I question everything and why are things done in such a fashion to find fact.
There is little pure care and love in the public domain. I relish in NUTRITION FACTS on every food label. Just think if every American generally followed(yes accommodations for age, height, fitness) the recommended intake every day? Simple proper choice and you’d wipe out BILLIONS in the medical industry from medications, surgeries, ER visits. And it’s all there for us to follow. Refreshing but 50% of the population blow through their sodium and sugar allotments by lunch.
ADA parking spaces - 90% are always empty. Why? People don’t want to go through the hassle/don’t want to be reminded they are “disabled”. Tomorrow, I’d replace the signs: “if you are able bodied, don’t fvckin park here for someone who needs it.” So pregnant women, the guy who rolled his ankle and needs the access for a week, the permanently injured too proud for the placard woman can park there. Those that abuse it, they are the fvcksticks doing shit anyway.
If you are SO IDEOLOGICALLY WIRED/PREDETERMINED of certain way people need to live, I can’t help you. You have to search within your own mind for that. I do know that Crayola has 64 crayons in the box. There are many POSITIVE ways to live a life even though it’s not for everyone. At the same time, I don’t need to be bullied that I must use Burnt Sienna because some group thinks so. We are on our path to 64 different support groups when natural selection and the accommodation is already provided. We have Civil Rights, we have the US CONSTITUTION. We have made proper accommodations where the original agreement needed updating.
I don’t see same sex, I don’t see race. I don’t see political parties.
Why? They immediately lie and shape opinion and away from fact and truth. I search for fact first to create opinion. Most people do it the other way.
Is it a fact that 99.44%(I made up that number but it’s a fair assessment for discussion) of doors are rectangular shape? Yes. But Why?
Cause we respect mathematics, precision, gravity, predictability, reliability. The other small percentage is done for ornamental purposes. We accept those outliers for the art form and function it provides. If the hexagonal door consortium demands we accept them. We scoff at the waste of time and money it is.
(I know what you’re thinking. He keeps avoiding same sex marriage. Getting there.)
We need to produce responsible, caring humans. That is my OPINION based upon the going concern that humanity perpetuates. If you disagree with the bold statement, then what I’m typing next doesn’t matter.
Mathematical fact
“Children are significantly more likely to avoid poverty and prison, and to graduate from college, if they are raised in an intact two-parent family.”
INTACT 2-parent family
Doesn’t say religious, doesn’t say what sex they are, doesn’t say democrat or republican. Doesn’t say what they identify as.
It does say STABLE, CONSISTENT, BACKUP(1 parent dies), EDUCATED.
I will take a 2 person household that fosters all these things. Anyone who doesn’t, simply has hate in their heart.
So, those who want to divide us further by FORCING another letter(another crayon) down the throat, it’s not necessary. You are in the box of 64 already. You are excepted. You have Civil Rights(random archaic laws be damned). Be Gay, Be Straight, Be Furry, BE FVCKIN RESPECTFUL. Not all 64 crayons get used. Forcing equal coloring won’t work. Be the best crayon you can be.
Religious marriage deemed by archaic reasonable traditional thought? It’s very good. It’s also rife with abuse and divorce. There are also supplemental partnerships that are as good and sometimes better.
I think many of us in here are very much wanting the same outcome but are having trouble determining the process to get there
I for example can start talking about my economic ideology and say I believe in supply side economics and free markets which let’s say a person agrees with me on that
Now I mention Donald Trump as the Choice of mine Over Joe Biden the whole conversation with most people goes to shit
Its not that I am particularly fond of Trump but I am fond of the outcome when essentially Trump will be the better choice out of the two to deliver what I want
I hope that makes the point that when choosing to commit suicide I want to pick the most pleasant way to die if I must die
I really don’t like many of the choices we find ourselves having to make but it is what it is
Thanks for some dertails on your thinking
We share a lot I think but probably disagree some but that spice makes a better world when approached with a calm demeanor and civility