Wow. About time.
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He finally grew a pair after gargling Trump balls for the last four years.Zuckerberg banned him from Facebook and IG as well! Haha
who has all the saved tweets. so much glory gone in an instant.
The fun part about this is going to be Trump supporters juggling the term censorship while also believing in less government oversight of business practices. Will be the Olympics of mental gymnastics.
The state capitols, especially throughout the south, are going to be dealing with dangerous militias over the next 12 days and possibly beyond. I am convinced of that.
Another Q proof in the bank and proof that you dicks are the modern day brownshirts.
Another Q proof in the bank and proof that you dicks are the modern day brownshirts.
lolololol Trump just tried to tweet from the @POTUS account and it got immediately deleted. Old boy has to be losing his mind right now.
lolololol Trump just tried to tweet from the @POTUS account and it got immediately deleted. Old boy has to be losing his mind right now.
Huh so should the state force the private business to do as the strong man government says? Whos the Marxist? Man these mental Olympics are off to a hot start.
Another Q proof in the bank and proof that you dicks are the modern day brownshirts.
Honestly, we should all have a problem with this. The fact that certain people think it’s cool, is absurd. Has trump been a dickhead, recently? Yep. But, what about the scores of others that were wiped from Twitter last night? Again, were some of them dickheads, too? Yep. But, some were legit. What about the google play marketplace banning parler? I don’t care what side of the aisle you are on, the suppression of free speech is a huge issue.
Quick note for the window lickers: do not conflate suppression of free speech with violation of first amendment rights. I know they’re different things. TIA.
Honestly, we should all have a problem with this. The fact that certain people think it’s cool, is absurd. Has trump been a dickhead, recently? Yep. But, what about the scores of others that were wiped from Twitter last night? Again, were some of them dickheads, too? Yep. But, some were legit. What about the google play marketplace banning parler? I don’t care what side of the aisle you are on, the suppression of free speech is a huge issue.
Quick note for the window lickers: do not conflate suppression of free speech with violation of first amendment rights. I know they’re different things. TIA.
Right, these mental gymnastics are incredible I award BionicTiger a 8.5 score out of 10. Trump and his ilk of fear mongerers and disinformation artists are being removed from platforms which are hosted by private companies. They aren't have their speech suppressed. I guess they should not have violated the terms of service of their social media platforms.Yelling “FIRE” in a theater isn’t an expression of free speech, nor is its opprobrium a violation of first amendment rights.
But more so, a private business can suppress whatever types of speech it pleases within its place of operation, including political solicitation.
Honestly, we should all have a problem with this. The fact that certain people think it’s cool, is absurd. Has trump been a dickhead, recently? Yep. But, what about the scores of others that were wiped from Twitter last night? Again, were some of them dickheads, too? Yep. But, some were legit. What about the google play marketplace banning parler? I don’t care what side of the aisle you are on, the suppression of free speech is a huge issue.
Quick note for the window lickers: do not conflate suppression of free speech with violation of first amendment rights. I know they’re different things. TIA.
Colin Kapernick kneels during the anthem. “Get that SOB off the field!”
trump incites a riot that results in five deaths - including a policeman being beaten to death with a fire extinguisher - and subsequently gets banned by Twitter. “They are suppressing his free speech!”
Right, these mental gymnastics are incredible I award BionicTiger a 8.5 score out of 10. Trump and his ilk of fear mongerers and disinformation artists are being removed from platforms which are hosted by private companies. They aren't have their speech suppressed. I guess they should not have violated the terms of service of their social media platforms.
I assume you also think that Harris should have been removed from Twitter as well for violations of terms of service? IMO, a private business removing trump for certain posts is fine as long as we aren’t selectively enforcing the violation of rules. It’s the selective enforcement that’s at the heart of the issue.
Not sure what this is trying to prove? Isnt is a conservative view point to let private companies work without government oversight and restriction? Funny how just like States Rights, this belief changes when it effects you.
Also, maybe with Donald Trump it's just a loooonngg history of breaking twitter rules. They have warned him about spreading disinformation, he continued to spread lies. He finally crossed the line when he celebrated and congratulated people who had just attacked the seat of our government and caused 5 deaths, including a Police Officer.
Dude, I would think twice before you choose to die on the Hill if Donald Trump. He demands loyalty, but as we've seen,he has zero loyalty for you or anyone else.
You talk about a "potential danger" when we have already seen this week the actual danger of Donald Trump and his unhinged following.Im not dying on any hill. I’ve made it very clear what I think about his behavior and handling of the election. I also clearly stated I’m fine with a private business revoking his right to use their product or service. It’s a dangerous precedent, and I’d rather see no one get censored and individuals/society collectively allowed to make judgments on their own. A private business is within its rights to do so, though. I simply said, you’re setting a dangerous precedent - as a business - when selectively allowing and disallowing people to use your services.
Take trump out of it. This debate is bigger than him, and frankly I’ve already said it’s their right to remove him and my issue is with selective removal - especially on platforms that want to be treated alternatively as platform or publisher depending on the situation. YouTube demonetizing a guy like Rogan for a single guest who he himself has stated is insane. Twitter removing legit journalists. Not the conspiracy theory or baseless nonsense peddlers but actual journalists. Google play disallowing parler in its App Store. You can’t really make a free market argument when you censor one platform and then disallow the competing platform’s ability to compete. And in doing so, what you’ve done in censoring individuals or taking away a business’s ability to make money is really remove the free market facet of the argument anyways. The free market attempted to function the way it’s supposed to. That ability was denied.
So, we’re now eliminating or severely impeding competition, and simultaneously making or at least allowing a small group of large corporations to be the arbiters of wrongthought or speech while they already impact the flow of information on various levels. I’ve made my thoughts clear on what happened at the capitol and a certain leader’s role in fanning those flames. But, his removal was not about what he did being dangerous or stupid (which it was). If it were, isis wouldn’t have had recruitment accounts active for months at a time. Khomeini wouldn’t have an active account. Certain accounts linked to Chinese officials shouldn’t exist. Does John McAfee still have an account? His was bat shit.
it’s fine to admit that what Trump has used the platform for at times is stupid and reckless while also holding the opinion that selective censorship by company’s that have large amounts of inherent impact on the flow of information - even if technically legal - is a slippery slope and one people should probably be at least a little uncomfortable with.
Another Q proof in the bank and proof that you dicks are the modern day brownshirts.
You talk about a "potential danger" when we have already seen this week the actual danger of Donald Trump and his unhinged following.
Be more concerned about the reality and not the pie in the sky maybes.
And the ability for some of you to rationalize standing up for despicable human beings is impressive.The zeal with which some of you cosign the incremental theft of your own freedoms is incredible to watch.