After a 6 week review we are officially cancelling 83% of the programs at USAID.

The 5200 contracts that are now cancelled spent tens of billions of dollars in ways that did not serve, (and in some cases even harmed), the core national interests of the United States.

In consultation with Congress, we intend for the remaining 18% of programs we are keeping (approximately 1000) to now be administered more effectively under the State Department.

Thank you to DOGE and our hardworking staff who worked very long hours to achieve this overdue and historic reform.

It is not a coincidence that just as Trump & Elon started disassembling the USAID money laundering machine, we now see organized violence against Tesla across the US

USAID funded Deep State regime overthrow operations across the world

Now they’re using those same funds & tactics to try and stop the Trump admin from cutting them off

Start arresting the culprits

Barack Obama was using USAID to pretend to send money to a country for “aid” and instead laundering it to the Cayman Islands

He would then use that money to fund and train “Rent-a-Riots” for protests to overthrow governments

Sound familiar?

Mike Benz on Joe Rogan: “A scandal during the Obama USAID era. We were running a number of rogue USAID operations in Cuba at the time. — I'm simply showing the American people where your tax dollars are going and how these things are structured in order to systematically fool you and to fool Congress and to fool the White House:

— USAID pumped $1.2 billion in, and we sponsored these activist groups and these civil society organizations to learn how to use Facebook, learn how to use Twitter, lose, learn how to use hashtags, learn how to coordinate street protests so that everyone knows where to go, what street to show up on, what kind of slogans to know, to use in order to create the pro-democracy predicate for it.”

He talks about how Obama funded a Twitter clone that would be used to push propaganda in Cuba to inspire these protests and overthrow the government (Mike Benz explains how Barack Obama overthrew many governments)

“So what they did is they took the exact same thing as Twitter, same user interface, same like, and retweet button zunzunio is, is the Cuban slang word for hummingbird. So just, it means it's it's bird, it was the Twitter bird, the whole thing. But the whole trick about it was you have to make it look like it's coming from the Cubans if you're going to do this operation

— We can get into the deeper layers of this, but contractors were funded by USAID

The data would then be used for micro targeting efforts towards anti and pro government users. In Cuba, the developers aim to, at first used non-controversial content such as sports and music and hurricane updates — What was the plan the whole time? Once they built up enough subscribers, they would begin to introduce political messages through social bots and encourage dissent in this, in this astroturfing — the whole point is, once they hit a critical mass, they would create ‘Rent-a-Riots”

“You're using Cayman Islands bank accounts. You're saying it's, you're earmarking it for Pakistani aid.” But the money was never sent to Pakistan, it was sent to the Cayman Islands to fund this whole operation

All this and much more is broken down extremely well in this video. This is INSANE