in a day per capital? How can you track and quarantine known cases and close contracts.

Not how it would handle it on paper.

Seoul, South Korea (17,219) has roughly 8 times the population density of New York (2,050).
I like you and your views. You always come at it from a different angle. But.... you're wrong here. The United States was found by many studies to be thee most prepared nation on Earth. That being said, the comparison to South Korea is invalid for many reasons. They were hammered by SARS in 2003 in a way we were not. Because of that, they already had their outbreak to open their eyes and they were more prepared. They are a nation that has 98% of its citizens that are native. They have over half their population in one city. There are a lot of inherent advantages there. They had a fraction of the tests that we've done thus far. We have a lot to learn from this but this is our first time really facing something like this. It's not their first.

This is the biggest load of horse feathers I've read since the whole thing started. There is no legitimate study that shows what you're claiming.
Fair enough, but there's enough precedent to justify being incredulous imo. He lies every time he opens his mouth, especially when it comes to numbers.

  1. (of a person or their manner) unwilling or unable to believe something.
I don't care what this study says from months ago...the proof is what is happening on the ground in dealing with this pandemic. How quick did you start testing? How many tests can you do in a day per capital? How can you track and quarantine known cases and close contracts.

Not how it would handle it on paper.

Seoul, South Korea (17,219) has roughly 8 times the population density of New York (2,050).

The same people complaining about our governments handling of this, are the same ones that want to government to run the entire health care system.

People keep throwing blame around. Yet they can't list a single logical solution, that would have been possible to implement.
The same people complaining about our governments handling of this, are the same ones that want to government to run the entire health care system.

People keep throwing blame around. Yet they can't list a single logical solution, that would have been possible to implement.

Blames people. Complains about people throwing blame.
I don't care what this study says from months ago...the proof is what is happening on the ground in dealing with this pandemic. How quick did you start testing? How many tests can you do in a day per capital? How can you track and quarantine known cases and close contracts.

Not how it would handle it on paper.

Seoul, South Korea (17,219) has roughly 8 times the population density of New York (2,050).

The violations of personal freedoms in South Korea are not part of our makeup here. Also, as I stated, they are 98% Korean there. It's a single culture that lives in a completely different environment than we do. They are not comparable situations and let's go back and see how they handled SARS. They already had their learning experience. You're just parsing to create a picture here.
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Not exactly, social distancing is figured into the IHME models ALONG WITH data coming in from countries that have already hit their peak and did not come anywhere close to the imperical model. Its two fold. It is not just social distancing. Its a bunch of different things put together.
The models showing 200000 or higher deaths we’re figuring only 50 percent of Americans would follow social distancing guidelines which it turns out more people did follow them which is why fewer casualties are projected. Turns out only about 30 percent aren’t following them which unsurprisingly is basically Trumps base.
The models showing 200000 or higher deaths we’re figuring only 50 percent of Americans would follow social distancing guidelines which it turns out more people did follow them which is why fewer casualties are projected. Turns out only about 30 percent aren’t following them which unsurprisingly is basically Trumps base.

Maybe I read this wrong but what you're saying is that the people not following the distancing guidelines are Trump people? And you know this how? Pretty spectacular view you have of all of America. Wow...and I thought I'd heard it all.
Maybe I read this wrong but what you're saying is that the people not following the distancing guidelines are Trump people? And you know this how? Pretty spectacular view you have of all of America. Wow...and I thought I'd heard it all.
Yeah I thought I heard it all when trump said the coronavirus would disappear by April due to warm weather. Has it disappeared yet?
Yeah I thought I heard it all when trump said the coronavirus would disappear by April due to warm weather. Has it disappeared yet?

You're selectively parsing what he's said. If you want to do that, no one can stop you. But it doesn't make you right. It just makes you look silly. If you're OK with that, go for it my friend. The reality is far different. Read the timeline. China was lying, the WHO was basically lying for China and the entire world didn't fully grasp was was about to happen. As in no one anywhere fully got it. Republicans were accused in the media and by Democrats of distracting from impeachment with concerns about this virus. But yeah, let's blame Trump. It's all his fault. When one side has never seen a president as legitimate, it's hard for him to say much that's going to be right in your view. That's your world of the inane, not mine.
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haha not outraged at all! But it'd be better than going through life a sheep

I prefer to worry about things I can control. I’m sure when this is over we will learn from it and be better prepared in the future. The problem with this outrage culture is that people aren’t happy unless they are outraged about something, then they see something else on tv or read something and become outraged about that item and forgot what they were outraged about a few weeks ago. After a while, if being outraged is the norm, is it actually outrageous at that point or is just the norm?
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I prefer to worry about things I can control. I’m sure when this is over we will learn from it and be better prepared in the future. The problem with this outrage culture is that people aren’t happy unless they are outraged about something, then they see something else on tv or read something and become outraged about that item and forgot what they were outraged about a few weeks ago. After a while, if being outraged is the norm, is it actually outrageous at that point or is just the norm?
You can control who the leader of the free world is. You vote.
I like you and your views. You always come at it from a different angle. But.... you're wrong here. The United States was found by many studies to be thee most prepared nation on Earth. That being said, the comparison to South Korea is invalid for many reasons. They were hammered by SARS in 2003 in a way we were not. Because of that, they already had their outbreak to open their eyes and they were more prepared. They are a nation that has 98% of its citizens that are native. They have over half their population in one city. There are a lot of inherent advantages there. They had a fraction of the tests that we've done thus far. We have a lot to learn from this but this is our first time really facing something like this. It's not their first.

I don't see how I am wrong?

Ron said the US was the most prepared for "this" meaning COVID than any other country.

This is not a fact for all the reasons you listed in your paragraph about South Korea. We were not the most prepared. It is not a fact to say that we were the most prepared. You just can't omit South Korea due to reasons that you pick and then claim that the US was in fact the most prepared of all countries in the world.

It also isn't a fact that we were more prepared for COVID than other countries outside South Korea either based on the response to this particular virus. For instance Germany had large scale testing up and running much quicker than the US and has tested 40% more per 1,000,000 people than the US. We are catching up, but we are still behind them per capital.

I am fine if you think the US has knocked it out of the park here compared to all other countries, but that is an opinion not a fact.
You're selectively parsing what he's said. If you want to do that, no one can stop you. But it doesn't make you right. It just makes you look silly. If you're OK with that, go for it my friend. The reality is far different. Read the timeline. China was lying, the WHO was basically lying for China and the entire world didn't fully grasp was was about to happen. As in no one anywhere fully got it. Republicans were accused in the media and by Democrats of distracting from impeachment with concerns about this virus. But yeah, let's blame Trump. It's all his fault. When one side has never seen a president as legitimate, it's hard for him to say much that's going to be right in your view. That's your world of the inane, not mine.
So the virus didn’t disappear in warm weather like Trump said correct? So we didn’t go from 15 cases to zero like Trump said correct? Trump praised China said they had it under control which they didn’t correct? Is Trump that gullible that he believes countries like China and leaders like Putin. Trump says he has a beautiful relationship with the leader of China and trust him. Maybe him and Trump can exchange some more love letters.
I don't see how I am wrong?

Ron said the US was the most prepared for "this" meaning COVID than any other country.

This is not a fact for all the reasons you listed in your paragraph about South Korea. We were not the most prepared. It is not a fact to say that we were the most prepared. You just can't omit South Korea due to reasons that you pick and then claim that the US was in fact the most prepared of all countries in the world.

It also isn't a fact that we were more prepared for COVID than other countries outside South Korea either based on the response to this particular virus. For instance Germany had large scale testing up and running much quicker than the US and has tested 40% more per 1,000,000 people than the US. We are catching up, but we are still behind them per capital.

I am fine if you think the US has knocked it out of the park here compared to all other countries, but that is an opinion not a fact.

I don't think anyone has knocked it out of the park here. It's a terrible virus. We've all just tried to weather the storm. This is an unprecedented event for most of us. I should amend my earlier statement to say that I believe the South Korea experience here is important. When I compare countries, I compare all aspects of the nation. There is no real comp anywhere in the world for what we see in the United States. Our land mass is so much greater compared to our population. In either case, I will agree with your inference that we need to be more prepared. We have learned that lesson now and it's on us to make sure things are different the next time. Because we know there will be a next time.
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So the virus didn’t disappear in warm weather like Trump said correct? So we didn’t go from 15 cases to zero like Trump said correct? Trump praised China said they had it under control which they didn’t correct? Is Trump that gullible that he believes countries like China and leaders like Putin. Trump says he has a beautiful relationship with the leader of China and trust him. Maybe him and Trump can exchange some more love letters.

I get it. You hate Trump. That's your choice. I'm done discussing emotional reactions rather than the factual. Have a great day man!
saw this last night. Tend to agree. Quarantine the hot spots, and the most heavily affected groups. Let the older crowd continue to shop the 1st hour of every store’s day. Let everybody else get back to work. Still use some precautions there, but can’t keep on the track economically that we are on. Gonna have to be compromise on both sides and hope for the best.
This is what should have happened from day 1. This complete over reaction is going to drive us to socialism if it hasn't already. There will be no recourse for 30%+ of the population other than to be dependent on the government to keep them afloat for the foreseeable future. All for tenths of percentages of people that will truly be adversely impacted by Covid19.
I get it. You hate Trump. That's your choice. I'm done discussing emotional reactions rather than the factual. Have a great day man!
What emotional reactions those are Trumps own words. Don’t worry you will see all his dumbass comments played over and over in political ads. Best part the asinine comments that plays in the ads will be coming directly from his own mouth.
What emotional reactions those are Trumps own words. Don’t worry you will see all his dumbass comments played over and over in political ads. Best part the asinine comments that plays in the ads will be coming directly from his own mouth.

He didn't handle things very well at the start. My question is who did? Who was getting accurate information. Please point out (other than the standard SK answer) who handled things better? His first move was to stop travel from China which he was criticized for. His rhetoric didn't match his actions but how has that quantitatively impacted us? The rhetoric in California and New York didn't match either. Are they to blame for a terrible situation? You want this all on one guy. You're not being fair or just. Therefore, it's emotional, not factual. There are hours of dumbass comments that could be played by many involved in this. It isn't just a one way street.
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Lots of epidemiologists disagree with his models/predictions. I would assume Fauci does not agree with the current IHME model that is now predicting 60,000 deaths. The IHME staff who put that model together are widely considered the best in their field.

So, you can make this about me and my disagreement with that statement....but you have to realize that its not just me disagreeing with him. Its people in his own field.

I know this angers people to see these models keep going down, but I love what I am seeing. The actual numbers coming in are way less than the first imperical models which we now know were way off base. This is a good thing and I don't think anyone should be upset about the lives being saved.

literally nobody is mad that the models are going down, get your head out of your ass. literally nobody.
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  1. (of a person or their manner) unwilling or unable to believe something.

Yeah, I said fair enough i'm being incredulous. But if someone lied to you every time they opened their mouth, you'd be incredulous too.
You just have to legitimately read with your eyes legitimately open and legitimately look at the facts rather than an illegitimately contrived viewpoint based on a desired political outcome.

The only outcome I want is for this virus to stop spreading and killing people so we can resume our normal lives. I haven't ever liked Donald Trump, and I do hope to god he loses in November, but I felt like that long before any of this started happening. This country has handled this very poorly. Suggesting we've handled it better than any other country is cognitive dissonance at its utmost.
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Alright, I'm well past the point of feeding this fed horse. I've made my last post about coronavirus. I sincerely hope everyone on here, as well as their friends and loved ones, makes it through this safely.
The models showing 200000 or higher deaths we’re figuring only 50 percent of Americans would follow social distancing guidelines which it turns out more people did follow them which is why fewer casualties are projected. Turns out only about 30 percent aren’t following them which unsurprisingly is basically Trumps base.

You have severe mental issues. Seek help
Unless it comes from Fauci or Brix i'm not buying a word that comes from the WH.
What are you thinking? Two elderly medical bureaucrats who talk out of both sides of their mouths and have made incorrect statements time and time again. Just getting their final 15 minutes of fame.

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