Vance VP Pick

The love of my life for VP was Tim Scott

Vance however is a great choice
I was on the same plane as Tim Scott from Charleston to Atlanta Monday morning (this after sitting RIGHT BESIDE him on a trip from DC to Charleston two weeks prior!). I totally thought he was on his way to Milwaukie to accept the nod and intended to tell him so when I walked past him on the plane--but he was already engrossed in his iPad with Headphones on when I walked past him, so I let him be. As an aside, it's crazy how few people on the plane recognized him. Same for the trip back from DC a few weeks ago.

FWIW, of course I did talk to him some on the trip back from DC--him sitting right beside me and all. He's a really likeable guy.
lol Trump is already thinking about dumping Vance after another disastrous stump speech yesterday.
  • Haha
Reactions: dpic73
The leftwards are happy and in full spin mode. Gotta love the enthusiasm though right before getting run over by the Trump Train.
The leftwards are happy and in full spin mode. Gotta love the enthusiasm though right before getting run over by the Trump Train.
I don't know Growls, I've been listening to that train and the whistle sounds like it's getting further from the station. Can you hear it?