The lower income areas of our state actually get MORE money per student than the higher income areas. My socialist, liveral son didn't believe it either, til he looked it up.
Has nothing to do with money in schools. BTE, i went to a private school in Orangeburg that spent 1/2 the money, per student, that the local public school spent, and our avg SAT scores were 250pts higher. 97% of my high school class went to college. There is simply no bigger waste of tax dollars than public education. We should privatize education immediately if we had a brain. And yes, we had all the major sports, band, and school buses, so don't even think of going there. One of the biggest problems with socialized school is that under 50% of the $ spent ever gets to the school. The majority is wasted on beaurocracy which produces nothing, just like everything else the government does.
If you don't believe what I'm telling you, look it up. All this info is available on the Internet.