UFO Bombshell: U.S. Intelligence Whistleblower Says Feds Have 'Intact' Craft


Gold Member
Dec 21, 2001
Some of the news channels ran segments on this story last night. IMO this is a reality and has been kept secret for a long time. Why they are bringing it out now is a big question.

David Grusch says the government has been lying to Americans for decades about what it has really found.

Ed Mazza

Ed Mazza
Jun 6, 2023, 01:00 AM EDT

A whistleblower who served in the U.S. military and in several intelligence roles says the federal government has multiple craft of “non-human” origin ― and has been working overtime to cover it up.
“These are retrieving non-human origin technical vehicles, call it spacecraft if you will, non-human exotic origin vehicles that have either landed or crashed,” David Grusch told NewsNation on Monday evening.
In some cases, agents found more than just vehicles.
“Well, naturally, when you recover something that’s either landed or crashed, sometimes you encounter dead pilots and, believe it or not, as fantastical as that sounds, it’s true,” he said.

Eariler in the day, The Debrief reported that Grusch has told both Congress and the U.S. Inspector General that this information was illegally withheld from lawmakers, who have recently held hearings on UFO activity.
The U.S. military now prefers the acronym UAP, for “unidentified aerial phenomena” or “unidentified anomalous phenomena.”
Grusch ― who saw combat in Afghanistan, served several roles in the U.S. intelligence community and was the National Reconnaissance Office’s representative to the UAP Task Force ― told The Debrief the U.S. government and its contractors have been retrieving material for decades.
“The material includes intact and partially intact vehicles,” he told the website, which said the objects were analyzed and determined to be from “non-human intelligence, whether extraterrestrial or unknown origin.”
He said he is already facing retaliation and has hired an attorney as he seeks whistleblower protection.
Grusch told NewsNation he’s not alone.
“People started to confide in me. Approach me. I have plenty of senior, former intelligence officers that came to me, many of which I knew almost my whole career, that confided in me that they were part of a program,” he said.
Grusch’s claim is backed by reports from others, including a defense contractor who The New York Times reported in 2020 had briefed Defense Department officials on a range of discoveries such as items retrieved from “off-world vehicles not made on this Earth.”
It also comes amid a remarkable period in which the U.S. military has for the first time admitted to encounters with objects that seem to defy known technology.
In a 2014 incident, a Navy Super Hornet pilot almost collided with an unidentified flying object during a mission near Virginia Beach, Virginia. Footage from 2015 shows two Navy pilots tracking an unidentified object flying off the East Coast.
Wow! What is that, man? Look at that flying!” one of the pilots said in the clip.
Another clip released in recent years shows what has come to be known as the “Tic Tac,” or a craft that resembles the minty candies flying off the coast of California in footage first revealed in 2017 by The New York Times and The Washington Post.
The Navy later verified the authenticity of the footage.
“My personal belief is that there is very compelling evidence that we may not be alone,” Luis Elizondo, the former military intelligence official who led a government UFO program, told CNN in 2017.
Grusch told NewsNation the feds have known about all this for decades ― and have been lying to the public about it.
“There is a sophisticated disinformation campaign targeting the U.S. populace which is extremely unethical and immoral,” he said.


The former intelligence officer who claims the US government has recovered multiple UFOs of 'non-human origin' has also claimed that dead pilots have been retrieved from wreckages.

David Charles Grusch, an Air Force veteran and former member of the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, said the US and other nations are engaged in a top-secret arms race to 'reverse-engineer' alien technology.
Deep state is bringing this out now imo to set the stage for a fake ufo invasion to quash the America First movement if Trump wins and then immediately usher in a one world govt. to fight off the invasion. Mark it down. Heard it here.
Deep state is bringing this out now imo to set the stage for a fake ufo invasion to quash the America First movement if Trump wins and then immediately usher in a one world govt. to fight off the invasion. Mark it down. Heard it here.
To be fair …. @areeves has been saying this is coming for years soooo no … my friend … you cannot claim credit ;)
To be fair …. @areeves has been saying this is coming for years soooo no … my friend … you cannot claim credit ;)
It’s called operation Blue Beam & according to an FBI whistleblower, military & Commercial Aircraft will be shot down @ multiple cities will take on massive damage & casualties. This attack will solidify why, according to the NWO plan, we need a One World Government!
To be fair …. @areeves has been saying this is coming for years soooo no … my friend … you cannot claim credit ;)
It’s called operation Blue Beam & according to an FBI whistleblower, military & Commercial Aircraft will be shot down @ multiple cities will take on massive damage & casualties. This attack will solidify why, according to the NWO plan, we need a One World Government!

The much more concerning threat is when China invaded Taiwan. This will cause the Third Horseman of the Apocalypse, which is the Rider On the Black Horse, which is Hyper-Inflation, to reach its pinnacle.

Taiwan supplies anywhere from 66-80% of the computer chips for the world. The NWO set it up this way & that’s the real reason why China, with the consent of the other NWO Global Leaders will invade Taiwan. This will send the cost of everything soaring on a global scale. This will lead to Hyperinflation on steroids.

America will retaliate against China & this will lead to China & probably Russia attacking American cities with tactical nukes & an EMP. This will lead to Martial Law being enacted in America. NWO Authorities will go door to door, proclaiming America was hit with Tactical Nukes & an EMP. Americans will be forced to be transported to FEMA Camps. Citizens will be told food, water, shelter, clothing & other provisions will be provided to them once @ the FEMA Camps. Citizens Will also be promised they can return home after it’s deemed safe. THIS IS A LIE! Once @ the FEMA Camps, this is where the “Great Reset” Biden speaks about will be implemented. This is the culmination of the Fourth Seal, which is the Rider on the Pale Horse, who’s name is “DEATH.” The Fourth Horseman of the Apocalypse has been given authority over 1/4 of the earth, to kill with the sword (Weapons, Nukes, an EMP & Guillotines.)

Citizens Will be given Two Choices… Either Agree to Be Re-Educated, Receive The RFID Chip (Mark of the Beast)…Revelation 13, 14, 20) & Worship The Beast/Antichrist. Failure to do so will result in Termination by Guillotine. Those who refuse to Receive The Mark of the Beast Won’t Be Able To Buy Or Sell.

All Global Leaders Are Working Together. What I’m Describing Has Been Planned By The NWO Global Leaders & Global
Elite For A Long Time. What I’m describing Can Be Found In Revelation 6-20. I Encourage You To Read It For Yourself!!!

Those Who Receive The Mark of the Beast (RFID Chip) & or Worship The Beast/Antichrist Will Be The Recipient Of One Or More Judgments From GOD. They Will Have No Rest Day Or Night. They Will Be Slaves To The NWO. They Will Be Forced Into 500 Square Foot Apartments With No Air Conditioning & Limited Water Use. They Will Be Told Where They Can & Can’t Live & Visit. This is due to Agenda 21, Which Was Signed Into Law by George Bush SR in 1992. The Reason For these Stringent Laws Will Be “Climate Change Crisis.” Fossil Fuels & Humanity Are Shouldering The Blame For The Climate Change Crisis. The Truth Is, The Have Been Spraying Us With Chemtrails Since The 1930’s!

Once An Individual Who Has Received The Mark Of The Beast & Or Worshiped The Beast/Antichrist Perishes, They Will Spend Eternity In The Lake Of Fire. (Revelation 14, 20:15)

Now For The Good News….

JESUS Said In John 3:3 “Unless A Man Is Born Again, He Cannot Enter The Kingdom Of Heaven”

JESUS Also Said, “For GOD So Loved The World, HE Gave HIS Only Begotten SON, That Whoever Believes In HIM Should NOT Perish But Should Have Eternal Life.”

JESUS Said, “I’m The Way, The Truth &
The Life, No One Comes To The FATHER but Through ME.”

JESUS Said, “If You Confess ME Before Men, I’ll Confess You Before MY FATHER & HiS Angels But, If You’re Ashamed Of ME & MY Words, I’ll Be Ashamed Of You, When You Stand Before My FATHER & HIS Angels.”

Romans 10:9 Says, “If You Confess With Your Mouth The LORD JESUS & Believe In Your Heart GOD Raised HIM
from The Dead, You Shall Be Saved.”

JESUS Said, “If You Love ME, You’ll Follow MY Commands.”

Revelation 20:15 Says, “Whoever’s Name Was Not Found Written In The Lambs Book Of Life Was Cast Into The Lake Of Fire.”

We’re Very Late In The Game & I Want Everyone Who Reads This To Go To Heaven. GOD Wants Everyone To Go To Heaven As Well. To Do This, We Must Know JESUS, No Expectations!!!

A Relationship With GOD Through JESUS Starts With A Prayer…. If You Want To Be Saved, Say This Prayer….,

Dear Heavenly FATHER, I Come To You In JESUS’s Name, GOD, I Believe JESUS Died On The Cross For My Sins. I Believe YOU Raised HIM On The Third Day. I Recognize I’m A Sinner & I Ask YOU To Forgive Me Of All My Sins. I Turn Away From My Sins & I Turn Towards YOU With All My Heart, Soul, Mind & Strength. Thank YOU For Saving Me. I Ask The Holy Spirit To Come Live Inside Of Me. In JESUS’s Name! Amen!

If You Said That Prayer, Your Name Is Written In The Lambs Book Of Life.

This Is The First Step In Having A Relationship With GOD Through JESUS.

Read The Bible Daily, Start With John 14,15, 16 & 17… then go back & read John from the beginning.

Pray Daily…. Thank GOD Daily For Saving You & Thank HIM For Everything In Your Life. Your Health, Roof Over Your Head, Job, Family, Food etc

I Cannot Emphasize How Important It Is To Pray & Read The Bible Daily. Also, A Couple Of Preachers Who Will Help Increase Your Faith & Strengthen Your Relationship With GOD…., John MacArthur, Jentezen Franklin, James Merritt are a few who will Bless You.

We All Have A Sin Nature & The Only Way To Live A GODLY Life Is To Feed Our Spirit With GOD’s Word. The Wages Of Sin Is Death.

JESUS Said, “Strive To Enter Through The Narrow Gate, For Wide & Broad Is The Way That Leads To Destruction ( Hell) & Many Are Those Who Enter In, But The Way That Leads To Life Is Very Narrow & Few Are Those Who Find It.”

It’s Impossible To Walk This Narrow Road Without Praying Daily & Reading & Listening To GOD’s Word Daily.

GOD Bless!!!
Some of the news channels ran segments on this story last night. IMO this is a reality and has been kept secret for a long time. Why they are bringing it out now is a big question.

David Grusch says the government has been lying to Americans for decades about what it has really found.
Ed Mazza
Ed Mazza
Jun 6, 2023, 01:00 AM EDT

A whistleblower who served in the U.S. military and in several intelligence roles says the federal government has multiple craft of “non-human” origin ― and has been working overtime to cover it up.
“These are retrieving non-human origin technical vehicles, call it spacecraft if you will, non-human exotic origin vehicles that have either landed or crashed,” David Grusch told NewsNation on Monday evening.
In some cases, agents found more than just vehicles.
“Well, naturally, when you recover something that’s either landed or crashed, sometimes you encounter dead pilots and, believe it or not, as fantastical as that sounds, it’s true,” he said.

Eariler in the day, The Debrief reported that Grusch has told both Congress and the U.S. Inspector General that this information was illegally withheld from lawmakers, who have recently held hearings on UFO activity.
The U.S. military now prefers the acronym UAP, for “unidentified aerial phenomena” or “unidentified anomalous phenomena.”
Grusch ― who saw combat in Afghanistan, served several roles in the U.S. intelligence community and was the National Reconnaissance Office’s representative to the UAP Task Force ― told The Debrief the U.S. government and its contractors have been retrieving material for decades.
“The material includes intact and partially intact vehicles,” he told the website, which said the objects were analyzed and determined to be from “non-human intelligence, whether extraterrestrial or unknown origin.”
He said he is already facing retaliation and has hired an attorney as he seeks whistleblower protection.
Grusch told NewsNation he’s not alone.
“People started to confide in me. Approach me. I have plenty of senior, former intelligence officers that came to me, many of which I knew almost my whole career, that confided in me that they were part of a program,” he said.
Grusch’s claim is backed by reports from others, including a defense contractor who The New York Times reported in 2020 had briefed Defense Department officials on a range of discoveries such as items retrieved from “off-world vehicles not made on this Earth.”
It also comes amid a remarkable period in which the U.S. military has for the first time admitted to encounters with objects that seem to defy known technology.
In a 2014 incident, a Navy Super Hornet pilot almost collided with an unidentified flying object during a mission near Virginia Beach, Virginia. Footage from 2015 shows two Navy pilots tracking an unidentified object flying off the East Coast.
Wow! What is that, man? Look at that flying!” one of the pilots said in the clip.
Another clip released in recent years shows what has come to be known as the “Tic Tac,” or a craft that resembles the minty candies flying off the coast of California in footage first revealed in 2017 by The New York Times and The Washington Post.
The Navy later verified the authenticity of the footage.
“My personal belief is that there is very compelling evidence that we may not be alone,” Luis Elizondo, the former military intelligence official who led a government UFO program, told CNN in 2017.
Grusch told NewsNation the feds have known about all this for decades ― and have been lying to the public about it.
“There is a sophisticated disinformation campaign targeting the U.S. populace which is extremely unethical and immoral,” he said.

There’s going to be a UFO invasion orchestrated by The NWO. It’s called Operation Blue Beam. There’s authentic UFO craft that are manufactured by Aliens/Demons. Then there are UFOS manufactured with UFO/Alien/Demon Technology. Lockheed Martin is a manufacturer of such craft. When the Aliens/Demons were sharing their trade secrets with the NWO governments, they withheld vital information. The UFOS created By Lockheed Martin don’t have the ability to disappear like authentic ones do. The ones created by Lockheed Martin will be used in Operation Blue Beam. According to a FBI Whistleblower, military & commercial airplanes will be shot down. Cities in America will sustain heavy damage. This attack will help the NWO usher in the need for a One World Government to unify against further attacks.

EXCLUSIVE: Crashed UFO recovered by the US military 'distorted space and time,' leaving one investigator 'nauseous and disoriented' when he went in and discovered it was much larger inside than out, attorney for whistleblowers reveals​

Evidence of extra terrestrial life will be slightly more shocking to me than finding out the Queen of England died. She was old, space is big. Both are totally expected as far as I'm concerned.
Some of the news channels ran segments on this story last night. IMO this is a reality and has been kept secret for a long time. Why they are bringing it out now is a big question.

David Grusch says the government has been lying to Americans for decades about what it has really found.
Ed Mazza
Ed Mazza
Jun 6, 2023, 01:00 AM EDT

A whistleblower who served in the U.S. military and in several intelligence roles says the federal government has multiple craft of “non-human” origin ― and has been working overtime to cover it up.
“These are retrieving non-human origin technical vehicles, call it spacecraft if you will, non-human exotic origin vehicles that have either landed or crashed,” David Grusch told NewsNation on Monday evening.
In some cases, agents found more than just vehicles.
“Well, naturally, when you recover something that’s either landed or crashed, sometimes you encounter dead pilots and, believe it or not, as fantastical as that sounds, it’s true,” he said.

Eariler in the day, The Debrief reported that Grusch has told both Congress and the U.S. Inspector General that this information was illegally withheld from lawmakers, who have recently held hearings on UFO activity.
The U.S. military now prefers the acronym UAP, for “unidentified aerial phenomena” or “unidentified anomalous phenomena.”
Grusch ― who saw combat in Afghanistan, served several roles in the U.S. intelligence community and was the National Reconnaissance Office’s representative to the UAP Task Force ― told The Debrief the U.S. government and its contractors have been retrieving material for decades.
“The material includes intact and partially intact vehicles,” he told the website, which said the objects were analyzed and determined to be from “non-human intelligence, whether extraterrestrial or unknown origin.”
He said he is already facing retaliation and has hired an attorney as he seeks whistleblower protection.
Grusch told NewsNation he’s not alone.
“People started to confide in me. Approach me. I have plenty of senior, former intelligence officers that came to me, many of which I knew almost my whole career, that confided in me that they were part of a program,” he said.
Grusch’s claim is backed by reports from others, including a defense contractor who The New York Times reported in 2020 had briefed Defense Department officials on a range of discoveries such as items retrieved from “off-world vehicles not made on this Earth.”
It also comes amid a remarkable period in which the U.S. military has for the first time admitted to encounters with objects that seem to defy known technology.
In a 2014 incident, a Navy Super Hornet pilot almost collided with an unidentified flying object during a mission near Virginia Beach, Virginia. Footage from 2015 shows two Navy pilots tracking an unidentified object flying off the East Coast.
Wow! What is that, man? Look at that flying!” one of the pilots said in the clip.
Another clip released in recent years shows what has come to be known as the “Tic Tac,” or a craft that resembles the minty candies flying off the coast of California in footage first revealed in 2017 by The New York Times and The Washington Post.
The Navy later verified the authenticity of the footage.
“My personal belief is that there is very compelling evidence that we may not be alone,” Luis Elizondo, the former military intelligence official who led a government UFO program, told CNN in 2017.
Grusch told NewsNation the feds have known about all this for decades ― and have been lying to the public about it.
“There is a sophisticated disinformation campaign targeting the U.S. populace which is extremely unethical and immoral,” he said.

Of all the crazy conspiracy bullshit you post, this might be the one thing I’m somewhat inclined to believe.

I think it’s really a mathematical impossibility that there isn’t other life somewhere in the infinite universe, and it would only halfway shock me if we found out that there had been evidence of other life found but hidden for whatever reason.

Kind of doubt it would be an aircraft though, but hey, who knows.

Is UFO/ET Disclosure a Deep State PsyOp? — Expert Author and Historian John W. Warner IV Describes the Complicated Reality Behind the Military-Industrial Complex and a Changing World Order​

By Shawn Bradley Witzemann Jun. 28, 2023 8:00 pm

John W. Warner IV: Author of the “Little Anton” historical fiction series

John W. Warner IV doesn’t mince words.

“There’s a single business that makes more money than any other in the world,” the noted author and historian with deep roots in the intelligence community and military-industrial complex told me in a phone call on Tuesday evening.
“Human Trafficking.”
Although Warner’s assessment may be shocking to some, his lifelong understanding of deep-state political intrigue provides unimpeachable gravitas. The nitty-gritty gets only more complicated.

As the son of the late Virginia Senator John Warner and mother, Catherine Mellon(Heiress to the Mellon banking fortune), John IV has a unique insider’s perspective of the mechanisms of power in the U.S. Government and beyond.
Senator John Warren

Late Virginia Senator and former Secretary of the Navy, John Warren
“30 years ago, my dad told me flat-out,” he explains bluntly. “All politicians — even presidents — are bought and paid for before they even enter office.”
Like every other facet of society, Warner says economic and diplomatic considerations drive the recent UFO and Extraterrestrial public relations surge.

“If you come out tomorrow and everyone says UFO and ET are real, that’s not a big deal,” Warner explains, “The big deal is what treaties, agreements, and contracts have been written with ET over the decades for military technology through illegal funding streams and weapon sales.”

Warner highlights the work of Joseph P. Farrell, considered by many as the world’s preeminent researcher of the financial mechanisms that drive black ops, covert wars, and efforts to build breakaway civilizations.

Understanding the obfuscation of illegal financing through diabolical methods of transferring value is how conversation inevitably comes to human trafficking.
“This is where we’re headed,” Warner explains while pointing out the existence of a matrix of misinformation constructed by a ruling elite.
“Unfortunately, people have a very distorted view of reality, and I don’t blame them,” Warner says, “Religions, media, and movies — TV, governments, and politicians have gone through great strides — intel agencies — to construct a false reality that we live in.”
Perhaps unfortunately, for any efforts to disseminate the actual truth, Warner says a lack of public faith in existing institutions further complicates honest efforts.
“A lot of people don’t buy into it, whether instinctively or intellectually,” he explains, “For me, it was a matter of both.”

Warner says official control of the disclosure narrative continues to slip.

“I think what’s happening with this Grusch thing is that the UAP Task Force and my cousin Chris Mellon and all these people — they’re kind of playing a game,” Warner says, “They’re disclosing a little, but we remember Congressional investigations into UFOs and eyewitnesses going back to the sixties.”

“But the public doesn’t remember that,” he explains, “So I take issue with my cousin and his team sort of spinning things their own way.”

Christopher Mellon

Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Christopher Mellon appears on ExoMagazinTV, 10/25/22
Nevertheless, Warner understands the near-endless complexities involved with any disclosure effort.
“There’s no easy way to disclose any of this stuff — it’s all wrapped up in so much dirty laundry that one way or another in the next 10 to 20 years, it’s all gonna unravel,” Warner says.
After three years of Covid related psychological warfare operations and decades of climate change propaganda, the public is suspicious of anything the government says.

When it comes to any official discussion of ETs, large swaths of the population smell bullshit.

Warner says some of it is:

“The deep state comprises a few white hats and a few black hats, but it’s mostly gray. My cousin and his team and all these other people, Hal Puthoff and others — I mean, they’re all gray hats. Believe it or not, they’re the younger generation.”
As the original black hats approach the latter stages of life — aging into their eighties and nineties — Warner cites his understanding of history and says their influence wanes:
“You have to wait for them because they hold so much money and power to die off. And that’s what’s happening here.”

Warner describes a vast, multipolar deep-state comprised of compartmentalized factions who continue to jockey for control of the complete UFO, ET File:

“My impression is if you stack pages from the file from floor to ceiling, it’s a minimum of 30 feet high,” he explains, “My cousin Chris Mellon got maybe one foot.”
“So these are the people they answer to — higher powers, stakeholders, or whatever — they have been compartmentalized themselves,” Warner says.
This compartmentalization, Warner explains, worked somewhat effectively for controlling the message, but 80 years of secrecy is an overall failure. Even if full disclosure is just around the corner, much of the public is disinterested.
Hal Puthoff

Dr. Harold Puthoff appears on 8 News NOW Las Vegas, 6/8/18

So how to make people care about the most important issue in human history?

“There’s a lot of distractions, but there’ll be a tipping point where people are forced to pay attention,” Warner says, “The release of zero point Energy and cold fusion technologies, severe magnetic fields, and high voltage scaler stuff will change the world overnight. Fortunes will be lost, and that’s when people start to care — when it hits them in the wallet.”

“It’s still very taboo, and a lot of people don’t wanna talk about it,” says Warner.

Nevertheless, reasonably discussing unexplained phenomena is necessary for America’s future success and prosperity.​

“It’s like a sinking ship — everyone has to cooperate,” Warner explains, “We’re listing to port, and we’re taking on water, and people are fighting about what color to paint the smoke stack. We’re arguing about the wrong things, which needs to change.”
Even though division is at an all-time high, Warner remains somewhat optimistic. Repetitive assault on traditional values inadvertently awakened conservative America — the anger has opened their eyes.

With any luck, Warner hopes more ears will be ready to hear.

“Unless we start talking about it in meaningful ways, we’re doomed on this planet as a species,” John W. Warner IV explains,

“There’s no precedent in human history that goes along with this issue because it’s almost endless — it will consume the earth as far as intellectualism goes for the next a hundred years.”

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Of all the crazy conspiracy bullshit you post, this might be the one thing I’m somewhat inclined to believe.

I think it’s really a mathematical impossibility that there isn’t other life somewhere in the infinite universe, and it would only halfway shock me if we found out that there had been evidence of other life found but hidden for whatever reason.

Kind of doubt it would be an aircraft though, but hey, who knows.
Young Sheldon is currently in the top 5 of shows in America. We can't be the smartest species out there.
Some of the news channels ran segments on this story last night. IMO this is a reality and has been kept secret for a long time. Why they are bringing it out now is a big question.

David Grusch says the government has been lying to Americans for decades about what it has really found.
Ed Mazza
Ed Mazza
Jun 6, 2023, 01:00 AM EDT

A whistleblower who served in the U.S. military and in several intelligence roles says the federal government has multiple craft of “non-human” origin ― and has been working overtime to cover it up.
“These are retrieving non-human origin technical vehicles, call it spacecraft if you will, non-human exotic origin vehicles that have either landed or crashed,” David Grusch told NewsNation on Monday evening.
In some cases, agents found more than just vehicles.
“Well, naturally, when you recover something that’s either landed or crashed, sometimes you encounter dead pilots and, believe it or not, as fantastical as that sounds, it’s true,” he said.

Eariler in the day, The Debrief reported that Grusch has told both Congress and the U.S. Inspector General that this information was illegally withheld from lawmakers, who have recently held hearings on UFO activity.
The U.S. military now prefers the acronym UAP, for “unidentified aerial phenomena” or “unidentified anomalous phenomena.”
Grusch ― who saw combat in Afghanistan, served several roles in the U.S. intelligence community and was the National Reconnaissance Office’s representative to the UAP Task Force ― told The Debrief the U.S. government and its contractors have been retrieving material for decades.
“The material includes intact and partially intact vehicles,” he told the website, which said the objects were analyzed and determined to be from “non-human intelligence, whether extraterrestrial or unknown origin.”
He said he is already facing retaliation and has hired an attorney as he seeks whistleblower protection.
Grusch told NewsNation he’s not alone.
“People started to confide in me. Approach me. I have plenty of senior, former intelligence officers that came to me, many of which I knew almost my whole career, that confided in me that they were part of a program,” he said.
Grusch’s claim is backed by reports from others, including a defense contractor who The New York Times reported in 2020 had briefed Defense Department officials on a range of discoveries such as items retrieved from “off-world vehicles not made on this Earth.”
It also comes amid a remarkable period in which the U.S. military has for the first time admitted to encounters with objects that seem to defy known technology.
In a 2014 incident, a Navy Super Hornet pilot almost collided with an unidentified flying object during a mission near Virginia Beach, Virginia. Footage from 2015 shows two Navy pilots tracking an unidentified object flying off the East Coast.
Wow! What is that, man? Look at that flying!” one of the pilots said in the clip.
Another clip released in recent years shows what has come to be known as the “Tic Tac,” or a craft that resembles the minty candies flying off the coast of California in footage first revealed in 2017 by The New York Times and The Washington Post.
The Navy later verified the authenticity of the footage.
“My personal belief is that there is very compelling evidence that we may not be alone,” Luis Elizondo, the former military intelligence official who led a government UFO program, told CNN in 2017.
Grusch told NewsNation the feds have known about all this for decades ― and have been lying to the public about it.
“There is a sophisticated disinformation campaign targeting the U.S. populace which is extremely unethical and immoral,” he said.

Naturally, the aliens would exclusively land their crafts in the US.
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Just opinions here. Nobody knows. No aliens out there. Humans are the only show in town. If i wanted to believe in something... id say more likely demonic... Fallen angel type of a thing rather than the hollywood alien stuff
I am thinking this angle myself and its all tied into what is occurring in the world related to the mass migration, exposed massive child sex trafficking and the craziness in politics.

NEW: Tucker Carlson says ‘Aliens’ are one of the few topics he is scared to cover, says the things he has learned are so dark that he can’t even tell his wife.

“There's a spiritual component there that I don't fully understand.”

“There are parts of that story that I do not understand at all that are really, really, really dark. It's so dark that I haven't told my wife about it.”

“Parts of the government don't want you to know about it, but part of it is the public can't deal with it. It's too far out. The implications are too profound.”

NEW: Tucker Carlson says ‘Aliens’ are one of the few topics he is scared to cover, says the things he has learned are so dark that he can’t even tell his wife.

“There's a spiritual component there that I don't fully understand.”

“There are parts of that story that I do not understand at all that are really, really, really dark. It's so dark that I haven't told my wife about it.”

“Parts of the government don't want you to know about it, but part of it is the public can't deal with it. It's too far out. The implications are too profound.”
I know this about aliens/fallen angels, they are demonic, they are of Satan’s kingdom & they live off of the bodily fluids of humans & animals. They have a putrid odor. They have developed far superior technology than humans.

Global Leaders are interested in their technology & aliens/fallen angels are interested in abductions.

Lockheed Martin has manufactured alien/fallen angel UFO’s. In fact, I have a pic of one on my phone along with a pic of a real alien. It was given to me by an acquaintance whose brother is in the A.F. with high clearance. The craft Lockheed Martin built has a surface temperature of 400 degrees Fahrenheit & travels @ 17,000 miles per hour. During the information exchange between the aliens/fallen angels with the different governments, the aliens/fallen angels left out one piece of information, how to make the craft disappear & reappear! The craft Lockheed Martin built doesn’t have that capability.

There will be a UFO/alien/fallen angel invasion called Operation Blue Beam, using the craft built by Lockheed Martin. According to a former FBI whistleblower, cities will be severely damaged & both military & commercial aircraft will be shot down. Holograms will also be used in this deceptive event. This event, orchestrated by entities within the NWO, will galvanize the world for the need for a One World Government to further combat further attacks. Aliens/fallen angels will play a key role in Satan’s Deception on humanity.

Their message to civilization will be “You Didn’t Come From GOD, You Came From Us, Do XY&Z & You Can Have Our Intelligence & Superiority.” I Believe they will encourage people to receive the Mark Of The Beast (RFID Chip) & Worship The Beast/Antichrist.
That’s at a Phish concert from 2022, they are inflatables controlled by small commercial drones. You can even see the creases in the material on the dolphin as it zooms by

Buuuuuuuuuuut considering it was a Phish concert I’m sure there were people saying “Whooooooa maaaaaaaan whale aliens maaaaaaan”
That’s at a Phish concert from 2022, they are inflatables controlled by small commercial drones. You can even see the creases in the material on the dolphin as it zooms by

Buuuuuuuuuuut considering it was a Phish concert I’m sure there were people saying “Whooooooa maaaaaaaan whale aliens maaaaaaan”
Copy. The x poster said it was holograms.
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