Wanting to be Informed and Educated by Political Folks in the Know about Biden Trump and Consequences of a Trainwreck between now and January 20, 2025


The Jack Dunlap Club
Gold Member
Jan 25, 2009
OK Folks I have a very limited knowledge of the election process and in regard to "what ifs" although I could probably reason through the process.

My question is WHAT IF for example after the candidates are nominated and in the process of running have something happen to them?

Then what happens if one is elected and from the election date to the swearing in date, they become unable to serve?

Although @iceheart08 and my politics and ideology are somewhat polar on many subjects, I do believe he respects the rule of law and is probably the most informed regarding this situation.

My money is on Biden having something happen, however Trump at his age is also at a higher risk.

Sir iceheart08 would you weigh in to educate and inform me as to the consequences and results of a catastrophe if one occurred between now and January 20, 2025.
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OK Folks I have a very limited knowledge of the election process and in regard to "what ifs" although I could probably reason through the process.

My question is WHAT IF for example after the candidates are nominated and in the process of running have something happen to them?

Then what happens if one is elected and from the election date to the swearing in date, they become unable to serve?

Although @iceheart08 and my politics and ideology are somewhat polar on many subjects, I do believe he respects the rule of law and is probably the most informed regarding this situation.

My money is on Biden having something happen, however Trump at his age is also at a higher risk.

Sir iceheart08 would you weigh in to educate and inform me as to the consequences and results of a catastrophe if one occurred between now and January 20, 2025.
Icebeart is the most confident in his opinion, but he might be wrong.

We are in uncharted waters and either way it will end up in the courts.

Ari Emmanuel, I believe a lawyer and top Democrat donor, has this to say.

“He is not the candidate anymore. This is a legal issue now. You can no longer remove him in three swing states: Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan. There's only one democratic congress. Michigan. They have to vote to remove him. I don't believe the Republican party in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin will do that. And, if they do, it's then Kamala Harris. This is legal, so lawyers will have to look at this. Now, there are some questions about whether the delegates can do something... The lifeblood of a campaign is money, and maybe the only way this gets solved is if the money starts drying up.”
OK Folks I have a very limited knowledge of the election process and in regard to "what ifs" although I could probably reason through the process.

My question is WHAT IF for example after the candidates are nominated and in the process of running have something happen to them?

Then what happens if one is elected and from the election date to the swearing in date, they become unable to serve?

Although @iceheart08 and my politics and ideology are somewhat polar on many subjects, I do believe he respects the rule of law and is probably the most informed regarding this situation.

My money is on Biden having something happen, however Trump at his age is also at a higher risk.

Sir iceheart08 would you weigh in to educate and inform me as to the consequences and results of a catastrophe if one occurred between now and January 20, 2025.

So many different situations that we have really never dealt with and don't have solid rules/laws for.

The short answer is chaos.

This is a good source for info here:

The reality is that if the nominee isn't Biden, there are going to be lawsuits. If he is the nominee and he wins, then dies or leaves before taking office, there are going to be lawsuits. If he wins and just stays, there will be lawsuits. If trump wins, there will be lawsuits.

Would describe the situation you are worrying about as possible and a total disaster for our country. A "constitutional crisis" for sure that will continue to diminish our power on the international stage and lead to more polarization and inability to function.

As I said in the another thread. The blame here lies on democratic party insiders at the top who let this happen. Who cared more about preservation of their own power and the status quo than actually moving our country forward.
So the answer so far is it is a cluster frack with Dems and Pubs lying and lawsuits on anything that moves or breathes

USA gets nothing good out of the mess